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First place in the competition for the best website of an educational institution

Internet Association of Ukraine
Internet Association of Ukraine

Cookies policy

When browsing our website, information may be stored in files "Cookie" installed by us or third parties on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

This informational document informs about the use of cookie files associated with the browser software of your smartphone, tablet, or computer. This page allows understanding what cookie files are, how we use them, and what means are at your disposal to block these cookie files.

Cookie files — are small text files stored on your device (browser) when visiting various websites. Cookie files are used to ensure or enhance the functionality of websites. They are also used to obtain analytical information, such as user preferences on the site, such as location, language, etc.

You can opt-out of using cookie files through the browser. Browsers can be configured so that cookie files are created only with prior consent or rejected. 

We may make changes to this informational page as necessary regarding the use of cookie files or in connection with changes to cookie-related rules.

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