
First place in the competition for the best website of an educational institution

Internet Association of Ukraine
Internet Association of Ukraine
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Landings_0


Do you plan to start a new business? Landing is great for exploring demand.


Premium design, fast editing, high conversion
During our work, we have developed more than 600 landings that work in all countries of the world and generate thousands of hits per day for our customers.

For today, entrepreneurs know that for more profit it is just necessary to have their own site on the net. But not everyone has a large catalog of goods or services.

Landingpage is a one-page site.

The main purpose is to interest and encourage the user to take action. Landing is usually decorated with a pleasant design and easy navigation.

The landingpage only places information about a particular product or service, while describing all the advantages offered. It is in this difference of the landing page from the usual information site.

What do you get?

  • Geo-targeting
  • Effective Getting Started Text
  • Contemporary, relevant and adaptive design
  • Easy to use
  • Technical reliability: conversion analysis, adwords, multi-linking, Google Page speed, animation, parallax

If you want to save time and get the best site, we encourage you to contact the professionals of your business – the company Glyanec. All your ideas and wishes will be realized.


The best landings in Ukraine

Examples of our landings

All 15 years we have been working on the same engine - Drupal

Our team specializes in high-quality development and support of sites. All 15 years we have been working on one engine - Drupal. Therefore, we know him perfectly.

During our work, we have developed more than 1689 websites operating in all countries of the world and generate hundreds of thousands of downloads per day to our customers. Most of our customers have ordered several websites from us for each direction of their business.

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years of internet marketing

We are certified marketers, programmers, designers who work in one office.

Our experience — since the advent of the Internet in Ukraine.


sites in portfolio

Each site has a premium design, responsive version, fast loading, visual editing, a unique admin panel and the best Google Page Speed indicators.

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They trust us

Comprehensive Approach and Effective Promotion

™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Home_40

Website and Market Analysis

Our specialists will analyze your resource and assess it in terms of optimization and quality. 
We will analyze search queries from your target audience representatives and select the most relevant keywords for your advertising.

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Launching Advertising Campaign

Grouping keywords and creating ads, linking landing pages on the website to created ad groups, configuring parameters, launching remarketing, launching upsells on Facebook, automating and launching product advertising.

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Optimizing Advertising Campaign

During the advertising campaign, we constantly analyze the obtained data and promptly respond to the results. If necessary, we adjust the promotion strategy.


regular customers

Own office, hosting, personnel training, quality control of each project.


What do you get?

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Fantastic sales. Our stores are open 24/7, convenient and reliable

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Exclusive design of each project that is not repeated

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Full ownership of the site, no subscription fees

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Responsive design that looks perfect on any device

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Connection of accounting and warehouse accounting programs

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Setting up contextual advertising in Google Ads and social networks

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Open source. 
Any developer can make changes

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Use of advanced technologies that our competitors do not use

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Chat bot

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Customer support after project delivery

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Information in popular messengers and instant reminders in Telegram

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Connection of various payment systems: Privat24, LiqPay, ApplePay, etc.

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Function “Abandoned shopping cart”

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The possibility of viewing detailed statistics of orders: by country, city, average check

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Generation of promo codes with a fixed discount percentage

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Function “Order tracking”

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Automatic formation of New Post ETN

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Mass update of product balances in stock.

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Choosing the currency that will be used on the website

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Activation of the cashback bonus system and much more

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Implementing AI to your website

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Promoting your website to professionals and promoting it to Google and other search engines with the help of SEO allows you to increase organic traffic and better reach the target audience that is interested in your product.
Одна из основных причин того, почему лендинги так эффективны, - это их простота, пользователю не нужно изучать огромный текстовый материал, связанный с интересующим его продуктом. Все, что нужно покупателю, - это прочитать краткую сводку данных и выполнить целевое действие, а каким оно будет, зависит от вас. Но зачем создавать адаптивный дизайн для целевой страницы и является ли это практическим…
The promotion of your resource is very closely related to the success of your business, especially if your business is online trading. If your site is not attractive from the point of view of potential buyers, and you do not optimize it, you will face bankruptcy on the way, and this is not good at all.

Order a site now!

Just one step to your perfect website

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Full analysis of your site for free!

Submit your site and we will make an interesting and detailed analysis with development tips on our

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