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Internet Association of Ukraine
Internet Association of Ukraine
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Contribution page for DemAlliance political party_0

Contribution page for DemAlliance political party

™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Contribution page for DemAlliance political party_1
A charitable contribution page has been developed for the Democratic Alliance political party. To do this, synchronization with the LiqPay payment system was made. Due to this page, party support can make one-time contributions or issue a monthly automatic subscription to charge money to the account of the selected party cell.

The site administrator has the ability to view all subscribers, payments, and upload them to Excel. Also, sms-informing the administrator about new payments and subscriptions on the site has been developed.
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Contribution page for DemAlliance political party_2
What did we do?
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Contribution page for DemAlliance political party_3
UI/UX, design
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Contribution page for DemAlliance political party_4
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Contribution page for DemAlliance political party_5
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Contribution page for DemAlliance political party_6
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Contribution page for DemAlliance political party_7
Contribution page for DemAlliance political party On tablet
Contribution page for DemAlliance political party On laptop
Home page
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Tools and Technology
which we used to work on the site
Sublime text
Contribution page for DemAlliance political party
Internal pages
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