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™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_0

Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products

™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_1
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_2
We have developed a corporate website with a product catalog for bYuma Medical LP, a company that specializes in the distribution of products for cosmetologists and medical institutions. The main goal of the site is to present the company's products and services, as well as to promote professional interaction with partners.

The site includes a detailed product catalog with specifications, instructions and examples of use. Separate sections are devoted to procedure descriptions, events, blog and testimonials. For ordinary visitors, there is a “before/after” visualization that demonstrates the results of using the products. And for partners - procedure protocols, catalogs, and the ability to apply for the purchase of drugs.

Additional features:
- Ability to register users with document verification;
- Adding product images with a 360-degree view;
- Visualization of the area of application of drugs in the product card;
- Multilingualism: English, Ukrainian, Russian;
- Flexible administrative panel for managing content and applications for partnerships and products.

The website is designed on the Mobile First principle, which ensures comfortable use on all devices, including mobile phones and tablets.
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_3
What did we do?
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_4
UI/UX, design
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_5
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_6
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_7
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_8
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_9
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_10
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_11
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_12
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_13
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_14
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_15
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_16
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_17
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_18
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_19
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_20
Spent time
Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products On tablet
Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products On laptop
Home page
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_21
Tools and Technology
which we used to work on the site
Drupal 10
Adobe Illustrator
Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products
Internal pages
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Corporate website with a catalog of Yuma Medical LP products_29
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