
First place in the competition for the best website of an educational institution

Internet Association of Ukraine
Internet Association of Ukraine
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Landing Page Vlastor_0

Landing Page Vlastor

™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Landing Page Vlastor_1
We developed a one-page site for the Vlastor Tire and Wheel Commissions.

The site is made on CMS Drupal, adapted for mobile devices and tablets.

For customers of the store a calculator of the cost of tires and disks to calculate their value. Also, Vlastor customers can familiarize themselves with the terms of sale of their tires and disks in the store, read the popular questions and answers, and information on profitable cooperation with the store.
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What did we do?
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UI/UX, design
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Landing Page Vlastor On tablet
Landing Page Vlastor On laptop
Home page
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Tools and Technology
which we used to work on the site
Sublime text
Landing Page Vlastor
Internal pages
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