Momentum online store

We have developed an online store for Momentum, a company that sells tactical clothing.
The thematic style presents a convenient catalog of goods. For each item presented, the user can view: description, size chart, select size, view delivery and payment information, view products sold as a set and at a discount.
For wholesale customers there is a wholesale office, which activates wholesale prices for goods.
Additional features:
— Import of goods from Prom.UA;
— Notification of new orders by e-mail and Telegram;
— Install an online chat widget;
— Connection of payment systems and delivery services;
— Adaptive version for mobile devices and tablets.
The thematic style presents a convenient catalog of goods. For each item presented, the user can view: description, size chart, select size, view delivery and payment information, view products sold as a set and at a discount.
For wholesale customers there is a wholesale office, which activates wholesale prices for goods.
Additional features:
— Import of goods from Prom.UA;
— Notification of new orders by e-mail and Telegram;
— Install an online chat widget;
— Connection of payment systems and delivery services;
— Adaptive version for mobile devices and tablets.

What did we do?

Spent time

Home page

Tools and Technology
which we used to work on the site

Internal pages