
First place in the competition for the best website of an educational institution

Internet Association of Ukraine
Internet Association of Ukraine
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online photo printing _0

Online photo printing

це архівна застаріла робота 2009 року, з новими роботами ви можете ознайомитись в портфоліо
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online photo printing _1
E-store for printing photos, business cards, posters, mouse pads, CDs and their delivery to specified address on assigned time. Users have wide opportunities: uploading one photo per time or archiving them before upload, percentage status while downloading large files; you can choose size, quantity and type of paper. Different levels of access are provided – administrator, operator and courier. The following features are available: archiving an order for a printing machine, automatically created envelope stickers with delivery address and price, SMS notification of a courier about new orders, order statuses, e-mail notification of clients about their order status, RSS feed for clients, order search by its ID, business cards templates order, testimonials, printing of jigsaw puzzles chosen from the gallery. [-link-0-]
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online photo printing _2
What did we do?
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online photo printing _3
UI/UX, design
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™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online photo printing _5
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online photo printing _6
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online photo printing _7
Online photo printing On tablet
Online photo printing On laptop
Home page
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Tools and Technology
which we used to work on the site
Sublime text
Online photo printing
Internal pages
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online photo printing _9

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