
First place in the competition for the best website of an educational institution

Internet Association of Ukraine
Internet Association of Ukraine
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online store PodillyaAgroZahist_0

Online store PodillyaAgroZahist

це архівна застаріла робота до 2014 року, з новими роботами ви можете ознайомитись в портфоліо
™ Глянець, студія веб-дизайну — Online store PodillyaAgroZahist_1
PodillyaAgroZahist - a company that supplies quality and reliable means of plant protection, crop material, mineral and organo-mineral fertilizers for agricultural products throughout Ukraine.

For the company we created an online store. The site is developed in Ukrainian and Russian languages.

On the main page are: Slider with photo and text, product category, special offers, popular products, advantages of the company and its partners.

The goods in the catalog are conveniently located for viewing, which the user can carry out both the list and the tile. Administrator can add new products with a convenient and understandable admin site bar.

Other sections of the site: About us, Promotions, Payment and delivery, contacts, links to corporate website, user's personal account.

Also, the site is adaptive, developed import / export products, established a center for sending SMS messages.

Information on the site can be changed with the help of the text editing module.
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What did we do?
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UI/UX, design
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Online store PodillyaAgroZahist On tablet
Online store PodillyaAgroZahist On laptop
Home page
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Tools and Technology
which we used to work on the site
Sublime text
Online store PodillyaAgroZahist
Internal pages
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