Varyatko online store
We have developed an online store Varyatko, which aims to sell toys and goods for children.
For the convenience of customers, there is a personal account of the user, where he can view orders, repeat orders in one click and most importantly specify the birthday of your child to receive a discount on a gift. The percentage of the discount and the time when you need to remind about the availability of the discount is specified by the site administrator.
Additional features:
— Ability to download supplier prices in the following formats: xml, csv, excel;
— Automatic transfer and update of goods from the Torgsoft platform;
— Informing managers about new orders by e-mail and Telegram;
— Connection of payment systems and delivery services.
The site is displayed in three languages and is fully adaptable to mobile devices and tablets.
For the convenience of customers, there is a personal account of the user, where he can view orders, repeat orders in one click and most importantly specify the birthday of your child to receive a discount on a gift. The percentage of the discount and the time when you need to remind about the availability of the discount is specified by the site administrator.
Additional features:
— Ability to download supplier prices in the following formats: xml, csv, excel;
— Automatic transfer and update of goods from the Torgsoft platform;
— Informing managers about new orders by e-mail and Telegram;
— Connection of payment systems and delivery services.
The site is displayed in three languages and is fully adaptable to mobile devices and tablets.
What did we do?
Spent time
Home page
Tools and Technology
which we used to work on the site
Internal pages