Типы лэндинг страниц и их особенности
Лэндинг страницы уже плотно вошли в обиход продвижения и лидогенерации различный интернет ресурсов. С помощью лэндинг страниц вы можете получить желаемый трафик при этом затратив минимум усилий и времени не только своего, но и ваших потенциальных клиентов. Что такое лэндинги мы уже разбирали в статье “Что такое лэндинги и для чего они нужны”. Там же мы поговорили о структуре такого рода страниц и параметрах, на которые может повлиять наличие лэндинга. Но какие разновидности лэндингов существуют и для чего они необходимы? На этот вопрос мы и постараемся ответить сегодня в этой статье, начнём!
Создание лэндинга, на что стоит обратить внимание
Лэндинг страницы это инструмент, эффективность которого уже неоднократно доказана различными графиками, цифрами и конечно же живыми примерами. В наши дни большинство успешных коммерческих проектов используют лэндинг страницы не только как возможность быстро продать необходимый товар, но и как прекрасный двигатель бренда, лидогенератор и много чего ещё.
Лэндинг страницы сами по себе достаточно многофункциональный инструмент. 2020 год продолжает диктовать условия предпринимателям, и вряд ли начало 2021 года будет чем-то отличаться с точки зрения ситуации на рынке. В данный момент все предприниматели мира стараются разработать как можно более подходящее и успешные стратегии ведения бизнеса в условиях пандемии, и лэндинг страницы играют в этих стратегиях одни из главных ролей.
Так же как и контекстная реклама, лэндинг страницы имеют несколько типов, которые определяют их основную задачу с точки зрения пред предпринимателя, запустившего его. У каждого из типов лэндинга имеются свои сильные стороны, будь то призыв к действию или продвижение вашего бренда. Так или иначе, перед тем как заказать лэндинг или создать свою собственную лэндинг страницу рекомендуем вам определиться с тем, какой именно тип лэндингов вам необходим. От вашего выбора будет зависеть не только рост конкретных показателей вашей компании, но и конечный результат и успешность созданного вами лэндинга.
Как создать свою лэндинг страницу: Выбор типа лэндинга
Учитывая популярность данного инструмента не удивительно, что лэндинги не остались “жанром продвижения”, а приобрели разновидности и типы, используя которые владелец интернет магазина или компании может добиться необходимых ему результатов. Продвижение компаний и интернет магазинов это невероятно обсуждаемая в данный момент тема, рынок интернет торговли разрастается, а посему игрокам, которые хотят остаться в топах поисковых запросов и не потерять в финансовом и товарном обороте приходится придумывать всё более новаторские тактики, где лэндингам отведена отдельная роль.
Для того, чтобы получить желаемый результат от создания лэндинг страницы, для начала стоит выбрать её тип, исходя из желаемых результатов. Далее мы рассмотрим все типы лэндинг страниц и пользу, которую они могут принести.
Лэндинги-лидогенераторы: Как привлечь потенциальных клиентов к вашей компании
Лидогенерационные лэндинги это страницы, в первую очередь направленные на привлечение внимания потенциального покупателя вашего интернет магазина к вашей продукции и компании в целом. Такие лэндинги, как правило, используют большое разнообразие всевозможных форм, которые пользователи заполняют вводя свои собственные данные. Прелесть наличия данных форм заключается в последующей возможности проведения ремаркетинга с уже существующей базой клиентов, которую как раз и соберет для вас лэндинг — лидогенератор.
Несмотря на свою направленность в сбор информации — такой лэндинг также умеет продавать. Не стоит думать, что если вы создадите целую страницу форм для заполнения — ваш потенциальный клиент сразу же заполнит её, всё не так просто. Как правило, визуально этот лэндинг выглядит вполне обычно, продвигает какой-то товар или услугу. Отличается он лишь тем, что форм для заполнения в нём немного больше чем в привычном одностраничнике. Это сделано для того, чтобы не спугнуть вашего потенциального постоянного клиента большим количеством немотивированных вопросов, ведь шансов того, что пользователь с радостью заполнит данные просто так крайне мала. Но вот оформляя покупку, и имея возможность получить скидку за заполнение полей E mail адреса, мобильного номера, ФИО и подобного — явно заинтересует вашего клиента. Таким образом, используя скидочное предложение или же рассылку с последними новостями вы можете не только вознаградить пользователя за совершенную им покупку, но и получить крайне ценную информацию для запуска рекламных кампаний и дальнейшего ремаркетинга.
В создании лидогенерационных лэндингов главное не переборщить с количеством форм. Их не должно быть чересчур много, ведь ваш потенциальный клиент пока не готов полностью вам доверять, а значит его мотивация делиться личной информацией будет крайне низкой. Грамотное распределение форм для заполнения в комплексе с красивым дизайном и интересным предложением помогут вам получить желаемый эффект.
“Кликабельные лэндинги”: Как поднять посещаемость и конверсию своего интернет магазина
Такие лэндинг страницы уже имеют целый ряд отличий по сравнению с теми лэндингами, о которых мы говорили ранее.
”Кликабельные лэндинги” отличаются как своим внешним видом, так и основным призывом к действую. В статье “Что такое лэндинги и зачем они нужны” мы говорили о том, что основная задача лэндинг страницы это продать нужный товар быстро и просто. Да, это основная задача лэндинга, но далеко не единственная.
Задача “кликабельных” лэндингов также состоит в продаже товара, но не совсем обычным способом. Как правило, лэндинг, это буквально ваш интернет магазин в миниатюре. Только каталог такого магазина состоит из одного товара, благодаря чему такая страница продаёт быстро и помогает прибыли вашего бизнеса расти. Лэндинг для кликов, в свою очередь, сконцентрирован на том, чтобы перевести весь целевой трафик, попавший на него - к вам в интернет магазин. Такой результат достигается с помощью очень продуманного и интересного описания товара, а также отсутствия возможности оплатить покупку.
В структуру такой лэндинг страницы не входит корзина или какие-либо её аналоги. Вместо всех удобств на такой лэндинг странице есть всего одна кнопка ”купить” или “ознакомиться детальнее”. Нажав на такую кнопку пользователь автоматически переходит на страницу вашего интернет магазина, где уже более предметно может ознакомиться с понравившемся ему товаром и подтвердить покупку.
Казалось бы, лэндинги и так уже упрощены дальше некуда, но страницы, чьей целью является перевод трафика гораздо проще самого стандартного лэндинга. На такой странице также имеется упор в визуальную составляющую и призыв к действию, который должен убедить пользователя совершить покупку. Различие лишь в том, что такая страница может не только принести вам доход, продавая необходимые вам товары, но и поднять ваши показатели посещаемости и конверсии, что никогда не бывает лишним для интернет магазина.
Несмотря на всю простоту структуры такой страницы, даже при создании заголовка вам необходимо многое учесть. Такие факторы как платежеспособность вашей целевой аудитории, её местоположение и интересы, имеют огромное влияние на настройки, оптимизацию и проектирование вашей лэндинг страницы. Для того, чтобы создать правильную лэндинг страницу, вам нужно знать свою целевую аудиторию в лицо, о том как это сделать мы рассказывали вам в статье “Исследование аудитории”.
Сбор информации и непосредственно создание такой страницы требует определенных навыков, которые вы могли приобрести, если ранее работали в сфере создания сайтов. Если же такого опыта у вас нет и вы не хотите тратить лишнее время на внесения правок и постоянное доделывание упущенных моментов — дизайн студия Глянец готова создать для вас лэндинг. Студия Глянец занимается созданием интернет магазинов, разработкой сайтов на заказ и проектированием корпоративных ресурсов на протяжении 12 лет. За это время студией создания сайтов Глянец было спроектировано и запущено более тысячи ресурсов, ознакомиться с которыми вы можете в портфолио на сайте студии. Специалисты веб студии Глянец на основании ваших пожеланий могут не только помочь вам с проектированием успешной лэндинг страницы, но и могут создать для вас интернет магазин, если вы только планируете переход в интернет торговлю. Ознакомиться детальнее со всеми услугами, которые предоставляет студия Глянец вы можете посетив сайт компании и перейдя в соответствующую вкладку.
Как настроить E-mail рассылку: Собираем данные с помощью лэндинга
Это ещё одна разновидность лэндинг страниц, созданная для сбора информации. В отличие от лидогенерационных лэндингов — этому типу присуща одна форма, форма куда пользователь будет вносить свой Email.
Этой разновидностью лэндингов чаще пользуются компании, предоставляющие те или иные услуги. Главной мотивацией для пользователя на таком лэндинге является возможность быстро узнавать об акциях и скидках на услуги компании, или же дополнительные скидки распространяющиеся только на подписанных на рассылку пользователей.
Такие лэндинги запускают перед разработкой E-mail рассылок. Пока лэндинг привлекает представителей ваше целевой аудитории красивым дизайном, интересными предложениями и собирает для вас досье электронных почтовых ящиков, вы разрабатываете текст, прочитав который пользователь просто не сможет устоять и обязательно обратится к вам.
Запуск такого лэндинга увеличивает шансы на успех и эффективность запуска E-mail рассылки, плюс ко всему вы получаете актуальную информацию о почтовых ящиках, а не данные из баз, которым может быть уже более десяти лет. Таким образом запуск рекламной рассылки может стать ещё одним вашим каналом рекламы, а лэндинг страница поможет вам в этом.
Как сделать свой интернет магазин более прибыльным: Продающая лэндинг страница
Данный тип лэндингов уже больше похож на то, о чем мы говорили ранее, обсуждая структуру лэндингов.
Такой лэндинг в первую очередь направлен на продажу товара и практически никак не связан с вашим интернет магазином. Он не ведет пользователей в ваш каталог или что-то вроде того. Максимум как такой лэндинг может прорекламировать вашу компанию, это если вы разместите на нём свой логотип, и желательно делать это не на первом плане.
Главной целью такой страницы является продажа товара потенциальному покупателю. Отсюда следует невероятный упор в дизайн и текстовую составляющую. Описание вашего продукта или услуги должно убедить в надобности покупки или заказа даже пользователя, который изначально не планировал ничего заказывать, а зашёл лишь “посмотреть” что вы можете ему предложить.
Имея в арсенале такое описание и плодотворно поработав над визуалом станицы вы смело можете рассчитывать на её успех. Такая страница способна ощутимо сказаться на доходах вашего бизнеса, в какой-то мере продавая даже лучше чем ваш первоисточник — сайт. Это связано с низкими времязатратами на оформление покупки со стороны пользователя и отсутствие необходимости выбирать, ведь на такой странице представлен всего один товар или одна услуга.
Для того, чтобы добиться максимально возможного результата от продающей лэндинг станице, вам необходимо не просто уметь их разрабатывать, но и уметь создавать описания, которые буквально влюбляют в себя пользователей. Если вы сомневаетесь в своих способностях или в вашем плотном графике вряд-ли найдётся достаточный объем времени на разработку подобной страницы, вы всегда можете заказать лэндинг у веб студии Глянец. Специалисты студии Глянец занимаются созданием интернет магазинов под ключ, разработкой лэндингов и запуском корпоративных сайтов. За 12 лет на рынке дизайн студия Глянец смогла занять лидирующие позиции и на протяжении многих лет сотрудничает с компаниями со всего мира. Для того, чтобы более наглядно убедится в мастерстве команды веб студии — посетите сайт веб студии Глянец и ознакомьтесь с портфолио.
Заказывая создание лэндинг страницы в студии создания сайтов Глянец вы можете быть уверены в высочайшем уровне итогового результата и забыть о надобности правок. Специалисты студии разработают для вас любой интернет ресурс в соответствии с вашими требованиями и современными веяниями. Если вашему бизнесу необходимо продвижение — вы можете заказать создание лэндинга, интернет магазина или запуск корпоративного сайта в Киеве посетив сайт веб студии Глянец. Если у вас имеется ряд вопросов к специалистам студии или вы хотели бы более детально узнать об услугах студии Глянец, то напишите менеджеру компании воспользовавшись онлайн чатом на страницах сайта или информацией, расположенной во вкладке контакты.
Как сделать свой интернет магазин популярнее, а бизнес успешнее
Лэндинг страницы это очень многогранный и универсальный инструмент. С помощью него вы можете не только поднять общие показатели вашего сайта, но и повлиять на вашу аудиторию. Помимо этого, с помощью правильно созданного лэндинга вы можете получить ценную информацию о своих потенциальных покупателях, что впоследствии поможет вам точнее проводить ремаркетинг. И наконец, лэндинги могут позитивно отразится на прибыли вашего бизнеса, конечно если вы создадите качественную страницу и учтетё все нюансы её проектирования. Если же у вас нет опыта в создании подобных ресурсов, вы можете заказать создание лэндинга в Киеве обратившись к веб студии Глянец. В команду дизайн студии Глянец входят исключительно специалисты, способные воплотить любую вашу идею в реальность. Ознакомиться с услугами студии Глянец, посмотреть портфолио и заказать создание лэндинга под ключ вы можете посетив сайт веб студии Глянец.
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Cooperation with us covers a wide range of services for entrepreneurs and companies expanding their activities in the international market. We offer professional translation of documents and information, advice on local banks and financial procedures, assistance in registering a business and opening a branch, as well as support in choosing a payment and delivery system. In addition, we can provide you with contacts for registering a legal entity in Poland, office selection, accountant contacts and other services. We make sure that your business initiatives are successfully implemented in the new market conditions.
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How a website audit can transform your business
A website audit is not a simple check, it is a necessity that allows you to deeply understand both the technical and marketing aspects of your site. Is your website optimized for search engines? Does it communicate effectively with your potential customers? The answers to these questions can radically change your approaches and strategies. Ordering a website analysis can reveal hidden issues that are holding back your site's lead generation and customer acquisition potential. Whether you're looking to improve your site's search engine rankings or increase user satisfaction, an audit can provide you with the tools and guidance you need.
We will look at how a carefully prepared audit can significantly improve your website and make it more competitive. We will discuss what aspects of a website are checked during an audit, what benefits it can bring to your business, and how you can order a website audit from professionals to ensure the best results.
Why does your business need a website audit?
Excellent website usability is not just a nice bonus, but a critical condition for ensuring online success. A website audit allows you to analyze in detail how conveniently and efficiently users interact with your site, and how this affects your business's ability to achieve its goals. Here are some reasons why it is important:
- Increase user satisfaction: An audit reveals navigation and interface issues that may prevent users from easily and intuitively finding the information they need or performing the actions they want on your site. Improving these aspects can significantly increase your visitors' satisfaction.
- Reduce bounce rate: When users find it difficult to navigate the site or perform the necessary actions, they are more likely to leave the site without converting. An audit helps to identify and fix design elements that can lead to a high bounce rate.
- Increase conversions: Website optimization can have a direct impact on your conversions. For example, simplifying the checkout process or improving the visibility of a call-to-action button can significantly increase the number of successful transactions.
- Search engine optimization: SEO audit and optimization is part of the overall website audit and focuses on aspects that affect your website's visibility in search engines. Analyzing keywords, meta tags, URL structure, and other SEO practices will help to push your website higher in search results.
- Improving accessibility: The audit also assesses how accessible your site is to people with disabilities. Ensuring accessibility not only expands your target audience, but also emphasizes your responsibility as a business.
- Optimization for mobile devices: Nowadays, it's important that your website is optimized for mobile users. An audit will help ensure that your website works efficiently on all types of devices, improving the overall user experience.
Ensuring a high quality website is an investment in customer satisfaction and the efficiency of your online space. Ordering a professional audit can help you identify critical issues and resolve them before they negatively affect your business. You can read more about SEO promotion in the article "Features of SEO optimization of an online store"
How the audit is conducted and what we offer
Website audit is a complex process that includes several key stages. Each stage has its own specifics and requires a detailed approach. Our team of specialists uses advanced technologies and techniques to ensure the highest quality of services. This is how we work:
- Audit planning: First of all, we identify your business goals and website features. This helps us to prepare a personalized audit plan that takes into account all the necessary aspects: from technical analysis to user experience assessment.
- Technical audit: At this stage, we check the technical component of the website: coding, information architecture, compliance with SEO and web accessibility standards. We identify technical errors that may prevent the site from being indexed by search engines or impair overall performance.
- User experience (UX) audit: We analyze how visitors interact with your website and evaluate the usability of the interface. In this context, we can also put a heatmap on the site. Heatmaps allow you to visualize where users click most often, how long they stay on certain segments of the page, and how they scroll through the page. This is very useful for improving page structure and content.
- Report and recommendations: At the final stage, we compile a detailed report that includes all the issues we found and specific recommendations for fixing them. We provide practical advice that can be implemented quickly to improve your website.
- Support and optimization: After the audit, we also offer website maintenance and optimization services. This can include regular updates, monitoring of website performance, and additional checks for compliance with changed requirements or technologies.
Our goal is not just to identify problems, but to provide you with the tools and knowledge to solve them effectively, so that your website not only works at full capacity, but also helps you grow your business.
Glyanec provides professional website audit services that include technical audit, usability testing, SEO optimization, and analysis of your website's accessibility and security. We use advanced tools, such as heatmaps, to analyze user behavior in depth, allowing us to offer targeted and effective solutions for each client.
If you want to ensure that your website functions at the highest level, meets all modern requirements, and works as a powerful tool for your business, contact us. Order a website audit in Glyanec today and take the first step towards improving your online space. We guarantee a professional approach and dedication to achieving your business goals.
What are the advantages of websites over mobile apps?
Different companies are faced with the choice between developing mobile apps and websites every day. While mobile apps may seem convenient and innovative, it's important not to ignore the numerous advantages of websites. Ordering a website is not just an investment in an online presence, but a strategic decision that can significantly reduce development and maintenance costs, provide a wider audience reach, and improve search engine rankings.
We'll take a closer look at why websites compare favorably to mobile apps, analyzing their functionality, accessibility, and maintenance costs. The importance of websites in today's digitalized landscape cannot be underestimated, as they play a key role in attracting customers, expanding the market, and optimizing the user experience.
What is a website and a mobile application?
Websites and mobile apps play vital roles in promoting a business, but they have significant differences. A mobile app is a program downloaded and installed on a mobile device that can use the phone's system capabilities, such as a camera, GPS, or gyroscope. They can offer a more personalized experience, but they require significant investment to develop and maintain.
Therefore, choosing between website development and in-house development usually turns out to be a more profitable and effective solution.
Main advantages of websites
Websites offer a number of benefits that make them an attractive choice for businesses of all sizes. Let's take a look at a few of the key benefits you should consider when considering a website for your business.
- Universal access: One of the main advantages of websites is their accessibility. Visitors can access your site from any device that has an Internet connection, regardless of the operating system. This provides a wide audience reach and the ability to attract more potential customers.
- Cost-effectiveness: Ordering a website is often much cheaper than developing a mobile app. The cost of developing and maintaining a website is lower because you don't need to create separate versions for different platforms, such as iOS and Android. In addition, updates and changes to the site can be implemented faster and easier, which reduces overall maintenance costs.
- SEO and marketing benefits: Websites provide better opportunities for search engine optimization (SEO). This means that your website can rank higher in search engines, increasing the chances of being discovered by potential customers. Optimizing your website for search engines helps to increase its visibility and attract more organic traffic.
- Improving the user experience: Websites can offer a rich and user-friendly user interface that is adapted for different devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. With a responsive design, users can easily navigate the site, which improves the overall user experience and can increase conversion rates.
With these benefits in mind, building a website is a rational choice for businesses looking to maximize the benefits of their online presence. Not only do websites save money and resources, but they also provide ample opportunities to scale and grow your business.
Why do users abandon mobile apps?
Despite the significant development of mobile technology and the increase in the number of available apps, many users still prefer websites. This is due to a number of reasons that point to certain disadvantages of mobile apps and limitations that can affect the user experience.
Most users do not see the need to install mobile applications when they can easily access the same services or information through a website on their laptop or smartphone via a browser. This is especially true for those services that users use infrequently or sporadically.
Additionally, users emphasize that mobile apps often take up too much space on their devices, which can be critical for those with limited storage space. There are also concerns about battery and mobile data consumption, especially when apps are running in the background or transferring large amounts of data.
Privacy and security issues
One of the biggest concerns that pushes users away from mobile apps is the issue of privacy and security. Many apps require extensive permissions to access personal information such as contacts, location, social media data, and even personal files, which raises concerns among users about how this data is collected, stored, and used. There is also a fear that mobile apps may be vulnerable to hacking, especially those that store sensitive financial data or personal information. Data breaches at large companies that have made headlines only reinforce these concerns.
These factors contribute to the fact that many users prefer to use websites that do not require a download and provide quick access to services without the need to install resource-consuming applications. This confirms that websites can be a more convenient and secure solution for many users. However, for many companies, creating a website will prove to be the most optimal solution to effectively attract customers and provide high quality service with minimal costs and complexity.
To summarize, a careful choice between website and mobile app development should be based on the specific needs of the business, its target audience, and available resources. However, for many companies, ordering a website will prove to be the most optimal solution that allows them to effectively attract customers and provide high quality service with minimal costs and complexity.
What are progressive web applications and what are their advantages
Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are changing the way we think about what websites can do. This technology combines the best of the web and mobile applications, offering speed and usability that was previously only possible in apps. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what progressive web apps are, what technologies are behind them, their benefits, and key implementation considerations. We will pay special attention to how progressive web applications can transform your business by providing a better user experience and increasing productivity.
What are progressive web applications?
Progressive web applications are a type of software that is split into a website and a mobile application. This allows users to install web applications on their devices and use them in a similar way to regular mobile applications. An important feature of PWAs is that they use web browser technologies but offer functionality that is usually associated only with mobile applications.
The PWA concept was first introduced by Google in 2015. The goal was to make the web experience as convenient and fast as possible. Since then, the technology has gained significant development and support, especially from companies seeking to improve the mobile user experience without losing the versatility and accessibility of the web.
Technologies used in advanced web applications
Progressive web applications use a number of modern web technologies to provide users with an experience that is as close as possible to mobile applications. The most important of these technologies are:
- Service Workers - scripts that run in the background, independently of the web page, and allow you to manage network requests, cache resources, and use push notifications.
- Manifest file - a JSON file that allows developers to install a web application on the home screen, set the icon and the start screen.
- Using HTTPS - ensuring the security of user data and the reliable operation of web applications.
Why progressive web applications are better than traditional sites
Improving the user experience
Progressive web applications are characterized by extremely fast loading speeds and high responsiveness, which is ensured by data caching and intelligent management of network requests. This means that users are able to access content instantly, regardless of the quality of their Internet connection, which significantly improves the overall user experience.
Offline access and support for push notifications
One of the defining features of PWA is the ability to work offline. This is achieved thanks to Service Workers technology, which allows web applications to cache important content and provide access to it without the need for an Internet connection. In addition, PWAs can use push notifications to inform users about news, updates, or special offers even when they are not using the web application.
Increase engagement and conversion rates
Thanks to better user experience and offline capabilities, PWAs demonstrate high rates of user engagement and increased conversions. The ability to load quickly and run smoothly on any device ensures higher customer loyalty and a higher likelihood of completing targeted actions, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form.
Steps to implement progressive web applications in your business
Implementing progressive web applications may seem daunting, but with the right approach, the process can be efficient and smooth. Here are the basic steps to integrate PWA into your business:
- Audit the current state of the website - check if your site is ready for conversion to PWA. This includes ensuring HTTPS compatibility, site responsiveness on different devices, and the availability of all necessary technical aspects.
- Developing and configuring Service Workers is a key component of PWA that allows the website to work offline and use push notifications.
- Creating a web app manifest - a manifest allows users to add your app to the home screen of their devices, providing easier access and a more native experience.
- PWA testing - ensure that your PWA works properly across all devices and browsers, with special attention to offline mode and loading speed.
- Monitoring and updating - once your PWA is up and running, it's important to keep it up to date and make updates to resolve any issues or improve functionality.
To illustrate how easily and quickly users can install a progressive web application on their devices, we have prepared an animated GIF. This GIF shows the process from the moment a user visits a website to the moment they install the web application on the home screen of their mobile device. This demonstrates the simplicity and ease of use of PWAs, as well as their ability to offer a native experience through a web browser.
Progressive web apps are a powerful tool for business development, offering speed, convenience, and an enhanced user experience comparable to native mobile apps. They allow you to achieve a high level of customer engagement, provide the ability to work offline and send push notifications, which is critical in today's dynamic market. Thanks to their ease of installation and efficiency, PWAs can significantly increase conversion rates and improve the overall user experience.
If you're looking for a way to make your web experience more efficient and engaging, progressive web applications can be a great solution. Remember that proper implementation and ongoing updates are essential to the success of any technology solution. Don't hesitate to bring in professionals to help you optimize your website to turn it into a responsive web app and take full advantage of its capabilities.
Virtual fitting rooms in online stores: how artificial intelligence is changing shopping
In a world where technology is changing every aspect of our lives, online shopping has become one of the fastest growing areas. However, despite all the convenience that shopping from home offers, there is one problem that still makes many shoppers hesitate before clicking the "buy" button: the inability to try on clothes before buying. This is where innovative technologies, such as virtual fitting rooms, come into play, promising to revolutionize the way we buy clothes online.
Virtual fitting room is a cutting-edge technology that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to allow customers to try on clothes virtually before making a purchase. This innovation has the potential not only to provide a better online shopping experience, but also to fundamentally change the entire retail sector.
Our company is closely monitoring this area of technology and expects its rapid development in the near future. We believe that the integration of such innovations will not only increase customer satisfaction, but will also significantly improve the efficiency of online stores by reducing the number of returns due to mismatched sizes or appearance of goods.
Evolution of virtual fitting rooms
From early experiments to today's advanced systems, virtual fitting rooms have come a long way. Initial attempts to implement digital solutions for trying on clothes were criticized due to poor visualization quality and limited functionality. However, with the advent of advanced artificial intelligence technologies and improved image processing algorithms, virtual fitting rooms are becoming much more accurate and useful for the end user.
The key to the success of virtual fitting rooms lies in the use of a range of technologies. This includes computer vision, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and image processing algorithms. These technologies allow to analyze users' photos in real time, adapting clothes to their body parameters. In addition, advanced interfaces ensure that these systems are intuitive and easy to use.
Benefits for consumers and businesses
Virtual fitting rooms offer significant benefits for both customers and store owners. For consumers, it is an opportunity to visually assess how the clothes will fit them without having to visit a physical store or wait for the goods to be delivered. This significantly increases customer satisfaction and reduces the number of returns. On the other hand, retailers are able to attract more customers by offering a unique shopping experience and reduce the costs associated with handling returns. As a result, virtual fitting rooms not only boost sales but also improve business sustainability.
Online fitting - how does it work?
Integrating a virtual fitting room into a website requires a comprehensive approach that includes the development or implementation of specialized software. This software uses artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze user-entered data, such as body measurements, or even real-time photos or videos to create an accurate virtual image on which to "try on" clothes.
Artificial intelligence plays a key role in the functioning of virtual fitting rooms, as it analyzes and processes user data to create an accurate three-dimensional model. Such systems can recommend the most suitable size of clothing, taking into account not only the size but also the personal preferences of users regarding the fit of clothing. The introduction of virtual fitting rooms is changing not only the way people buy clothes, but also the overall online shopping experience. Customers are able not only to visually see how the clothes will look on them, but also to experiment with different styles and colors without the need to physically visit the store. This interactive approach can greatly enhance the user experience, increasing shopping satisfaction while reducing the likelihood of returning an item due to a failure to meet expectations.
Advantages of online clothing fitting
The use of online clothing fitting technologies brings significant benefits that affect both the consumer experience and the efficiency and sustainability of retail business models. Let's look at the key aspects of these benefits:
Reducing the number of product returns
One of the biggest challenges for online retailers is the high number of returns, which is often due to mismatches in sizing or customer expectations of how the product looks. Online clothing fitting can significantly reduce this risk by giving customers a better understanding of how the clothes will fit them, which in turn leads to more confident purchases and fewer returns.
Increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty
Enhancing the online shopping experience through a virtual fitting room helps to increase overall customer satisfaction. Interactivity and personalization of purchases strengthen the relationship between brands and their customers, encouraging repeat purchases and increasing loyalty.
Impact on environmental friendliness and business sustainability
Reducing the number of returns not only improves economic efficiency for businesses, but also has a positive impact on the environment. Reducing the need to transport returned goods helps to reduce the carbon footprint of companies, making them more sustainable and environmentally responsible.
The future of the fitting room for an online store
One of the main trends is to improve the accuracy and interactivity of virtual fitting rooms through the expanded use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This includes the development of algorithms that can analyze the more subtle nuances of users' figures, as well as integration with virtual and augmented reality to create a more immersive fitting experience.
Artificial intelligence not only improves virtual fitting rooms, but also opens up new opportunities for personalizing fashion offers. This can include automatic clothing recommendations based on previous purchases, lifestyle, and personal preferences, which will significantly improve the user experience and shopping efficiency.
By closely following these trends and actively experimenting with virtual fitting rooms, our company strives not only to optimize our customers' experience, but also to act as an integration leader in the market. Recognizing the importance of these innovations, we are confident that the further introduction and development of virtual fitting rooms will not only contribute to the growth of our company, but will also play an important role in shaping the future of online retail by making shopping more convenient, personalized and sustainable.
What is the importance of ISO certification for a website and how does it increase trust and recognition?
Every day, online security is becoming more and more important for businesses and their customers, and ISO certification is a key tool to ensure that websites are trusted and recognized. ISO certification for a website is a set of standards designed to guarantee quality, safety, and reliability, and can be a decisive factor in consumers' choice of online retailers and other online platforms. So why is ISO certification important for websites and how can it enhance their appeal to users?
In this article, we'll look at the basics of ISO certification, what it means for websites, the specific criteria a website must meet to get certified, and provide practical tips on how to prepare for the certification process. Through a real-life case study of Bogomolets Clinic, where their website was successfully certified, we demonstrate how ISO can increase rankings and user confidence in practice.
What is ISO certification?
ISO certification is a process whereby an independent organization verifies and confirms that a company's management systems comply with established international standards. Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), these standards cover various aspects of operations, from product and service quality to safety and environmental management systems.
For businesses operating in the digital world, ISO certification is a significant asset. It not only demonstrates high standards of management and operations, but also inspires trust among consumers and partners. Companies with ISO certification are generally perceived as more reliable and secure, which is especially important when choosing an online service provider. ISO is an indicator of a responsible and transparent approach to information management. Such certification can significantly enhance the reputation of a website, thereby increasing its attractiveness to potential customers and investors.
ISO certification is a powerful marketing tool. It shows potential customers and partners that the company controls the quality of its services and ensures reliable protection of information and data, which is especially important for e-commerce and other online services. It emphasizes the company's commitment to the highest standards, which helps to build long-term relationships with customers and increases overall brand recognition in its niche.
The main ISO criteria for websites
ISO standards applicable to websites focus on several key aspects: quality of management, information security, and service reliability. Particular attention is paid to ensuring the protection of users' personal data, which includes data encryption, secure information transfer, and access control systems. For example, ISO/IEC 27001 is a standard that sets requirements for information security management systems, including aspects related to website security.
The reliability of websites during the ISO assessment is determined by their ability to operate stably and securely, performing the prescribed functions and meeting the needs of users. Important elements include the absence of errors on the site, page loading speed, the effectiveness of interactive features, as well as regular content updates and technical support. Standards such as ISO 9001 can be used to assess the overall quality of website management and development processes, ensuring that they meet international requirements.
The application of these standards helps companies not only improve internal processes, but also ensure that their websites are able to effectively serve their customers, increasing their overall satisfaction and loyalty. Compliance with international ISO standards, therefore, becomes a significant step in the development and growth of a company, strengthening its position in the market and in the eyes of consumers.
The story of our client - Bogomolets Clinic, and their experience with the website
Bogomolets Clinic, located in Kyiv, is a recognized company in the field of dermatology and dermato-oncology. It provides a comprehensive range of medical services, including diagnostics and treatment, as well as aesthetic medicine and oncology services. Thanks to modern equipment and a highly qualified team of specialists, the clinic also actively uses telemedicine to provide access to its services to a wider range of patients.
In light of its commitment to its clients and its desire to provide the highest quality services, Bogomolets Clinic decided to become ISO certified. This step was particularly important as it ensures the protection of their patients' confidential medical data.
The certification process confirmed that Bogomolets Clinic 's website met all the requirements of the standard and received the highest marks, which earned well-deserved praise from the auditors and emphasized its role as a key element in ensuring customer trust and confidence. This not only strengthened the clinic's reputation as a medical institution, but also significantly increased patients' confidence in the quality and safety of the services provided to them.
Steps to achieve certification for websites
Preparing for the ISO certification process for a website requires detailed planning and dedication. First of all, a company needs to determine which specific ISO standards they want to implement. These are often standards related to management quality (ISO 9001), information security (ISO/IEC 27001), or risk management (ISO 31000). Each of these standards has its own specific requirements, so it is important to clearly understand what they entail and what resources are needed to fulfill them.
After selecting the standards, you should audit your existing website management processes and systems. This will help identify potential problem areas and determine what changes need to be made to meet the standards. A key element is to establish a quality management system that includes regular audits, process documentation, and continuous improvement.
Practical tips for passing certification
- Involvement of internal and external stakeholders: It is important that all key team members are aware of the certification process and understand their roles in the process. Engaging external consultants can also help ensure objectivity and professionalism during the audit.
- Detailed documentation: All processes, procedures, and changes that have been implemented to meet the standards should be thoroughly documented. This will not only simplify the audit process, but will also help to quickly identify and resolve potential problems in the future.
- Conducting internal audits: Regular self-audits help to ensure that all aspects of site management are compliant with ISO requirements. It also allows the team to become accustomed to audit procedures and can significantly reduce stress during a formal audit.
- Continuous improvement: Obtaining ISO certification is not a one-time process, but an ongoing commitment to maintaining and improving management systems. Continuous monitoring and updating of processes in accordance with new technologies and standards are essential to maintain certification.
ISO certification for websites is not just an added value for modern businesses - it is a crucial factor in ensuring the trust, security and survival of a company in a highly competitive environment. Consumers are increasingly paying attention to the transparency and security of an online presence, and having ISO certification can significantly increase customer trust, strengthen brand reputation, and give a company a real competitive advantage.
Through the example of Bogomolets Clinic, which received the highest rating for its website, it is clear that ISO standards provide not only internal organization and efficiency, but also external recognition and market success. Implementing and maintaining these standards requires effort and resources, but they pay off with significant long-term benefits. Given the dynamic development of technology and changing market conditions, flexibility and readiness to adapt are key to ensuring continued success and security in the digital space.
What is a business card website and who needs it?
A business card website is an opportunity to briefly and as meaningfully tell Internet users about yourself and your brand. In fact, this is a virtual business card of a company, project or specialist who offers its services. In this article, we will talk about features of such an online resource, as well as who needs it and why.
Structure business card site
The main feature of a business card website is its simplicity and brevity. The purpose of creation is to provide users with important information about you or your business in order to introduce potential customers to the brand or its services.
He can be in landing page format, but more often it contains 2–5 pages. Each of them is a separate section containing information about the company (brand), services, portfolio, contact information, and possibly other important information.
The content of the resource informs users who is in front of them, what activities they are engaged in and what product they offer. How to order site-business cards are often sought after by specialists who provide certain types of services. These are photographers and videographers, interior designers, translators, psychologists, confectioners, lawyers, presenters and organizers of events, shoe or clothing repair shops, studios of web design etc.
Basic elements of a business card website
This is the first page of the site that a visitor sees. It contains basic information about you or your business. The content and design of the home page should not only attract, but also retain, the attention of the site visitor. A good headline helps you achieve your goal.a short but most informative description of the activity, services, photos or videos that visually present you, a project or a product.
If services are simply listed on the main page, they need to be presented in a thematic section: describe them in text, add a photo or video with an overview, post prices, terms of service, etc. It is also important to describe the benefits that clients receive from working with you. For example, these are discounts and bonuses for regular customers, a free trial period for using a product, warranty service, etc. Demonstration of additional benefits of a product or cooperation always attracts attention!
An informative portfolio can significantly increase the effectiveness of a business card website. Especially in the case when the visual presentation of services (or achievements) directly influences the choice of potential clients (confectioners, interior designers, makeup artists, etc.).
What will help you create an effective portfolio:
- Select the most representative work or projects that best demonstrate your professional skills, style and talent.
- If necessary, divide your work into categories or project types. This will help visitors to your business card website quickly find exactly what interests them.
- Create a slideshow or gallery for each category. Use images or videos that best represent your work.
- If you already have professional achievements or awards, tell us about it. This is a convenient way to demonstrate your expertise and skills to potential clients or partners.
On this page, post your work schedule, provide your email address and phone number. And also the office address, travel map (preferably interactive). Add a link to your social media profiles(YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok etc.). Place your form here, feedback through which we can contact you.
Additional blocks
Depending on the type of activity, you can also place customer reviews, recommendations from business partners, news, a blog, frequently asked questions, etc. on the pages of your business card website.
Integrate reviews from Google into your website, add screenshots or videos with reviews of satisfied clients. There's no point in talking about what to use only real reviews: the audience will immediately identify fictitious ones, so you shouldn’t spoil your reputation. A block with reviews and perhaps recommendations from partners, most often placed on the Home page or on the page describing services.
If a service provider regularly blogs, reports news that may be of interest to customers, this increases the level of trust in the company or entrepreneur, demonstrates a desire to build a customer-oriented business and active communication.
For example, lawyers review new legislation, hairdressers review hair care products, photographers provide advice on image processing, equipment selection, etc.
Thanks to the information in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section, you can tell more about your activities, processes, conditions, capabilities, etc. Thanks to the FAQ, customers can quickly find answers to their questions. For example, you can immediately find out how long development takes online store. It saves time and has a positive impact on the brand experience.
Besides, this section allows improving website SEO: in text FAQ, there may be keywords and phrases that your audience most often searched for information on.
Overall, a business card website can increase audience trust in your company or personal brand. Its presence indicates that you work openly, transparently, and professionally. And this can be a decisive factor in choosing your business proposal over your competitors.
Who needs business card site
Freelancers working in different fields — designers, copywriters, confectioners, lawyers, cosmetologists, makeup artists, etc. It is important for such specialists to have their own website to present services, provide a portfolio and contact information.
Professionals in the field of education and creativity. Teachers, trainers, photographers, writers, artists, musicians and other professionals can tell their biography on the pages of a business card website, present their works, projects, courses, etc. For them, such a site is truly an online business card demonstrating experience, achievements, and a complete portfolio.
Small business and startups. Small companies, new startups and entrepreneurs also need a platform to present their products or services, attract customers, increase online presence and improve competitiveness in the market. A business card website allows them to quickly and efficiently notify inform the audience about special offers, promotions, and inform about the achievements of your business.
Personal brands. Bloggers, influencers, public figures and others use a business card website to present their activities, ideas, and achievements. For them, this is one of the tools for support and promotion of personal brand.
Event organizers. Organization Experts events, exhibitions, fairs, conferences, etc. use a business card website to advertise and promote their services, talk about successfully held events, and also for registration of participants. For event organizers, a business card website can be a powerful tool for attracting new clients and improving their reputation.
As you can see, a business card website is a tool that allows you to briefly but informatively tell about yourself, a company or a project. You can create it yourself using a website builder or order it from professionals. By choosing the second option, you will receive a high-quality website that will help you present your services more effectively and attract more clients or partners.
Why you should order a business card website from professionals
- High quality design and technical expertise. Qualified specialists have experience in creating fast, functional websites with a modern design and know exactly how to create an effective Internet resource that meets exactly your needs, goals and expectations.
- Search engine optimization (SEO). Pros understand the importance of website optimization to ensure high rankings in search results. They can perform the necessary SEO settings for your business card website, as well as effective online store promotion, which will help attract more customers.
- Adaptive design. Professionals develop websites adapted for different devices and screen sizes so that your website looks attractive on any device - computer, tablet or smartphone.
- Support and service. If you decide to order a business card website or create an online store Va specialized company, you will be provided with technical support and maintenance so that your website is always up-to-date and functional.
A business card website is an important tool for presenting the services of a company or personal brand. It provides important information about you or your business, helps attract new clients or partners, and maintain contact with your audience. It is better to order a business card website from professional web resource developers. Such companies offer an individual approach to creating an online resource that 100% meets your needs and helps attract the maximum number of visitors to the site.
Tools for brand promotion
A brand is more than just a logo or company name. This is a complex and conceptual image created in the imagination of consumers based on their impressions, feelings and experiences with the company's products or services. Creation and brand promotion are interconnected processes, the effectiveness of which affects on the success of the business as a whole.
In this article, we will look at the benefits of a strong brand and talk about tools that can help you increase awareness and improve your brand reputation.
What influences brand formation
Creation and formation of a brand is the process of developing and implementing a unique identity for a company or product that ensures that it is perceived by customers. This is a multi-component process that involves developing a strategy, defining values, creating an image, building a communication policy and working on reputation.
Key components of brand formation:
- Developing a unique identity and value proposition— key elements of creating a successful brand. First, you need to build a clear strategy, form mission, values and goals of the brand. And also determine ways to achieve competitive advantages that will distinguish the brand from others and attract the attention of consumers. It could be product quality, innovation, customer service, pricing, or any other factor that makes your brand special.
- Identity creation (a unique visual brand identification system) - an external image that distinguishes the brand from competitors in the eyes of customers, employees and society: logo, graphic style, color, fonts and font pairs, melodies in advertising, etc.
The main task of identity is for the brand image to be imprinted in the memory of consumers and for them to immediately recognize the company and its products on any medium.
- Developing an effective communication strategy for interaction with the audience, including content marketing, advertising, PR, social media and other channels. The tone and style of communication with the audience, the quality of content and methods of interaction influence the perception of the brand and shape its image.
- Creating a positive and unforgettable experience for customers at all stages of interaction with the brand, from first contact to after-sales service. This is exactly the experience of our clients who are interested in professional online store development.
- Supporting and strengthening a positive brand image by carefully managing reputation, customer feedback and crisis response.
- It is important that messages about the brand and its image were consistent (repeated each time following the same rule) on all channels and interacted with the audience to enhance brand awareness and maintain its recognition.
- Creation of loyalty program sand getting customers to participate in them to maintain a long-term relationship with the brand.
Continuous improvement and adaptation of the brand to changes in market conditions and audience needs, as well as the introduction of innovative ideas and technologies.
The combination of these components helps to create a strong and recognizable brand with many customers, the number of which is constantly growing due to increased loyalty and satisfaction of regular customers and more active attracting new.
Benefits of a strong brand
- Customer loyalty. An influential brand drives customer loyalty because it builds trust and a sense of connection between the brand and the consumer. For an e-commerce business, the foundations of these processes are laid at the stage of creation of online stores.
- Increase product values. A company with a strong brand can charge higher prices for its products or services, which allows it to generate more profits and maintain a competitive advantage.
- Less sensitivity to price fluctuations. A strong brand allows a company to be less sensitive to changing economic conditions and price fluctuations because customers tend to choose its products or services.
- New products are more likely to succeed. New products or services from a well-known brand with a good reputation have a higher probability of success in the market, which creates conditions for business expansion.
- Impact on the market. Creating a strong brand allows a company to have greater influence in its niche market, shape trends and manage industry development. For example, we offer our clients to create an online store with a unique set of features that allows them to be better than their competitors.
In general, brand creation is a strategically important element of the success of any business, helping to ensure stable development and competitiveness in the market.
Main platforms for brand promotion
Own in the website — one of the most important tools for brand promotion. Online presence is key to building an attractive brand image that you can trust. Website -an accessible and effective platform for creating an information base for customers and opportunities for online sales 24/7.
Order a site with unique design and easy navigation will help you present your business as best as possible brand vision, demonstrate business identity, provide unique content and convenient communication tools. Uninstalling analytical tools on a website allows you to track and study user behavior on the website, receive reports on traffic, conversions and other metrics, which is a necessary component of building an effective marketing strategy.
Thanks to the publication of interesting with useful and informative content on your blog, you can show your expertise and value and share your knowledge. This helps increase your audience's trust in your brand and allows you to position your brand as a leader in its field.
Yes, we recently blogged about how Glyanec company has become Google Certified Partner. It confirms high efficiency and professionalism of our team in the field of Google advertising. We have access to innovative tools and useful resources, so we can now run even more successful advertising campaigns for projects of our clients.
A blog can also become an effective channel for presenting new products and services and announcing promotions. Here it’s easier to talk about the features of your products, share user impressions, give tips on use, etc.
A properly optimized blog can attract new visitors to your website. Website through search engines, which will help increase traffic and increase your brand visibility.
Social media
YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and other popular platforms are effective for creating video content, demonstrating products, maintaining advertising campaigns, community building, training and interaction with the audience. Social platforms media provide more space for productive communication (informal and understandable to clients), help build strong connections with clients.
To use social media more effectively, it is necessary to accurately determine the purpose of attracting these channels and the available budget, and conduct an analysis of competitors and target audience. This will help you understand where exactly your target audience spends their time and how best to attract them. As a result, you will be able to find the most convenient and effective platform (or combination of platforms) for brand promotion that suits your needs and capabilities.
Additional tools for brand promotion
Attraction additional tools to enhance the work of the main platforms will increase the effectiveness of online promotion of your brand.
Email newsletter
Sending emails allows you to communicate directly with your audience: inform about new products and promotions, provide information about a company whose image meets user expectations. Through emails, it is convenient to establish contact with potential clients from your base, telling them about interesting offers. This makes it easier to arouse interest in purchasing a product or service even among those customers who did not intend to buy anything.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Online store promotion, whop optimizing your website content for search engines will help increase the ranking of your online resource by improving SEO indicators. In turn, ranking your site high in search results increases its authority and user trust, which helps increase your brand awareness. Investing in optimization will increase your brand's online visibility, drive more organic traffic to your site, and attract new customers.
Contextual advertising
Paid advertising on the platforms Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc. helps to attract the attention of users and expand the audience. This type of advertising is an effective tool for promoting a brand on the Internet, as it allows you to reach the target audience with maximum accuracy. Online advertising provides flexibility in placement and control over your advertising budget: you can choose to advertise campaign strategies and platforms depending on your current needs and goals.
The choice of an online platform for brand promotion depends on the target audience of your brand and its values, the type of products or services, budget and other factors. If you successfully adapt the set of tools to the capabilities and goals of your business, you will definitely be able to create a strong, recognizable brand.
Chatbot vs. Mobile app
By opening up new horizons of communication between brands and their customers, technology continues to influence the way companies interact with their audiences. In today's digital world, where every second counts, chatbots and mobile apps compete for users' attention by offering quick and efficient solutions to their needs. Both tools have their own unique advantages, but chatbots have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to provide instant feedback and personalized service without the need to install additional applications.
This article will reveal the key aspects and advantages of chatbots over mobile applications, providing an in-depth analysis of their efficiency, usability, and impact on the business strategies of modern companies. We will consider how to order a chatbot, study the processes of creating a chatbot, and analyze real-life examples of successful chatbot implementation in various fields of activity. Given the rapid development of chatbot development technologies on Telegram and other platforms, this article will provide valuable insights and recommendations for those considering integrating chatbots into their business model.
Advantages of chatbots over mobile apps
In today's digital space, where speed and convenience are key for users, chatbots stand out for their unique advantages over mobile apps. They are becoming indispensable business assistants, providing effective communication with customers. Let's take a closer look at why chatbots can be the best choice for certain use cases.
Ease of use and accessibility
Instant access: Users do not need to download and install additional applications to interact with a chatbot. Most chatbots are integrated into popular messengers that are already installed on users' devices.Ease of use: Chatbots offer an intuitive communication interface that doesn't require much training or familiarity with new software.
The cost of creating a chatbot compared to developing a mobile application
Savings on development: Creating a chatbot usually requires less investment compared to developing a mobile app, especially if you need to support multiple platforms.Reduced development and implementation time: Chatbots can be developed and integrated into business processes much faster than mobile apps.
Speed of chatbot connection and integration into business processes
Flexibility of implementation: Chatbots are easy to integrate with existing customer service systems, CRMs, and other business tools, ensuring a smooth implementation into business processes.Automation of customer interaction: Chatbots efficiently automate standard customer requests, freeing up employees' time to solve more complex tasks.
Development of Telegram bots and other platforms as an example of flexibility
Wide audience coverage: Chatbots can be deployed on various platforms, including Telegram, Viber, Facebook Messenger, which allows you to reach a wide audience without additional efforts.Adaptation to business needs: The development of specialized chatbots, such as Telegram bots for sales or creating a bot for a website, allows you to precisely meet the specific needs of your business and its customers.
When choosing between chatbots and mobile applications, it is important to consider the specifics of the business, the goals of communication with customers, the budget, and the expected implementation time. In many cases, chatbots offer an efficient and cost-effective solution that ensures a high level of customer satisfaction and helps to optimize business processes.
Real-world examples of chatbot use
Chatbots have been used in a variety of areas, from better customer service to optimizing internal business processes. Below are some real-world examples of chatbots that demonstrate their efficiency and flexibility.
Custom chatbot for customer service
Custom chatbots have become a popular solution for businesses looking to improve their customer service. For example, banking institutions use chatbots to quickly resolve standard customer queries, such as checking balances, recent transactions, or blocking lost cards. This not only increases customer satisfaction but also reduces the workload of call centers.
Create a bot in Telegram for sales: success cases
One of the most prominent examples of chatbots is the creation of a sales bot in Telegram. Such bots allow users to make purchases directly in the messenger, offering personalized recommendations and simplifying the checkout process. The effectiveness of this approach is confirmed by the increase in conversion and sales growth.
Creating a chatbot for your website: improving user experience
Using chatbots on websites allows companies to improve interaction with visitors by providing instant answers to their questions. For example, creating a chatbot for a website can automate the process of ordering services, providing information about products, or helping to navigate the site. Such interaction not only provides a better user experience, but also increases the chances of retaining website visitors.
Order a Telegram bot to interact with the audience
Companies that order a Telegram bot often use this platform to maintain interaction with the audience, including providing useful information, organizing contests or polls. This helps to engage the community and increase its activity.
Chatbots demonstrate their versatility and effectiveness in a variety of use cases. They are becoming an integral part of many companies' strategies, helping to improve customer service, optimize internal processes, and increase sales.
Examples of chatbot usability
The convenience and efficiency of chatbots are becoming crucial factors for many companies and their customers. These innovative tools not only simplify communication with the audience, but also significantly improve the user experience by providing fast and personalized responses. Let's take a look at a few examples that highlight the usability of chatbots.
Automated responses and personalized approach
Quick response to inquiries: Chatbots can automatically respond to common user inquiries such as opening hours, product information, or order status, providing immediate support without the need for human intervention.Personalized recommendations: Using data from previous customer interactions, chatbots can provide individualized recommendations and suggestions, increasing user satisfaction and driving sales.
Integration with different platforms
Availability on popular platforms: Chatbots integrate seamlessly with a wide range of messengers and social networks, including Telegram, Viber, and Facebook Messenger, allowing businesses to find and connect with their audience where they spend the most time.Ordering a chatbot for Viber or another platform is becoming an increasingly popular solution for businesses looking to maximize their reach and improve customer service.
Efficiency in processing requests
Processing a large volume of requests: Chatbots can efficiently serve a large number of users simultaneously, which is especially useful during peak times or promotions, reducing pressure on the support team.Instant query processing: Thanks to their speed of processing and instant response, chatbots provide immediate customer satisfaction, increasing customer loyalty and brand trust.
Chatbots offer a revolutionary approach to customer interaction, outperforming traditional methods of communication due to their accessibility, speed, and personalization. They not only facilitate the customer service process, but also open up new opportunities for businesses to expand their audience and improve the efficiency of internal processes.
The future of chatbots and mobile apps
The future of business-to-consumer interactions will be heavily dependent on the further development of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, which are at the heart of chatbots and mobile apps. Let's take a look at some trends and forecasts that may determine their development in the near future.
Development trends and forecasts
Deeper integration with AI: Continuous improvement of artificial intelligence algorithms will allow chatbots to provide even more personalized and intelligent interaction with users, as well as to recognize their needs and intentions more effectively.Development of voice chatbots: With the development of speech recognition technologies, voice assistants and chatbots will become even more popular as they allow users to interact with systems in a more natural and convenient way.Unity of mobile apps and chatbots: It is possible to integrate chatbot functionality directly into mobile applications, which will combine the benefits of both technologies, offering users a deeper and more meaningful interaction.
Impact of AI technologiesAutomation and optimization of business processes: Thanks to AI, chatbots will be able to not only interact with users but also perform more complex tasks, such as automating internal processes, analyzing data, and supporting decision-making.Personalization of user experience: Improvements in machine learning algorithms will allow chatbots and mobile apps to offer even more personalized experiences tailored to each user's characteristics and preferences.
Taking into account the above information about chatbots and mobile apps, we can see that each of these tools has unique advantages that can be used to meet the diverse needs of businesses and their customers. Chatbots offer speed, convenience, and efficiency in communication, making them an ideal choice for automating customer interactions and improving service. Mobile apps, on the other hand, offer a deeper level of interaction and personalization, which is key to attracting and retaining users.
However, developing and implementing chatbots often proves to be a more cost-effective solution, especially for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to invest in developing complex mobile applications. On the other hand, mobile apps can offer unique experiences that go beyond the capabilities of chatbots, especially when utilizing advanced technologies such as augmented reality.
Given the rapid evolution of technology and changing consumer expectations, it is important for companies to stay abreast of the latest trends in digital interaction and adapt their strategies accordingly. The choice between a chatbot and a mobile app should be based on an in-depth analysis of business goals, user requirements, and available resources.
In many cases, the integration of both tools can provide the best results, ensuring a comprehensive approach to meeting user needs and achieving business goals. It is important to understand that in the world of digital technologies, flexibility and readiness to adapt are key success factors.
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How to create a client profile for retail and B2C
Users are known to respond well to content that meets their needs. But how to find and attract those people for whom your product will be the best? It is necessary to qualitatively research the target audience and create a portrait of the client (Customer Profile).
In one of the previous publications, we talked about how to determine your target audience. Today we’ll talk about what criteria and why you should pay attention when drawing up a client portrait for retail and B2C (Business-to-Consumer, cost to the consumer).
Customer Persona and Customer Profile: distinctions
Customer Persona and Customer Profile — two marketing tools that help you better understand your target audience and interact with it more effectively. But they are not identical, because they have different characteristics and functions.
- Customer Persona
What is a client portrait
A client profile is a detailed image of your ideal client. That is, a real buyer representing a specific audience segment.
Created based on specific data and characteristics of your target audience. These are age, gender, education, level of income and solvency, preferences, interests, lifestyle, problems, needs, motivation of the client, as well as (important!) personality characteristics. Besides, Customer Persona may include descriptions of clients' desires and dreams.
Why is it needed?
Customer Persona, more personalized and specific, aimed at creating an image of a representative of your audience. Allows you to get a clear picture of who exactly your customers are, what strategies you can use to attract them and meet their needs. This information helps create marketing materials, develop a promotion action plan online store and increase sales.
- Customer Profile
What is a client profile
Client profile — a description of the general characteristics and attributes of your target audience. Helps you understand your target group of consumers without going into detail about the specific characteristics or individual characteristics of each client.
Typical characteristics that may be included in a customer profile are age, gender, location, income, education, marital status, spending habits, purchasing frequency, and other demographic and behavioral characteristics. By analyzing these characteristics, you can get an idea of whom the products or services are aimed at.
What is it for?
Essentially, a customer profile is a general description of the target audience (Target Audience Description). It can be used to develop marketing strategies, create content and identify communication channels with the audience.
In general, the main difference between a profile and a customer portrait is the level of detail in the information.
Criteria for drawing up a client portrait
Having analyzed your audience and by drawing up their profile, you can better understand your customers and develop marketing strategies that effectively interact with them.
Since online stores operate primarily in the B2C segment, in order to create a buyer persona, it is important to study a number of characteristics:
- Demographic
- Geographical
- Psychographic
- Socio-economic
- Behavioral
Let's take a closer look at these criteria for creating a customer profile and give examples of how they can help solve business problems.
Demographic characteristics
Demographic characteristics (age, gender, place of residence, education and other characteristics) play an important role in creating a complete and realistic portrait of the client, which helps to better understand your audience and interact more effectively with them.
Audience segmentation
For example, a company that sells products for children can use demographic data (the age of the customers' children) to divide the audience into different segments: young children, teenagers, adult children. This allows marketing strategies and product offerings to be better tailored to the needs of each group. To accomplish what you planned faster, you should order a site, the official online representation of your company on the Internet.
Personalization of marketing campaigns
An online store can use data about the age, gender and place of residence of customers to personalize advertising campaigns. For example, advertising for young people may differ from offers for people of retirement age.
Development of new products
You can also use demographic data to better understand the needs of its customers of all ages and incomes and develop new services or offer new products that better meet their needs. For example, the Glyanec company offers customers to create an online store with Viber- and Telegram-bottom.
Localization of stores and services
Data information about where customers live will help divide the market into regional segments and determine where it is better to open a new store or offer specific services. For example, a restaurant might choose a location based on the income and age of residents in a particular area of the city.
Adaptation of pricing
Information about customer income helps a business adapt pricing to the financial capabilities of different audience segments. For example, it makes it possible to generate discounts or special offers for customers with lower incomes.
Geographical characteristics
Geographic data is also an important business tool. Especially when the buyer’s place of residence, is cultural characteristics of the region and local characteristics are crucial for the implementation of strategic decisions.
Identifying markets and potential growth regions
The company can collect and analyze such data to identify new markets where there is high demand for goods or services. Or to identify regions with growth potential. For example, a convenience food retailer might use geographic data to determine where to open a new location based on population density and resident income.
Optimization of marketing campaigns and advertising
It is important for optimization of marketing efforts. For example, a store can set up an online advertising campaign using geolocation. This makes it easier to show ads only to users who are in a certain geographic area.
Analysis of competition and market potential
Geographic data can be used to analyze the competitive landscape and determine market potential in different regions. For example, a chain of coffee shops may research competitors' geographic areas with high demand for their services to determine the most advantageous location to open a new establishment.
Localization of services and product range
Business can use geographic characteristics to tailor its services or product range to the needs of specific regions. For example, a travel agency may offer different travel packages depending on where clients live. If order site with the necessary set of tools, this will help you quickly achieve your business goals.
Optimization of logistics processes and deliveries
These the data is important for optimizing the company’s supplies and logistics processes, because help determine the optimal routes for delivering goods or locating warehouses closer to key points of demand. If you create an online store with automatic order processing and other convenient functions, this will make your work simpler and easier.
Psychographic signs
Psychographic data includes preferences, lifestyle, values, interests and other psychological aspects that influence customer behavior and decisions. Information about them helps businesses better understand their audience and develop more effective marketing strategies.
Personalization of marketing and advertising
For example, a business sells sports equipment. He can use information about his clients’ preferences regarding sports and types of physical activity to create advertising that will definitely interest the target audience. Professional online store development with the necessary functionality will help you achieve this goal faster.
Audience segmentation
Based on psychographic data, a business can divide its audience into different segments based on preferences and interests. This allows you to create personalized offers for each group and increases the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. For example, a restaurant might create different menus or offerings for several groups of customers based on their culinary preferences and lifestyle.
Increasing the likelihood of successful customer interactions
Understanding the psychographic characteristics of the target audience allows businesses to more easily find a common language with them and create a more emotional connection with clients. For example, a clothing company could use data about its customers' lifestyles to create content that best relates to their interests and values.
Socio-economic characteristics
Socio-economic data is information about income, employment, education, profession, living conditions and other aspects. They help to better understand the economic and social environment in which a company operates.
Defining target markets
Businesses can use data on income and other socio-economic characteristics to segment audiences and identify target markets. For example, a company that sells next-generation computer equipment may be working to attract primarily high-income customers.
Pricing and Pricing Strategy
Knowing the economic status of its customers helps businesses make pricing decisions. For example, a cleaning company may offer different price packages for clients with different income levels.
Development of products and services
Socio-economic data helps identify the needs and priorities of different audience segments. For example, a company selling educational services can tailor its offering based on the education level and income of its customers.
Marketing and advertising
Such data help you choose the appropriate tone and style of communication with the audience. For example, an advertising campaign can be targeted to pre-defined socio-economic groups to maximize its effectiveness.
Behavioral characteristics
Behavioral factors (inclinations, consumer habits, average bill, consumer product mix, seasonality of sales, etc.) influence the development of marketing strategies and interaction with customers.
Personalized Marketing Strategies
Information about customer preferences allows you to create personalized marketing campaigns that better engage your audience. For example, a company can use data about purchases and views on a website to create advertising materials with a product of interest to a specific customer.
Inventory management and demand forecasting
Analyzing customer behavioral patterns helps businesses better understand the demand for their products or services. For example, a retail store can use purchase data to optimize inventory and forecast product demand.
Improvement of products and services
Behavioral data helps develop products and services that better meet customer needs. For example, a company, the gloss that offers creation of online stores, analyzes regularly data on the use of their products to improve their functionality and properties.
Customer service and support
Understanding customer habits helps businesses communicate effectively with customers and provide personalized support. For example, a company can use data on preliminary inquiries or customer complaints to quickly and effectively resolve their problems.
Analysis of competition and market potential
Behavioral factors help to better understand the actions of competitors and identify more successful strategies. For example, analyzing purchasing patterns from competitors will help determine trends and levels of customer dissatisfaction. The results can be used to develop your own strategies.
Creating a customer profile is an important element of the marketing strategy of a retail or B2C business. This helps maintain effective communications with audiences, including tailoring the communication approach and communication channels to their needs and preferences.
It should be understood that working on a client’s portrait is an ongoing process. It's important to periodically update your data and analyze changes in your audience's needs and behavior to better achieve your business goals.
Features of SEO optimization of an online store
SEO optimization is an important component of the successful development of a business represented on the Internet. High-quality promotion ensures high positions of the company’s website in search results, increased traffic and conversions, and improved user experience. The combination of these factors increases competitiveness, which means it helps you quickly become a leader in your niche.
About benefits of SEO optimization we have already talked about the benefits for business. Today we’ll talk about the features of SEO promotion of an online store.
Why is it worth optimizing your online store?
If you decide to create an online store, we recommend that you immediately study the topic of promoting a future online resource and find out how to get the maximum from SEO in 2024.
It is important to understand that quality promotion of the site ensures an increase in its ranking in search engines, and therefore is an important element of the success of your business in the online environment. But achieving high rankings in search results, attracting the target audience and increasing conversions require an integrated approach.
Professional online store development from the Glyanec company and successful SEO optimization of your website will help you get more profit. We know how to create a unique personality for your brand through a customized branding strategy, we offer effective online marketing and professional technical support.
In cooperation with us, you will receive not just a modern website, but a resource that will be in the top search queries!
SEO optimization of an online store
E-commerce has become an integral part of our lives. Thanks to e-commerce technologies, any business can expand its presence in the market, optimize the sales process and provide consumers with the convenience of purchasing goods.
One of the most popular types of e-commerce is an online store. The effectiveness of this retail platform is clear: it provides 24/7 access to an assortment of products. Customers can browse products, compare products, shop online and pay online.
Online stores are websites, but special ones. And SEO optimization for these online resources is different from other types of sites.
The difference between SEO optimization of websites and online stores
The basic principles of search engine promotion are universal. For example, optimizing your website pages for keywords, you can significantly increase the traffic of your online resource. Most popular keyword research tools — Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs.
But Promotion of different types of sites has its own characteristics. To see this, let’s look at the main differences between SEO optimization of an online store and a corporate website, which can also be ordered from Glyanetz.
Content type and site structure
A corporate website usually has a limited number of pages that contain information about the company and its goals, services, contacts, etc. d. The structure is usually more linear, with few categories.
An online store has significantly more pages due to the number of products, categories, groups, descriptions of delivery types, forms of payment, etc. And it is extremely important to optimize its structure for search engines and convenient navigation for customers.
Product Page Optimization
When working with the site, focus on optimizing the main pages representing the business and its activities - “About Us”, “Services”, “Contacts”.
An online store requires optimization of many product pages with unique headings, meta descriptions, product images, etc.
Keyword Format
- Website optimization can focus on keywords related to the company's services or offerings. Typically, these are short keywords (1-2 words) that describe the essence of a service or product.
- Promoting an online store requires special attention to keywords associated with specific products and product categories. In particular, it needs optimization for long keywords/phrases (3 or more words), containing specific characteristics of goods.
Update information
- The content of a corporate website usually does not require frequent updating.
- Any online store requires systematic updating of information about products, including prices, descriptions, stock availability and other important data.
Local optimization
- If a company offers goods or services in a specific region, when working with Item can be used local SEO strategies. This will help improve your site's visibility in search results for local queries.
- An online store may need broader geographic optimization, especially if its product range is intended for a global market.
Working with reviews and ratings
- Feedback from a company's clients is an important component of increasing audience trust, but a website usually posts a limited number of reviews.
- An online store requires actively collecting reviews and managing ratings for each product.
When optimizing a particular type of website, it is important to take into account the specific needs of the industry and type of business, as well as ensure optimal user experience and compliance with search engine requirements. Send a request to order a website you can right now!
Main aspects of online store promotion
It is important to make the most of the keywords related to your products. Therefore, not only basic terms are important, but also specific product characteristics and other words that users may enter when searching. In particular, these are:
- local keywords (for example, order online store Vinnitsa);
- user requests (for example, what are digital goods and where to sell them);
- seasonal keywords (for example, Black Friday) and so on.
Unique content for each product
For each product, you must create a unique description containing detailed information about it. Such content helps search engines distinguish between pages and improves their ranking.
SEO for product categories
It is important to generate readable and optimized titles and descriptions for each category, and add internal links between categories and products. This makes navigation easier for users and provides additional arguments for search engines to better understand the structure of your site.
Product URL Structure
The URL address of each product also needs to be optimized for search engines. It should be short, informative and contain keywords.
Image optimization
High-quality images are an essential and influential part of product presentation. From an SEO point of view, it is important to optimize the size of the image, create and place a caption and correct text description under it; use tags.
Site map
Site map is an XML file with a detailed list of site pages. She helps search engines understand the structure of the resource and index all important pages of the site. This is of particular importance for online stores with a large assortment of products and a list of categories.
A snippet is a short hint text with key queries. It can be seen under the site link in the search results. Users may read this information before accessing the online store website.
Because for the consumer The product he is interested in and its cost are important, it is important to create the most informative description. To attract the client’s attention, you can write about a promotion, special offer, etc. in the snippet.
Optimizing download speed
Google takes page loading speed into account when ranking search results. Fast sites have an advantage over slow ones, which affects the visibility of search results. This means it improves user experience and increases conversions. To ensure fast loading, use caching, image compression, optimization servers and hosting and other effective methods and techniques.
Using structured data
Recommended use a micro-markup scheme to indicate important elements: price, product availability, rating and reviews. This helps search engines better understand the content of your online store and display additional information in search results.
Reviews and ratings
You should train and educate your audience: motivate customers to leave reviews, interact with the rating system for products. This has a positive impact on conversions and increases customer confidence.
Conversion and experience analysis
For quality promotion, it is important to track conversion rates and analyze user behavior in the online store. If you plan to improve the ranking of your website based on the collected data, order an SEO audit from Glyanec.
When optimizing an online store, you should take into account the specifics of selling goods, working with databases, inventory management and other aspects that ensure the success of an online retail business.
SEO promotion of an online store requires attention to detail and continuous improvement, since the competition in e-commerce is high. If you want to better position your online store in front of your target audience and increase its visibility in search engines, SEO optimization can help you increase sales.
What is performance marketing and its advantages
Performance marketing is a concept of working with the market, according to which every hryvnia spent on marketing should bring measurable results to the company. This type of marketing is also called “performance marketing.”
In other words, performance marketing aims to measure and evaluate the results of marketing efforts in real time. The basic idea is to link advertising and marketing spend to specific performance metrics and outcomes: sales, conversions, lead generation, etc.
In this article, we will talk about the advantages and main performance indicators of Performance marketing, compare it with classic marketing, consider the meaning of this marketing concept for an online store.
Advantages of performance marketing
Marketing is an integral part of the stable operation of any business. Engaging effective marketing channels helps you scale your advertising efforts to better meet your company's needs.
At the same time, it is important to find ways to use the marketing budget as rationally and economically as possible. This opportunity is provided in performance marketing.
The main task of performance marketing is to effectively work on sales, specific results. It helps here and now to achieve a target action from the consumer: completing registration, going to the site, calling the company manager, making a purchase, etc.
But the main thing is that performance marketing involves performing actions, the results of which can be measured, recorded, and compared with indicators of previous periods. And thanks to the analysis of these results, if necessary, you can quickly adjust the strategy to more effectively promote the company’s product.
Performance marketing and classical marketing: differences
Performance-marketing — a type of Internet marketing, the key goal of which is to provide businesses with transparent and tangible results.
Most often, performance marketing is aimed at performing 2 main tasks:
- Attracting new clients (=ensuring a flow of clients, expanding the client base).
- Retaining the company's customers (=creating a longer customer life cycle (LTV), forming a loyal audience).
Performance marketing differs from traditional advertising (such as display advertising), where the advertiser pays for impressions regardless of whether the user performs the action.
Marketers often use performance advertising to achieve more measurable results and optimize advertising costs.
Therefore, these two methods are not identical: they have different approaches to strategies, goals, measurement metrics and ways of spending the budget.
Let’s structure the information about the main differences:
Both approaches can be successful in different situations and for different business models. However, performance marketing is considered more effective for many businesses.
Features of performance marketing
Measuring Results
Measuring results provides objective and specific data on how successful a marketing campaign is. This avoids subjective assessments and is based on actual success rates.
Cost optimization
Thanks to the ability to measure and analyze specific metrics, marketers can determine which channels and strategies are most profitable and optimize the company's budget, directing it to the most effective solutions.
The target audience
Performance marketing allows you to more accurately determine the target audience and direct efforts to attract users who are the most likely customers.
Flexibility and responsiveness
The concept of work allows marketers to quickly adapt their strategies to changing market conditions and quickly respond to changes in consumer behavior.
Interaction with the audience
Outcome measurement provides data on how different audience segments interact with marketing efforts. This allows for a better understanding of customer needs and preferences, which in turn leads to more targeted and effective campaigns.
Key performance marketing indicators
To achieve specific business goals, performance marketing uses various tools: pay-per-click (PPC), analytics, social networks, content marketing, etc. It is characterized by many performance indicators that help measure the effectiveness of campaigns and strategies in real time. We list the main ones:
- ROI (Return on Investment). The ratio of profits to expenses. Shows how effectively marketing costs generate profits.
- CPA (Cost Per Acquisition). The cost of attracting a new client or client transaction. Used to optimize advertising efforts to reduce the cost of customer acquisition.
- CPC (Cost Per Click). The cost of one click on an advertising banner or link. An important indicator for pay-per-click advertising is PPC (Pay-Per-Click).
- CTR (Click-Through Rate). The percentage of users who clicked on the advertising material relative to the total number of views. Indicates the attractiveness of the advertisement.
- Conversion Rate. A specific percentage of users from the total number of visitors who performed the required action (for example, made a purchase, filled out a form, etc.). Conversion rate measures the effectiveness of converting visitors into customers.
- Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). Determines the amount of net profit that a client can bring during the entire period of his life cycle in the company. Important for understanding the long-term value of customers.
- ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). The ratio of profit to advertising costs. Helps measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.
- Engagement Metrics. Engagement metrics: number of preferences (likes), comments, retweets or other forms of interaction with the audience on social networks. They help determine the effectiveness of audience interaction with your brand and content, and involvement in your offers.
- Quality Score. An indicator used by search engines to determine the quality and relevance of advertising. Determines how well an ad meets users' needs and expectations, and how it interacts with keywords and the landing page.
- Bounce Rat. Percentage of visitors leaving at website with no interaction after viewing only one page. Bounce rate is important for measuring the effectiveness of landing pages.
These metrics allow marketers to determine how well their strategies and campaigns are turning into concrete results and how to optimize marketing efforts to achieve better performance.
Performance marketing for an online store
The concept of performance marketing is especially important for online stores, as it allows you to spend your budget effectively and maximize the effectiveness of attracting and retaining customers.
Let's list a few key strategies that can be integrated into performance marketing after creation of an online store:
Targeted Advertising
Use precise targeted advertising based on the demographic, behavioral and other characteristics of your target audience. This helps you attract exactly those users who are most likely interested in your product or service.
SEO (search engine optimization)
Optimize your online store for search engines to ensure high search result rankings. This will improve the visibility of your store to potential customers.
PPC advertising
Use pay-per-click advertising (Google Ads or Bing Ads) to attract the attention of users who are actively looking for a product similar to yours.
Social media
Use advertising and organic content on social media to engage with your audience and attract new customers. Plus, social media is a great platform to build a community around your brand once you've made a decision to create an online store.
Email Marketing
Develop personalized email campaigns and send your subscribers messages with new and special offers. Test different subject lines, content, and calls to action while analyzing open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to optimize campaign performance.
Use retargeting technologies to track visitors to your website and show them your ads on other resources.
Analytics and measurement
Monitor key performance indicators (conversions, costs and profits) using analytical tools. This helps to quickly improve your advertising campaign.
Promotions and discounts
Implement pricing and promotion strategies to capture consumer attention and increase conversions. Inform your audience about this on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn). Track feedback on interactions, clicks, impressions and conversion rates.
Website optimization for mobile devices
Make sure your online store runs efficiently and quickly on any computer device. If you are interested in modern development, online store Gloss will bring you maximum profit!
A/B testing
Run tests to determine which elements and strategies work best, and improve your campaigns based on the data received.
With these performance marketing strategies, an online store can make the most of its budget and attract quality traffic, thereby increasing conversions and profitability.
At Glyanec you can order an online store with a chatbot, mobile application, ERP, CRM system, SMS notifications about new orders, courses, discounts, bonuses, cashback, post-launch support and other features.
Performance marketing is an effective tool that allows a business to more accurately assess the return on investment in marketing and advertising, pay only for specific results, and be profitable, predictable and manageable.
Implementing performance marketing strategies can be accomplished by professionals who can provide comprehensive services, in particular, combining performance marketing with SMM, SEO optimization, contextual advertising or other digital tools.
If you are planning to order a site, our team of certified programmers, designers, and marketers will create for you a resource with a premium design, adaptive version, fast loading, visual editing, a unique admin panel and the best Google Page Speed indicators.
Our performance marketing specialists will determine the most profitable channels for attracting customers and tools that are effective for your business. We will help you get maximum results by using your marketing budget wisely.
Advantages of SEO website promotion
Promoting your website to professionals and promoting it to Google and other search engines with the help of SEO allows you to increase organic traffic and better reach the target audience that is interested in your product.
In this article we will tell you about the advantages of professional search optimization of sites, the role and importance of local SEO promotion and the “pluses” of cooperation with the Glyanec web studio.
Search optimization: benefit for business
SEO promotion (search optimization) is a set of strategies and methods aimed at increasing the visibility of websites in search engines.
In other words, this is a whole complex of actions that will ensure internal and external optimization, promotion of technical recommendations, processing of priority pages, collection and clustering of keywords/phrases, formation of strategy ії expansion of the project, as well as the search for new opportunities for business growth.
Main advantages of SEO promotion
Increased visibility in search
Optimization allows a site to rise in search results, which increases its visibility for search engines who use search engines.
Reaching the target audience
SEO helps you gain the respect of your target audience, people who are actively searching for information and products that you would like to create an online store or website to sell.
Increased number of blowers
As the site's position in search results decreases, the number of advertisers who spend on your resource increases.
Improved conversions
Websites with optimized content and improved structure are more effective in converting referrals to clients.
Trust the authority more
High positions in search results are one of the indicators of reputation, which has a positive impact on the perception of your brand by customers.
Compared to advertising, SEO promotion can be more effective in terms of visibility and conversion.
Ability to compete with the heavy weights of the market
SEO allows small businesses and startups to compete with large companies that have a larger advertising budget.
Steady flow of traffic
Clearly optimized content helps to capture a steady flow of organic traffic over time.
Influx of mobile traffic
Looking at the popularity of online gadgets, optimization for mobile devices has a positive impact on the site’s popularity for users.
Regardless of the benefits, investing in SEO can be seen as a key element of a successful online strategy, which contributes to the rationality of building an online store.
Local SEO (Local Search Engine Optimization)
Another important direction of promotion is Local Search Engine Optimization, which promotes the development of local business. Local search engine optimization helps attract customers who are actively searching for goods or services in a specific region. Let's talk about it in more detail.
Features of local search optimization
Local SEO is a strategy for optimizing websites and online profiles for a specific geographic region. The main goal is to increase the position of the business in the search results for local queries. This is especially important for businesses whose products are aimed primarily at a local audience.
Basic elements of local SEO
- Google My Business (GMB). Create and optimize a Google My Business account that includes business information, hours of operation, contact information, reviews, and more. This makes your business more visible on Google Maps and in Google search results.
- Local keywords. Using keywords that reflect your location and services. This helps search engines understand which questions might be relevant to you.
- Local external links. Getting quality local backlinks, especially from local business directories, news sites, blogs and other resources. This ensures your business is added to local directories.
- Local embedded maps. Using a map on your own website with an accurate display of the location of the business.
- Reviews and ratings. Active feedback management and encouraging customers to leave positive feedback about the business. They affect the ranking of the business in search engines and can become an important selection factor for potential customers.
- Social networks. An active social media presence can increase your local visibility and customer engagement.
- Mobile design. Optimization of the website for mobile devices, since the search is mainly carried out from a smartphone or tablet.
- Local citations. Organization and promotion of local events and promotions to attract attention and attract local audience, get local citations (NAP — name, address, phone) on various resources.
Therefore, local SEO is especially important for small businesses and brick-and-mortar stores, as it helps them compete online locally and attract more customers from their local area. You can order an online store and its high-quality search engine optimization in Glianets!
Freelance SEO: does it work?
Many people assume that you can learn the basics of SEO on your own and apply the acquired knowledge without the help of a specialist. Yes, if you wish, you can figure out SEO algorithms yourself. But effective use of these mechanisms requires practice and in-depth knowledge. And the range of this knowledge is wide: from content creation and technical site optimization to link building strategy and nuances of analytics.
Flexible algorithms of search engines, continuous tracking of changes in SEO trends and the ability to adapt strategies to these changes are tasks that require professional skills and experience.
Entrepreneurs who are just starting out and have a limited budget can take the basic optimization steps on their own. And a business that has already reached a certain level and wants to scale further needs the help of professionals. So if you are interested in the development of an online store or website, contact the Glyanets web studio!
We work with representatives of various business sectors — agricultural industry, construction and repair, women's issues, real estate, tourism, etc. Among our numerous clients are government institutions, banks, factories, corporations, agencies, schools, hospitals, catering establishments, etc. They have one thing in common — the presence of a modern, effective site that helps develop business, improve product quality, and get more profit.
We create and promote sites of any complexity:
- online stores;
- corporate sites;
- landings;
- business card sites, etc.
If you have just started your business, our turnkey website development service and effective promotion is an ideal option to start a successful cooperation. We can create a corporate style for you, and then your brand will be remembered by every user who visited the site.
You can choose a minimum tariff and add additional functionality over time and improve your Internet resource. We follow the latest trends in web development and are constantly developing, so we know exactly what each client needs.
The sites created by us are "loved" by search engines, they are fast, convenient and reliable. We always perform work in a timely manner, use powerful hosting, fully optimize the resource for the most current requirements of search engines, use the advantages of advanced technologies.
The "Portfolio" section presents a huge list of impeccably executed projects. Confirmation of the successful activity of the Glyanets company is hundreds of positive and often enthusiastic reviews of our customers. Make sure of this by looking at our cases.
If you need a powerful tool for sales and increasing customer loyalty, contact Glianets web studio for professional website promotion!
Advantages of SEO promotion with Glyants
We work for the result
We carry out complex promotion of sites, focusing on a competitive business niche and set goals. We give advice that will work exactly in your case. Comprehensive SEO promotion allows you to significantly improve the positions of old sites or give excellent growth to new resources.
Many years of experience
In the piggy bank of our achievements, there are hundreds of completed projects and dozens of clients with whom we constantly cooperate. The team of SEO specialists of the Glyanets company successfully works with various market niches and the most complex topics — from the promotion of local online stores to the optimization of large e-commerce projects.
Individual approach
We provide site promotion services, taking into account the specifics of your business, we do an in-depth analysis of the niche and competitors. We do not use templates, practice an individual approach and provide a unique solution to promotion tasks.
Cooperating with us, you get:
- a full range of services: from creating an Internet resource (domain registration and hosting) to filling with content and promotion on the Internet;
- a unique site with a convenient administrative panel, the functionality of which helps to promote the resource in search engines;
- consultations, recommendations and technical support: each client of our company has a personal project manager who is always in touch and also monitors the performance of all work related to the creation of an online store and its search engine optimization.
Stages of work on the project
Evaluation of the project
Before starting search promotion, we do a preliminary project assessment — this is the first step to getting to know your business in more detail. This allows you to see the current situation, identify problems and understand how SEO optimization will help solve them.
What we work on at the initial stage of an SEO audit:
- We are compiling a list of critical problems on the site. We find out what can affect its performance and needs to be fixed as a priority. We fix these errors and give you their list.
- We analyze the niche and competitors. We study the specifics of the niche, analyze the sites of your competitors in search results, identify problems that need to be worked out on your resource in order to bypass competitors.
- We are preparing forecasts and an algorithm of actions. We determine promotion goals, develop a clear plan for search engine optimization and promotion of your site for the near future, describe the prospects of the project. We provide technical recommendations for programmers, connect and configure tools and services necessary for work.
Start of work on the project
- Collection of site semantics and link building
We collect the semantic core and group keywords, to form a list of main keywords for promotion. We develop a link building strategy, monitor how technical recommendations are implemented.
- Active work on the site
We build up a lot of links, we are engaged in internal optimization of the site: we prepare technical tasks for copywriters and control the writing of texts, we check the indexing of the resource, we monitor its technical condition.
- Control and scaling
We analyze site pages and their positions, expand semantics, optimize old content and create new content taking into account the requirements and updates of search engines. We build up the referral profile, monitor internal and external optimization. We analyze the result and adjust the strategy.
SEO remains an important and dynamic aspect of digital marketing in 2024. Experience helps to understand that promotion in Google works effectively, but requires experience, the ability to adapt to changing trends and algorithms, and is a continuous work, not a one-time effort.
If the work on SEO optimization is done professionally and qualitatively, the site will be in the top of the search results. It gets organic traffic growth from targeted queries, high conversion and your business more profit!
Promotion on Instagram
Instagram is a popular and promising business platform that offers a variety of opportunities for developing and promoting your brand. This really powerful, an online tool for selling goods and services. Its effectiveness is due to the large list of possibilities for creating attractive visual content and active interaction with the audience.
In this article, we will talk about the advantages of doing business on this social network, the advantages and difficulties of promoting an Instagram account. And also about why SMM specialists should be involved in this work. If you need professional help, use the services Gloss.
Maintaining business on Instagram
Social media marketing is one of the most effective methods of promoting products and services. In 2022, 80% of marketers used Instagram to promote their personal brand or company business. This has made Instagram the second most popular social network for advertising.
From a marketing perspective, Instagram is much more influential than YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok and Twitter. About 200 million users visit business profiles on Instagram every day!
Promotion on Instagram is the process of increasing the visibility of a profile or business account on this social network to attract the attention of a larger audience and increase interaction with it. Different strategies, methods and approaches help to achieve the desired goal.
Different Types of Instagram Profiles
- Personal account
This basic account type. Designed for ordinary users who do not sell or promote anything on Instagram.
- Business account
Profile of a company or brand. Provides additional analytics and promotion tools.
- Author account
Profile of a famous person who is/may become an influencer. This is, for example, a blogger, musician, writer, politician, etc. The author’s account also provides convenient analytics tools.
Obviously, to promote a brand or a certain type of product or service, you should choose a business account. The transition to this type of account is carried out instantly (after simple manipulations on the profile page) and provides access to all business tools of the Instagram social network.
What contributes to high-quality promotion on Instagram?
Making a business profile
Creating an attractive profile headers, containing a high-quality photo/logo, as well as an informative, concise description that reflects the essence of the business, highlights the brand's personality and highlights the strengths of your offering.
An effective tool for this is multilink, that is a page containing all necessary information about the company, including links to important sections of the site, other social networks, addresses, telephone numbers, current messenger buttons, etc. Instagram profile is an online business card of any own brand or company, and the quality of design and content is important.
Interesting quality content
Publishing interesting and high-quality content that will interest your audience. These could be photographs, videos, stories, ads, messages about promotions, backstage, useful information and anything else that concerns your business, demonstrates what you do.
Interaction with the audience
Interact with your audience through comments, answering questions, polls and other activities that attract users' attention and help you learn about their needs. Active use of Instagram Stories and Reels, live broadcasts, Q&A sessions. That is, formats that allow you to create more interactive content and tell more interesting and useful information about the company.
Worth experimenting with formats: this helps make brand promotion on Instagram more effective, attract more target audience, increase brand awareness and loyalty to it.
Instagram provides users with one of the best analytics platforms among all popular social networks. Analyze results and improve marketing strategies to evaluate performance and make adjustments to achieve better results. If you are interested in SEO audit and website optimization from the Glyanetz studio, you can order the service HERE.
As you can see, Instagram is a powerful tool for developing your business, a “locomotive” for promoting products. This is driven by the ability to create a deep and strong connection with consumers and build a lasting community around your brand.
On Instagram, any business will find its target audience, because there is no such (legal) line of activity for which Instagram would not be suitable as an advertising and commercial platform.
What are the benefits of Instagram promotion
- Attracting the audience's attention
Instagram is a platform with many active users. Promotion helps draw the attention of a potentially interested audience to your brand, product or service through ads, pages or other advertising formats.
- Impact on the target audience
Instagram gives you the ability to fine-tune the target audience for your advertising. You can select parameters (age, region, interests and other criteria) to get the attention of exactly the audience that interests you most. For this, in particular, it is worth update in a timely manner and improve the Highlights section.
- Interaction with the audience
Advertisements can encourage users to interact with your brand through comments, swearing, website clicks, etc., which helps build good engagement with potential customers. Reply to comments, create dialogue with followers, organize polls, giveaways or live broadcasts that stimulate interaction with your profile.
- Visual content
Instagram is a powerful visual platform. Here you can demonstrate your products and services, share customer reviews and feedback, and advertise your own product in a bright, stylish and visual way. Visual is the basis of modern marketing. Don't forget about it!
- Analysis results
Instagram provides tools to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. You can track the number of clicks, post/Reels/Stories interactions, conversion rates and other metrics, allowing you to evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising and make adjustments to improve results.
So, promotion on Instagram is a powerful tool for attracting the attention of the target audience, building effective interaction with customers, increasing consumer loyalty to the brand and expanding business.
Why Instagram account promotion should be entrusted to SMM specialists
The main goal of promotion on Instagram is to improve engagement, convert followers into customers, raise sales, strengthen trust in the brand. Achieving these marketing goals is easier if the tasks are handled by professionals. Therefore, promoting your Instagram account should be entrusted to SMM specialists, and here’s why:
SMM specialists have knowledge and experience in promoting brands on social networks. They understand the platform’s features, understand how its algorithms work, study consumer market trends and strategies that help improve promotion efficiency and, consequently, achieve greater sales figures.
Resource optimization
Professional SMM specialists can optimize the expenditure of time and resources, directing them to the most effective promotion strategies. They know how to effectively use advertising budgets and available marketing tools to achieve their goals.
Creating an Effective Strategy
SMM specialists develop comprehensive promotion strategies that take into account the characteristics of your business, target audience, competitive advantages and other factors that help achieve your business goal.
Content and interaction
Specialists work to create high-quality content, unique content that attracts attention. They know how to interact with your profile audience using the latest technical capabilities of the platform and accessible and effective marketing tools.
Analysis and improvement
SMM specialists analyze your business, your audience and competitors to develop a promotion strategy, determine goals and ways to achieve them. This allows you to optimize your strategy to achieve better results.
Promotion tools
Promotion on Instagram is the process of attracting the attention of your target audience to your profile, content or products/services through various methods and tools provided by the platform itself.
- Advertising campaigns
Creating and setting up advertising campaigns to attract new subscribers or increase brand awareness. Experts use Instagram's advertising capabilities to maximize reaching your audience through advertising, sponsorships and affiliate posts.
- Using hashtags and locations
Add relevant hashtags and indicate locations in posts to increase content reach. Add relevant hashtags to your posts to help increase the visibility of your content among users searching for information on a specific topic.
- Interaction with the audience
SMM specialists interact with subscribers, provide expert advice, share insights and cases, track customer/subscriber questions and answer the most common ones. They know how to give clients knowledge they won't get anywhere else and determine the “pains” of subscribers and can offer decisions related to your products or services. Knowing how to solve customer problems is critical to selling on Instagram.
- Creating content plans
Experts develop publishing calendars to ensure regular and interesting updates to your account. Developing a content strategy, determining content types (photos, videos, stories, advertising), planning topics and publication times. This allows you to attract the attention of users who may be interested in your products or services.
- Collaboration with other users and brands
SMM specialists can organize cooperation with influencers, partners or other brands to advertise your product. This helps increase your audience and improve the distribution of your content. Instagram, for example, is already testing the ability for public accounts to share comments from any post in the feed or Reels in your Stories. The idea is to help content creators highlight important or interesting comments from followers and fans.
Promoting your Instagram account with SMM specialists can be a profitable decision, as they have the expertise and knowledge to develop and implement successful strategies for promoting your business on this social network.
Difficulties of promotion on Instagram
Efficiency promotion on Instagram is as high as possible if you do everything correctly, professionally and be flexible, but some difficulties can still hinder you.
- Changing algorithms. Instagram is constantly updating its algorithms, which can make it difficult to achieve high organic visibility. Changes in algorithms may result in less reach for your content.
- Competition. Competition on the platform is constantly growing. Many brands and users strive to reach audiences, so promoting can be challenging in an environment where many people are in your line of business.
- Changes in platform policy. Sometimes, changes to Instagram's advertising and promotion policies can affect the implementation of your promotion strategy. For example, changes in advertising campaign rules or algorithms may require adaptation to strategies.
- The need for high quality content. To attract the attention of your audience, you need high quality content. This can be a challenge for brands or users who have limited access to resources to create such content.
- Low organic visibility. Declining organic visibility is becoming an increasing challenge as Instagram offers less organic reach to posts due to its algorithms. In addition, many bloggers and business accounts often suffer from shadowbanning. (Shadowban) due to the actions of competitors or ill-wishers.
- Dependence on advertising costs. Reliance on paid advertising can be a problem for some businesses, especially if advertising budgets are limited.
Despite these challenges, Instagram promotion remains an important and powerful tool for many brands and users. An effective strategy, creating interesting and interactive content, understanding your audience, and using analytics can help you overcome these challenges and achieve success in promoting on this platform.
Promotion on Instagram is an ongoing process that requires creativity, regularity and analysis to achieve successful results in attracting attention and attracting the target audience to your brand or products.
Promoting an Instagram account requires a comprehensive approach and strategy, and SMM specialists have the tools and knowledge to optimize your business results on this popular social network.
What are digital goods and where to sell them
Digital goods exist in digital form and can be transmitted, stored, processed and used in a computer or other electronic devices. The main difference between digital goods and physical goods is that they do not require a physical medium for storage or delivery.
In this article, we'll cover the most well-known types of digital goods, where they can be created and sold, and their value to businesses.
What do we know about digital goods?
This category of products includes various types of digital products — from e-books, music, audiobooks, photos and videos to online courses, web applications, software and other types of digital content.
Main types of digital goods:
- Software and Applications
- Online courses and training materials
- Photo and video content
- Graphics and digital templates
- Statistics and research results
- Podcasts
- Electronic books (e-books)
- Music and audio files
- Games and entertainment content
Software and Applications
Some of the main categories of digital goods are mobile applications, services and other software products. They are designed to perform certain functions on electronic devices - computers, smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
Software and applications are key components of the digital market. We interact with these digital goods every day. They greatly facilitate the daily life of users: they simplify work processes, provide various tools for education and self-development, improving productivity, entertainment and relaxation, simplifying communication and information exchange, etc.
Online courses and training materials
Training materials and online courses allow people to gain new knowledge, develop skills and improve in various areas of life thanks to the Internet.
These materials can be found on specialized learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, edX, Khan Academy and many others. Educational content is very popular, so specialists who are well versed in their topic and are ready to share knowledge with others create educational digital products (online courses, guides, marathons, intensive courses, etc.) and sell access to them.
Foto- i videokontent
Current high-quality photo and video content needed by the media, designers and other Internet users cannot always be found in the public domain and freely used without violating copyrights. But photographs, videos, films, TV series, video tutorials or other materials of this format that can be played on a computer, phone or other devices are sold on specialized websites. They are not cheap, but an interested audience is willing to pay for unique and high-quality content.
Graphics and digital templates
Graphic digital content is web design templates, graphic elements, banners, fonts and other digital visual materials for creative work. Used in many areas - from marketing and advertising to art and education. It is created using graphic programs, specialized resources, etc.
The value of such a digital product is that users who do not understand graphic design, but require such visual content, can buy unique photos or graphics on stock platforms and other online sites.
Statistical data and research results
Digital versions of market research results, demand analysis or market trends, other useful information can be presented in PDF, DOCX, XLSX, presentation programs, etc. format. Such digital products may be sold or distributed through online stores, archives, websites, scholarly platforms, and other digital channels depending on the author's or researcher's goals. Statistical data, qualitatively presented in the form of reports, graphs, etc., have their buyer, and there is always a demand for them.
Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, podcasts emerged as a separate genre and became a popular source of interesting and useful information for Internet users. Typically, podcasts are thematic - politics, history, health, communications, humor, fashion, etc. They cover specific issues on a particular topic (relevant or really interesting to many), give advice to listeners/viewers, and offer educational and useful information. content. This is what the audience is willing to pay for.
Electronic books (e-books)
These are digital versions of books of different genres that can be read on computer monitors, on the screens of tablets, smartphones or e-readers, special devices for reading electronic books (for example, Kindle from Amazon).
E-books have become very popular due to their affordability, convenience, and ability to store a library in a compact digital form. They can be purchased on specialized online resources (Apple Books, Google Play Books, etc.), as well as on publishers’ websites and other platforms.
Music and audio files
Another type of digital goods are music tracks, albums or audiobooks. They can be downloaded or played on music platforms or streaming services, which provide access to audio only after payment for the product.
If we talk about the field of creating content for business, then, for example, content makers can sell the rights to use their melodies as background music for videos or other purposes.
NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital product that ensures the uniqueness and non-renewability of a certain object or asset in digital form. Each NFT is unique and has its own identifier that identifies its owner, metadata, transaction history and other information associated with this digital asset.
NFTs can be bought, sold or traded on digital platforms that support digital asset trading.
Businesses are finding in NFTs an opportunity to add value to their products and services, create new revenue streams, increase user engagement and offer unique experiences to their customers.
Games and entertainment content
Video games, online games, digital gaming platforms and other entertainment products are also digital goods.
The gaming industry generates a large amount of paid content: gamers buy it to raise their level in the gaming community and improve their gaming experience. We are talking about game currency, customized character models, modifications, etc. These and similar digital goods are very popular and cost a lot.
For businesses, this type of digital goods is interesting as one of the ways to monetize through the use of advertising in games or entertainment content. The most common options for making a profit are ad units, sponsored content, or bonuses for watching commercials.
Where can you sell digital goods?
- E-commerce
The most popular platform for selling digital goods is an online store website. For site users, the process of purchasing a digital product is almost no different from a regular order in an online store. The only thing is that they immediately get access to the product, for example, by downloading files.
For the seller, the absolute advantage of selling digital goods through his website is that it provides complete control over sales and the opportunity to develop his own brand. The store does not get lost among hundreds of others on trading platforms and can gradually scale up. Therefore, creating online stores is a rational and promising solution for business development in the e-commerce area.
Free Alternativecommerce platform from Glyanec
The most accessible are free e-commerce platforms. There is no need to pay for joining as a user, for developing an online store and its functionality.
The ideal option is the product of the Glyanec web studio - Alternativecommerce. This is a free, ready-to-use design store website created on the Drupal platform.
You can take advantage of our offer right now and create an online store on your hosting or order individual development of an online store from Glyanetz. If you need technical support from our specialists or want to use our hosting, we are ready to cooperate!
- Online platforms
You can sell digital goods on the online platforms Amazon, Etsy (for unique digital goods), eBay, as well as on music selling resources, such as iTunes.
- Digital markets
There are specialized platforms for selling thematic digital goods. For example, Envato Market for graphics, CodeCanyon for software, Udemy for online courses, etc.
- Author Platforms
If you're an e-book or music author, you can sell your books on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Smashwords and your music on Bandcamp.
- Specialized platforms
E-commerce platforms that specialize in selling digital goods, such as US-based Gumroad, allow content creators to sell products directly to their audience.
Each platform has its own advantages and limitations, so before choosing a place where you plan to sell digital goods, you should carefully analyze the market offerings.
When choosing a platform, it is important to consider transaction fees, geographic accessibility, marketing and customer support capabilities.
The importance of digital goods for business
Global access and market
Digital goods allow businesses to operate internationally without significant investment in physical infrastructure. This expands the audience and sales opportunities, since products can be available to customers from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection.
Low production and supply costs
Digital goods typically require fewer resources and costs to produce compared to physical goods. Distribution of such products is also cheaper due to the possibility of downloading or online delivery.
Easy to update and modify
Digital goods can be quickly updated, improved, and changed to meet user needs without the need to make new physical copies.
Process optimization and data analysis
Digital goods allow us to collect huge amounts of data about users, their activities and behavior. This enables businesses to analyze data to improve products, marketing strategies and customer support.
Flexibility and personalization
Digital products are easily adapted to the specific needs of users, allowing the creation of personalized offers and services.
Monetization and subscription options
Digital goods help businesses create various monetization models, including selling individual products, subscriptions to services or content, advertising, etc.
Speed of response to market changes
Digital products allow you to quickly respond to changes in market conditions and adapt assortment or sales strategies in the shortest possible time.
Digital products allow you to quickly respond to changes in market conditions, adapting assortment or sales strategies in the shortest possible time. They have become an essential part of business in the digital age, driving revenue growth, streamlining processes and providing great potential for innovation and customer engagement.
Why is contextual advertising important for business?
Contextual advertising is one of the most effective online tools for business development. It is aimed at effectively attracting interested visitors to the company's target resource to ensure sales growth.
In this article, we will look at the main characteristics and types of contextual advertising, list the most popular platforms for its placement, and also talk about the role of contextual advertising for promoting an online store.
What is contextual advertising?
Content-Targeted Advertising is a form of online advertising that is displayed as text ads, image banners, videos, or other formats on websites, mobile apps, or search engine platforms.
The principle of its operation is based on displaying advertisements to those who are looking for specific goods or services. That is, it is based on the preferences of each specific user: what queries he entered, what sites he visited, what he was more interested in. Its subject is determined by a specific context. That's why it's called contextual.
When Google monetized in 1999, the idea arose to display advertisements that were contextually related to user queries, along with search results.
Over time, the Google team, assessing the potential of this advertising principle, created super successful products — Google AdSense (a service for generating contextual advertising on websites) and Google Ads (a service for placing contextual advertising on websites).
Today, all top search engines use contextual advertising to make a profit.
Main components of contextual advertising
Contextual advertising elements help create an effective and attractive advertising campaign. Let's list the main ones.
Keywords. Advertising campaigns are based on keywords or phrases that are displayed as ad units when users search for products or services or browse web pages associated with these keywords.
Auction system. Most contextual advertising works based on auction systems, where advertisers compete to show their ads to users who meet selected criteria.
Performance metric. Advertising platforms provide access to various metrics (number of clicks, conversions, costs and ROI (return on investment)), which allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and make the necessary adjustments.
The target audience. Advertising is directed to a specific audience thanks to segmentation according to certain criteria: place of residence, age, interests, buyer habits and other parameters.
Personalization. Contextual advertising can be more personalized for each user because it takes into account search context and interests, increasing the likelihood of attracting attention and conversion.
Landing page. The page that the user lands on after clicking on the advertisement (landing page) contains attractive and understandable advertising content that is well perceived by the target audience. The purpose of the landing page is to motivate the visitor to take the necessary action (purchase, registration, etc.).
Analytics and measurement of results. An important component of contextual advertising is analysis of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Monitoring metrics (number of clicks, conversions, costs per click, etc.) allows you to evaluate results and optimize advertising to achieve better results.
Targeting and optimization. Setting up and improving the parameters of an advertising campaign improves the targeting of advertising to the target audience and increases the effectiveness of advertising efforts.
The combination of all these components helps create a comprehensive advertising campaign, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of potential customers and increase sales or conversions on website business.
If you need online store development, if you want to direct your advertising to an interested audience as quickly as possible, order these services from Glyanec!
Main types of contextual advertising
- Search Advertising
These are advertisements that appear in search results on Google Ads, Bing Ads, etc. based on user search queries. Advertisers determine the keywords by which people search for information and pay for each click on an ad.
- Display Advertising
Used on websites in the form of banners, text blocks, image ads, videos or other formats based on page content or other shaping factors visual advertising. Display advertising reaches audiences by targeting them based on interests, demographics, and other parameters.
- Social Media Advertising
Advertising messages displayed on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.). Advertisers can target based on interests, demographics, user behavior, and more.
- Remarketing
This type of advertising is aimed at those users who have already interacted to a certain extent with website or application (for example, visited certain pages, added an item to the cart, but did not make a purchase). The goal of remarketing is to return the visitor and encourage him to take a targeted action.
High sales rates in remarketing are achieved by displaying ads with offers of related products to a buyer who has already purchased the product on the site. Discount offers work best (for an article on how to get the most out of Black Friday, read link).
- Retargeting
Retargeting it is an effective marketing tool for re-engaging potential customers who have already visited a company's website or are interested in certain products or services. The goal is to increase conversion.
- Mobile Advertising
This is advertising aimed at active users of mobile devices. It may include advertising in mobile applications, mobile versions of websites, as well as specialized advertising formats adapted for viewing on smartphones and tablets.
All of these types of contextual advertising allow businesses to better customize and direct advertising to the target audience, taking into account the marketing goals of the existing strategy.
Where are contextual advertising placed?
Search engines
One of the main places for placing contextual advertising is search engines - Google, Bing, Yahoo and others. Ads are displayed as ad blocks next to search results for selected keywords.
Display networks
Google Display Network, Facebook Audience Network and others are contextual media networks of partner sites (display networks). You can place banners, text ads, video ads, etc. on the pages of such websites using Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and advertising aggregators.
Social media
Popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and others allow advertising to be targeted to audiences based on their interests, behavior and demographic characteristics.
Website and blogs
Sometimes, website or blog owners place contextual advertising using affiliate advertising programs (such as Google AdSense) that allow them to post ads on their pages and receive payment for each click or impression of the ad.
Mobile applications
Advertising can be placed in mobile applications using the capabilities of mobile advertising platforms, which allow ads to be shown to users while using applications.
As you can see, contextual advertising can be placed in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Programmatic, YouTube, TikTok, etc. There are different formats and methods of advertising (it all depends on the platform and marketing strategy of the advertiser). The optimal option is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the target audience, budget and goals of the advertising campaign.
An effective tool for business promotion
Contextual advertising allows you to accurately target advertising to a potential audience, increasing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and reducing the cost of attracting customers.
It has become a key tool for promoting online businesses because it targets those who are interested in a specific product or service.
Here are a few reasons why contextual advertising is an effective business promotion tool:
- Accurate targeting of the audience. Contextual advertising allows you to select keywords and criteria to show ads only to those users who are looking for the products/services offered or are actively interested in them.
- Pay only for results. In the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) or Pay-Per-Action (PPA) contextual advertising model, you pay only for the actual result — for clicks for advertising or specific actions (purchases, filling out forms, etc.).
- Analytics and optimization. You can analyze the results of your advertising campaign, including the number of clicks, conversions, cost per click and other metrics. This makes it easier to optimize your advertising efforts for the best results.
- Flexibility and budget control. You can control your advertising campaign budget by setting spending limits and maximum CPCs. This gives you flexibility in managing advertising costs.
- Wide audience coverage. Contextual advertising can be placed on various online platforms, including search engines, social networks, display networks and others, which allows you to attract more users.
The importance of contextual advertising for an online store
Contextual advertising plays a key role in creating and promoting an online store. In the conditions of the highest competition in the e-commerce market, it is not enough to simply launch an online resource and expect that it will immediately bring in a lot of income. In order for a website to really sell and constantly attract new customers, it needs to be provided with comprehensive promotion.
Let us list the key aspects of the influence of contextual advertising on the successful operation of an online store.
- Attracting traffic
Contextual advertising allows you to attract targeted traffic to your website.website. You can customize your ads to appear to users who are searching for specific products or services that you offer.
- Target orientation
You can customize the audience for your advertising based on various criteria: age, location, interests, e-commerce consumer behavior habits, etc. This allows you to show ads only to those people who are most likely to become your customers.
- Increase conversions
Contextual advertising can show specific pages on your website or specific products, which helps increase the likelihood of conversions and make your advertising campaign more effective.
- Measuring Results
Using analytics, you can measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. You'll see which ads perform better and which keywords drive more clicks and conversions, allowing you to optimize your advertising efforts for better results.
- Increasing brand awareness
Even if users don't make a purchase immediately after viewing an ad, they are still learning about your brand. Showing ads regularly increases awareness of your brand, which can later influence their purchasing decisions.
Contextual advertising from Glyanec studio
Design and setting up contextual advertising — a process that requires a large amount of knowledge about the target audience of your business and experience in conducting successful advertising companies.
If you do not have the necessary skills or you do not want to waste your time searching for information about your target audience, contact the specialists of the Glyanec web studio for help.
Our company has been offering its clients services for creating online stores and their further promotion for more than 15 years. During this time, we have developed about 3,500 successfully operating and developing websites.
If you want to create an online store or launch an advertising campaign, the Glyanec team will do this work for you. Our marketers will conduct the necessary analysis of the target audience and adjust the parameters of contextual advertising in accordance with the research results and your wishes.
Thanks to professional setup of contextual advertising, you can increase conversion and visits to your online store, saving time and resources. To order service, leave a request on the website or contact representatives of our company using the information in the section Contacts.
Has the development of an online store already been ordered and advertising on the site has been launched? We will conduct an audit and provide recommendations on how to reduce Google promotion costs. Read more about SEO audit and website optimization Here.
Contextual advertising is an important marketing tool for promoting any online store and any business represented on the Internet. It allows you to effectively attract the target audience and increase sales.
However, the success of using this tool depends on a professional approach, correct identification of the audience and its interests, as well as constant optimization of advertising campaigns.
If you want to get a predictable result without extra costs, customize your contextual advertising along with Web Studio Glyanec!
How to Make the Most of Black Friday
Black Friday is a period of intense trading promotions, when most companies try to attract the attention of buyers and increase sales by offering favorable conditions for purchases.
Black Friday originates from the USA. Traditionally, this is the last Friday in November, which comes after Thanksgiving Day. Black Friday is considered the official beginning of the Christmas and New Year shopping season, not only in the United States, but in many other countries.
In 2023, Ukraine and the whole world begin the sales season on the last Friday of the month - November 24. Some companies, as before, are extending promotions until Cyber Monday, which comes after Black Friday.
In this article we will tell about marketing tools for discounts built into our online stores. And how they help their owners make the most of Black Friday.
Tools for discounts
Not long ago Black Friday was associated with a crowd of shoppers, who indiscriminately sweep all goods with Sale price tags off store shelves. And victory in this battle for goods sold on sale was sometimes elusive.
But thanks to the growth of e-commerce and the enormous popularity of online stores, getting significant discounts on any goods and services has become easier, more convenient and more reliable.
Online stores created by the Glyanec web studio help businesses get the maximum from sales. Especially during Black Friday. Our clients have the opportunity to use discount options, built into the store:
- Promotions and discounts
- Promo codes
- Timer
Let's take a closer look at the benefits of each of these marketing tools.
Promotions and discounts
Discounts encourage consumers to make a purchase because it is associated with a better price. Carrying out promotions allows you to increase sales volume and average check. And regular Providing discounts or participating in loyalty programs helps to create a positive perception of the brand among customers and make them regular customers.
Promo codes
Promotional codes are an effective tool for attracting new customers and stimulating repeat purchases.
They create benefits for both parties:
- users get discounts, free shipping, gifts or other bonuses that make their purchases more profitable;
- for business This an effective marketing strategy that helps promote products and attract the attention of new customers, as well as collect analytics about the consumer habits of the audience.
Cashback (different types)
- Direct cashback
This is a system through which the buyer receives a return of a certain percentage of the cost of his purchases in the form of a cash bonus or credit to his account. Customers can receive cashback without complicated conditions or restrictions, which is a good incentive for purchases. Understanding that a percentage of the purchase price will be returned in the form of a cash bonus increases customers' motivation to make a purchase.
- Evening from the order amount
This form of cashback stimulates average check growth and allows the consumer to realize greater savings from significant costs. The greater the purchase amount, the greater the cashback. This option cashback can increase average purchase size by motivating shoppers to add more items to their cart.
Free shipping: you year instead of discounts
If a business is not ready to sell goods at a significant discount, it can offer customers another option for material benefits. For example, free additional services. Or delivery of the purchase at the expense of the seller. Let's look at some statistics to support this thesis.
Current Jungle Scout research has shown:
- 80% of consumers expect free shipping at least on orders over a certain amount;
- 66% expect such a service by default.
Benefits of free delivery
As part of a Black Friday promotion, free shipping can help businesses:
Залучити більше покупців. Під час Чорної п'ятниці багато людей активно шукає знижки та переваги).
- Attract more buyers. During Black Friday, many shoppers are actively looking for discounts and deals.
- Increase the average purchase price. With free shipping, customers can add additional items to their order.
- Reduce the number of lost orders. If shoppers know that shipping is free, they tend to shop more to ensure they don't miss out on savings.
As we see, in a competitive environment, offering free shipping can set a company apart from other market participants, contribute in attracting the attention of customers and increasing their level of loyalty to the brand.
However, companies should carefully consider the financial aspects of this option, since free shipping can be a large financial burden (especially if the costs of this are not taken into account when calculating prices).
Benefit Signaling Features
In anticipation of Black Friday, many users add products to their “Wish List” in advance in order to purchase them at a significant discount. An additional incentive to make a purchase can be a call to save on shipping, a countdown to the start of a big sale, etc.
- Filling the basket
A proven tool to draw attention to the benefits of free shipping is “getting closer” information. Owners of online stores can add a block to the cart that shows the buyer how many more goods they need to order in order to receive free delivery, and therefore benefit.
- Timer
With Black Friday approaching, shoppers are keeping an eye out for deals early. They often purposefully visit the pages of websites blackfriday.com, theblackfriday.com and other similar resources. To prevent your audience from missing out on a great offer, simply set a timer to count down the time until the promotion starts. This technique subconsciously sends a signal that you should hurry.
Black Friday as additional help for the army
Black Friday this is another opportunity to remind the audience about the patriotic position and social responsibility of your business. And also to motivate buyers to joint efforts aimed at bringing our common victory over the aggressor country closer.
We are confident that this year this approach to Black Friday will prevail in Ukrainian business. Thanks to this, we will be able to better support both our army and the Ukrainian economy at the same time.
What has changed in the use of PPO since October 1, 2023
From October 1, 2023, according to amendments made to the Tax Code of Ukraine and The Law of Ukraine No. 265/95-VR “On the use of registrars of settlement transactions in the field of trade, catering and services”, most entrepreneurs are required to use PRO/PRRO when carrying out settlement transactions in cash or non-cash format.
Let us remind you that from January 01, 2022 usage RRO/PRRO should have become mandatory for most private entrepreneurs of groups II-IV. However, due to the martial law in our country government exempted Ukrainian entrepreneurs from fulfilling this condition.
In this article we will tell you who must use cash registers in order not to be subject to fines from the tax authorities; who is completely exempt from using PPO, what fines are provided for violating legal requirements.
What is RPO/PRRO?
RRO (registrator of settlement transactions) - the general name of devices that perform fiscal functions of recording monetary transactions. The most common type of cash register is a cash register that issues fiscal receipts.
PRRO (software recorder of settlement transactions) is digital analogue of cash registers, which issues electronic checks. The seller of goods or services sends them to clients via messengers, e-mail and other methods. Electronic checks have the same legal force as paper checks.
Who should definitely use PPO?
From 10/01/23, legislation obligated individual entrepreneurs who are single taxpayers of the second to fourth groups of the simplified taxation system to introduce cash registers into their work. That is, business entities that accept cash payments, supply goods, sell products and accept payments from bank cards must carry out their business activities using cash registers.
For example, if an entrepreneur uses the technology of cashless payment acceptance using bank cards and contactless payment systems (acquiring), as well as a QR code through which goods are paid for with a payment card or, for example, a key card to an account in order to receive funds, such transactions are considered card acceptance, so they must be fiscalized. As is the case if cash is accepted for payment.
Advantages of online store owners from Glyanec
Recently, the State Tax Service announced that it monitors sales on all online platforms. Since September 2023, tax officials have exposed illegal businesses in many cities of Ukraine.
The monitoring mechanism has not yet been disclosed, but store owners on Instagram and Facebook are warned that they need to register their activities as entrepreneurial and conduct their business officially on online social media platforms.
Glyanec's clients have no reason to worry, because all online stores developed by the web studio are connected to the PPO software. In addition, in the admin panel of the product there is an analogue of 1C for carrying out business accounting operations.
This means that owners of online stores from Glyanetz can work safely without fear of tax audits, huge fines (up to 85,000 UAH!) and other sanctions for conducting business activities without registration.
Who can not use PPO?
There are categories of entrepreneurs who are given the right not to establish a cash register.
- Carrying out payments on IBAN
Individual entrepreneurs of groups II-IV who sell goods/provide services and accept payment using bank details can work without a cash register, providing a standard IBAN number for payment. According to it, clients transfer the required amount to the entrepreneur’s current account at the bank’s cash desk, through a self-service banking terminal or an electronic banking system.
- Providing services (not selling goods)
You don't have to use the cash register either subject to the provision of legal services, servicese-commerce (for example, creation of an online store and so on.), availability of acquiring Monobank or another LiqPay. We are talking about individual entrepreneurs Group I, who are single taxpayers, and they accept bank cards for payment for their services.
In accordance with the Tax Code of Ukraine, entrepreneurs in this group are not required to use a cash register, as well as account books (RK). Regarding such business entities, there is not a single case when a cash register would be necessary.
- Conducting a business registered in the village
Individual entrepreneurs II-IV groups that carry out retail trade on the territory of the villages may not use PPO legally. But they must maintain account books.
If the amount of annual income of such entrepreneurs at one point of trade exceeds167 minimum wages (as of January 1, 2023 this is UAH 1,118,900), they must use PPO.
However, there is a category of entrepreneurs who are required by law to use PPO since January 1, 2022, even despite accepting payments to a current account or trading in rural areas.
We are talking about the category of sellers selling medicines, jewelry, excise products, technically complex household goods, subject to warranty repair (maintenance) or warranty replacement. A complete list of names of technically complex products can be found at the official website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
What is the penalty for non-use of PPO?
As already noted, everyone who must use PPO/PRRO, due to the war, were temporarily exempted from inspections and fines. From October 1, 2023, fines for violation of legal requirements fornon-use RPO returned for all categories of entrepreneurs, including those who provide services (for example, such as online store development).
At the same time, the amount of fines has decreased: previously, for the first case of violation of the law, it was necessary to pay 100% of the cost of the goods, and for subsequent cases - 150%.
From October 1, 2023, the amount of the first financial penalty is 25% of the cost of the goods (works, services) sold in violation. For each subsequent violation, a fee will be charged 50%.
New punitive (financial) sanctions for violation of the use of PRO or PRO are valid from August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2025, but no later than the date of termination/cancellation of martial law on the territory of Ukraine.
However, the established fine will be charged only for certain types of violations and will be applied to entrepreneurs who are not VAT payers in the case of:
- carrying out settlement transactions using a cash register for an incomplete amount of the cost of goods sold/services rendered;
- failure to conduct settlement transactions through RPO/PRRO with a fiscal mode of operation;
- failure to issue a payment document (check) in paper and/or electronic form.
If other types of violations are detected, you will need to pay a fine of 100% and 150%cost of goods (works, services) sold in violation. For example, if an entrepreneur does not use a PPO or PRO cash register at all.
In addition, this amount of fine for all types of violations (without exception) can be received by an entrepreneur (VAT payer) who trades in excisable goods, medicines and medical supplies, jewelry and technically complex goods.
The only body that has the right to check the availability of cash registers, the proper maintenance of these devices, the closure of reports and the authority to compile administrative materials is the State Tax Inspectorate.
Who will not be fined for violating usage requirements RRO/PRRO?
By returning the norm for the mandatory use of cash registers from October 1, 2023, the government took into account the impact of a full-scale war on business activities.
Thus, individual entrepreneurs located in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, in the zone of active hostilities and in the zone of possible military clashes are exempt from liability for non-use of PPO. Such taxpayers will not be fined for such violations.
Fulfillment of requirements regarding the use of RPO/PRRO will become relevant after the liberation of the occupied territories and the disappearance of the threat due to hostilities.
SMM manager: responsibilities, skills, professional value
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is an effective development tool in business. Companies around the world actively use it to promote their brands. Businesses aimed at successful and stable operation are interested in cooperation with a qualified SMM manager.
The SMM manager is responsible for managing the company's social networks in order to increase brand awareness, improve cooperation with regular customers and attract new ones, increase sales and other key business performance indicators.
Main responsibilities of an SMM manager
- Strategy Development
One of the main tasks of an SMM specialist is developing a successful strategy. For this he needs to define goals, research the audience, choose social platforms most suitable for this audience and business, prepare a content plan etc.
- Creationuniquecontent
Creation and publishing content (texts, graphics, video, audio, surveys, competitions, etc.) is an important area of work for an SMM manager. All materials must be interesting and attractive to the target audience.
- Attracting an Audience
The work of an SMM specialist is aimed at attracting an audience, so he must know and effectively use relevant methods of promotion and advertising campaigns. To do this, it is important to establish cooperation with influencers, look for and test other tools for attracting subscribers and clients.
- Communication with the audience
One of the main duties of a specialist is interaction with clients and subscribers: answering questions and solving problems, engaging the audience with the help of contests and surveys, etc. That is, the creation of a favorable communication atmosphere for the formation of a positive brand image.
- Campaign analytics and optimization
The next area of work is monitoring and analyzing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on social networks using analytical tools. Based on the data obtained, specialists work to improve social media strategies and tactics to improve performance.
- Collaboration with other departments
A wide range of responsibilities of an SMM specialist involves interaction with marketing, sales and customer service departments. Such cooperation helps to implement the strategy and timely adapt it according to changes in industry and audience behavior.
A specialist who is well versed in analytics, social media trends, knows how to create content and can effectively interact with the audience will be able to perform all of the above responsibilities efficiently.
Let's consider what knowledge and skills a professional needs SMM-specialist.
What you should know and be able to do SMM-specialist
To successfully work in the field of social networks and marketing, an SMM specialist will need many different skills. Let's list the main ones.
- Content creation. Skill generate visually attractive, high-quality content of various types - text and graphics, as well as video and other multimedia materials.
- Copywriting. Skills in writing interesting and meaningful texts for advertising messages, product descriptions and other materials that attract an audience.
- Advertising on social networks. Knowledge of social media advertising platforms (e.g. Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads) and ability to create and optimize advertising campaigns.
- Analytics. Ability to use analytical tools to measure campaign performance and examine data to improve strategies.
- Knowledge of trends. Monitoring general trends in social networks, understanding what types of content and what platforms are currently popular and interesting to the target audience.
- Social skills. Ability to interact with audiences, respond to comments and messages, creating a positive brand experience.
- Strategic thinking. Understanding of business goals and the ability to develop SMM strategies that help achieve them.
- Technical skills. Understanding of how different social media platforms work, knowledge of the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), skills in working with various programs and tools for data analysis and content creation.
- Creativity and innovation. Ability to come up with new and interesting ideas for content and advertising campaigns that will help the company outperform competitors.
The listed skills help SMM specialists effectively interact with the audience, popularize and develop the brand, and achieve the company’s marketing goals on social networks.
Why a business needs an SMM manager
Using SMM allows companies to succeed and grow further. Let's list several key areas that require the participation of an SMM specialist:
Popularization of the brand
Social media managers help companies expand their audience by talking about the brand through social networks. They create and implement strategies to increase the number of subscribers and attract attention to the company's products or services.
Attracting clients
Social media professionals use social media to attract potential customers by running advertising campaigns and collaborating with influencers to promote products and services.
Achieving commercial goals
Companies use SMM to increase sales by advertising products or services on social networks, which helps convert audiences into customers. Therefore, the task of an SMM specialist is to help a business, it is possible to implement commercial activities faster and faster aims.
Interaction with clients
SMM managers work with the audience, establishing interaction with customers through answering questions, conducting surveys, creating promotions and more.
Market and competitor research
Specialists of this profile monitor the activity of competitors on social networks and analyze the audience’s reaction to their advertising campaigns. This allows companies to quickly and better adapt their strategies to the demands of the times and stay ahead of competitors.
Brand reputation support
SMM specialists monitor reviews of the company and respond to negative reviews. This helps create and strengthen a positive brand reputation.
The successful work of the SMM manager is an important component of the marketing strategies of successful companies. Thanks to SMM, it is possible to ensure an effective presence of the brand on the Internet, increase its reputation, strengthen the company's connection with the audience, increase sales and increase competitiveness.
If you want to receive professional SMM services, in particular, you are planning to launch and develop your project on Instagram, do it together with the company Glyanec! A list of successful businesses that have already used this service can be found at link.
LottieFiles and DotLottie: the future of animation on the Internet
In the world of web design and development, animation has become a key element in attracting users' attention and improving the user experience. While creating complex animations used to take a lot of effort and time, LottieFiles technology and its new DotLottie format have changed the rules of the game. One of the main advantages of LottieFiles is the use of vector animation, which allows you to maintain high quality and clarity of images at any scaling. Thanks to its potential, the technology has become one of the most popular tools for web designers.
What's happened LottieFiles
LottieFiles is an online platform for designers and developers that simplifies the process of creating and using animations. It is based on the Lottie library developed by Airbnb. Lottie allows you to embed vector animations into mobile and web applications, providing enormous space for creativity.
LottieFiles provides all the necessary tools to create, design, edit, test, render and display Lottie animations, satisfying all your motion design needs.
Lottie is a lightweight animation format that can be exported from Adobe After Effects as JSON files. Lottie's files are smaller compared to GIF and PNG and developers can easily use them in their code.
Advantages LottieFiles
LottieFiles provides an easy-to-use interface for downloading, viewing and editing animations without requiring extensive programming knowledge.
Cross-platform support
Vector animations created with Lottie can be used on multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, and websites.
High performance
Lottie's animations consume less device resources, making them an ideal choice for mobile applications.
DotLottie: An innovative way to save animations
Community LottieFiles actively develops its products and improves their capabilities. The innovative version of the program is very popular — DotLottie. This format ensures the convenience and speed of loading animations on the Internet, making them more accessible and convenient to use.
Some benefits DotLottie
- Compactness. DotLottie uses a minimal amount of data, ensuring fast loading of animations even with a slow Internet connection.
- Reduced impact on performance. DotLottie files consume less memory and computing resources, ensuring high-quality playback even on weaker devices.
- Compatible with third party platforms. The DotLottie format can be used in a variety of environments, including websites, apps and social media platforms.
Separately, we should consider another important advantage of DotLottie.
Smaller animation files
Unlike format used in LottieFiles JSON, DotLottie provides an alternative compression method that allows you to create significantly smaller animation files. The effectiveness of this approach can be seen in terms of the successful replacement of embedded image resources through URI data.
DotLottie can pack multiple animations into one file. This is an important benefit that can significantly reduce the operational costs of bandwidth.
The future of animation with LottieFiles and DotLottie
With LottieFiles and its optimized version DotLottie, we are moving to a new stage in the development of animated content on the Internet. These technologies allow you to create immersive, creative animations while maintaining performance and loading speeds.
This opens up a lot of opportunities for web designers, developers and content creators, helping them create amazing content that stays in the minds of users.
Glyanec company successfully uses the advantages and capabilities of this progressive technology when creating websites.
- https://helpdeskstar.org;
- https://ukraina.org.ua;
- https://citizenenergy.com.ua;
- https://vinspecbud.com.ua.
Thanks to LottieFiles and DotLottie, we can expect new and exceptional animation solutions in all areas of virtual reality, gaming, education and marketing. These technologies open the door to the wonderful world of animation, where the only limit is our imagination.
Identity for the Yakushinets territorial community
The company Glyanec developed branding for the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community in Vinnytsia district, Vinnytsia region (administrative center — Yakushyntsi village).
Until now, the territorial community used various elements that needed to be unified into a single style to create a recognizable image of the community and its visual identity.
We developed an identity that is based on the values of the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community and is part of the community's strategic development plan.
The identity reflects the uniqueness of the territorial community, its distinctiveness, and what can attract attention and spark interest. It combines emotions and rationalism, which will help better represent the community and increase its competitiveness.
The developed identity was unanimously supported by the deputies of the Yakushyntsi Village Council. This issue united all the deputies, even those from the opposition and the ruling party.
Our identity unites communities!
The list of works completed by our team:
- Development of the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community brand identity.
- Development of a new style for the coat of arms of the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community.
- Development of a new style for the flag of the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community.
- Development of the logo for the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community.
Development of a guide for using the community's style:
- usage and adjustment of the coat of arms colors;
- use of the coat of arms in monochrome for light and dark backgrounds;
- examples and rules for the proper use of the community's coat of arms and name;
- examples of improper use of the community's coat of arms and name;
- rules for using the protection zone, rules for using the coat of arms on colored and monochrome backgrounds;
- rules for placing the community's coat of arms on images.
- Guide to using the fonts of the territorial community (examples of working with text documents for different types: headings, subheadings, main text).
- Development of official symbols for the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community.
Development of a color palette for the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community:
- examples of correct color combinations;
- examples of combinations not recommended for use.
Visualization of the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community brand identity on electronic documents
- screensavers for electronic devices;
- document templates;
- envelopes;
- business cards.
Visualization of the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community brand identity on printed products:
- document folder;
- envelopes;
- notebooks;
- t-shirts;
- paper bags;
- tote bags;
- cups;
- mugs.
Visualization of the Yakushyntsi Territorial Community brand identity on promotional and informational materials:
- brochure, book (vertical format);
- brochure, book (horizontal format);
- photo zone;
- billboard;
- banner (roll-up);
- bus stop;
- transportation;
- tourist sign;
- signs for stores and establishments with examples of proper usage;
- office signs with Braille;
- street signs.
You can view the completed work via this link.
What you need to know to become a Frontend Developer
The creation process of web products different IT specialists are involved, and each of them belongs to the front-end “camp” or back-end Beginners who plan to create websites and mobile applications, during the process of training or internship, need to decide in which professional direction it is more convenient and interesting for them to realize their potential in order to become the best in their field.
In this article, we will tell you what knowledge and skills you need to have, to become a frontend developer.
How front-end is different from back-end
Front-end is the client (visible) side of the interface. That is, everything that the browser displays on the screen and with which the user interacts on the site page: buttons, text, images, tables, arrows, banners and other visual elements of the Internet resource.
The Frontend Developer develops the structure and logic of the site. As a result, it creates a comfortable environment, which helps you use the Internet resource: find information, receive online consultations, click buttons to purchase a product or order a service, etc.
Backend-developer works on the software and hardware part of the service and deals with the processes occurring on the server. In particular, he performs work related to databases, website system architecture, resource management, cloud computing integration, performance monitoring, scaling, streamlining and security of server code.
That is, the code created by a front-end specialist interacts with the user, and the back-end code interacts with the data on the server. In other words, frontend is what we see and what we interact with. And what’s “under the hood” is hidden from view — backend development.
What exactly does a Frontend Developer do?
One of the areas of specialization of a front-end developer is the layout of a website, the development of a user interface and the implementation of scripts into it. But he is also involved in more global processes of creation of sites and applications (in particular, the server part). Therefore, its work requires knowledge of libraries and frameworks (for example, React, Angular, Vue.js, jQuery, etc.), JavaScript, CSS processors, and back-end technologies, Unit testing) etc.
Where to start getting acquainted with front-end?
Experienced experts advise beginners to start studying the topic with children's books on programming. They are written in clear language, without complex formulations, and are aimed specifically at introducing the subject - and this is simply a godsend for those who are taking their first professional steps. Special (“adult”) literature will help those who are already in the subject.
You can also take online front-end development courses. There are many free platforms (such as Codecademy, MDN Web Docs and freeCodeCamp) that provide learning material and practice problems. Consider taking relevant online programs from Coursera, Udemy, edX, Pluralsight, etc.
What you need to know to become a Frontend developer?
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the main markup language for creating web pages. You must understand the structure of an HTML document, tags and their purpose.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used for styling web pages. You need to learn how to apply styles to HTML elements, change colors, sizes, fonts and layout of elements.
This is the basic knowledge you need to master.front-end developer, because these languages are responsible for how web pages and what the site looks like in a browser.
You can learn HTML and CSS on your own - from books, free or paid courses. The main thing is not just to get an idea of languages, their attributes, operating principles and capabilities, but to immediately practice by creating websites. And in the process of work, it is important to learn to understand the structure, and the necessary tag, if necessary, can be found on the Internet. You can also study layout guides to learn step by step how to convert PSD models into web pages.
- JavaScript
JavaScript is a programming language for frontend development that helps you create web pages interactive elements. You need to master the basic syntax, variables, functions, event handlers and DOM (Document Object Model).
- DOM (Document Object Model)
DOM is a representation of the structure of an HTML document in objective form that can be interacted with using JavaScript. It is important to understand how to work with the DOM -elements to change the content and structure of the page.
- Responsive web design
You already need to learn how to create websites that display correctly on different devices and screens of different sizes (mobile phones, tablets, desktops).
- CSS preprocessors
Understanding CSS preprocessors such as Sass or Less can simplify the process of writing styles.
- Version Control/Git
Knowledge of version control systems such as Git is important for collaborating on projects and tracking code changes
- Check the code
Understanding the debugging process (Debugging) helps to find and fix errors in the code.
- Working with collections (Build Tools)
Knowledge of such tools like Webpack or Gulp will greatly simplify the development, optimization and build process web projects.
- SEO and Performance Basics
Understanding the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps you create websites that are better indexed by search engines. Performance analysis tools (such as Lighthouse or PageSpeed Insights) can help you optimize the performance and loading of web pages.
- Security basics
To prevent attacks on web services, it is important to understand the types of threats and implement the measures necessary to protect them. This will require knowledge of security fundamentals related to preventing XSS and CSRF attacks.
You must understand how to interact with web servers and other data sources via API (Application Programming Interface).
- Text editor or integrated development environment (IDE)
It is important to choose a convenient text editor or IDE for writing code. Popular options include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, and WebStorm.
What else is needed to successfully master the profession?
- Skill to work in team
Being a freelancer is the dream of every developer. But you need to understand that working in a team allows you to quickly learn, improve, and adopt the experience of senior developers. Moreover, many projects involve collaboration with other developers, designers and managers, so the ability to work in a team is an important skill.
- Continuous improvement
Technologies are developing rapidly, and the field of web development is constantly changing. It is important to always be aware of new methods and approaches in order to continuously grow professionally. It is also important to develop your own projects: this helps to gain experience and improve skills.
Through self-improvement, you can become a better front-end developer. The demand for such specialists is constantly growing as companies and brands look to expand their online presence. This makes front-end one of the most profitable industries in the IT industry.
How you can become part of our team
If you are already an experienced developer and want to join our team, send your resume to our Telegram bot. We value talented specialists, and As a professional in your field, you can become an integral part of our team. More information on our website.
Free courses for Drupal Frontend Developer
Web Studio Glyanec developed thousands of successful projects on the Drupal platform. What others thought was impossible, we accomplished 10 times faster, cheaper and better. We are ready to share our experience, so we offer those interested in the field of web development free courses. We have our own Drupal school, where you can gain the necessary knowledge and skills that will help you become a highly qualified Frontend Developer.
We provide our students with a unique opportunity to work under the guidance of practicing professionals and gain invaluable professional experience working on real projects, which is the key to success in the IT industry. After completing the training and successfully completing the final assignments, the best students can receive an invitation to work in the team of the Glyanec web studio.
Ukrainian entrepreneurs can again use Google Business
In April 2022, due to security concerns, Google blocked the ability to use Google Business and add new objects to Google Maps. For 1.5 years, Ukrainian users could not leave reviews and ask questions, and entrepreneurs could not add information about their businesses.
Thanks to the efforts of the team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, which fruitfully cooperates with Google, the restriction was lifted at the beginning of September 2023.
Information about the resumption of the ability to add business information to Google Maps and use Google Business reported Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov.
He thanked Google for its "balanced and fair decision." It “will help Ukrainian entrepreneurs who, despite a full-scale war, are developing businesses, creating new jobs and supporting the state’s economy.” According to him, Ukrainian business needs such a “tool for promoting and finding new clients.”
Please note that in temporarily occupied territories and in regions where active hostilities continue, these Google services do not work.
Useful online tools
Google Business and the ability to add new locations to Google Maps are useful tools for businesses of all sizes to improve their online presence and provide more relevant information to users. Let's talk in more detail about these opportunities and their implications for business.
Google Business Benefits
1. Increase business traffic
Google Business (formerly Google My Business) allows you to create or improve your company profile on Google. This helps increase business mentions in Google search results, on Google Maps and other services of this search engine. Potential clients can quickly and easily find you and learn more about your business activities, hours, contact information, reviews, etc. Business information helps potential clients quickly find and contact a company.
2. Informing about changes
Owners of relocated businesses can change the location in their Google Business profile and attract customers in the new location. For many entrepreneurs, this is a very important option in today's environment.
3. Reviews and ratings
Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to receive feedback from clients. For any business, It is important to respond to reviews, including negative ones, to maintain a positive company image. This approach helps to build and maintain good communication with clients, and, if necessary, quickly resolve their problems.
4. Statistics
Google Business makes it possible to view statistics and analyze your business profile. In particular, receive consolidated information on the number of views and clicks on a phone number. This helps you better measure the effectiveness of your Google presence.
5. Photos and videos to improve your profile
Can add photos and videos of your business to, for example, demonstrate on Google Maps interior of an office or retail outlets, present products, talk about services, etc. This makes it possible to make the business profile more attractive to users.
6. Announcements
Thanks to the functionality and capabilities of Google Business, you can run advertising campaigns to attract more customers through promotion business in Google search results.
Adding new places to Google Maps
Adding new items to Google Maps helps disseminate information about certain places, attractions and businesses. Users and businesses can add properties to Google themselves using:
- web versions Google Maps;
- Google Maps apps for mobile devices.
You can also add reviews and photos to objects already listed on Google Maps to share your experiences and impressions
Usually, the information that adds the user is being monitored by Google, and it may take time for it to be published on the map. Therefore, review or content is published as long as the content complies with Google's Google Maps Content Guidelines and Policies.
Meaning interactions with Google Maps
1. Keeping maps up to date
Adding new features or updating existing ones helps keep the information on your maps up-to-date and complete.
2. Help the online community
User activity helps spread information about new places and businesses or quickly inform the online community about changes that have occurred to objects present on the cards
3. Travel and recommendations
When many users add and tag points of interest, it allows others to receive recommendations for places to visit while traveling or staying.
Adding new objects to Google Maps: business benefits
Presence of information about business on Google Maps helps to attract new customers, make the company more accessible and competitive in the market, increase its online presence.
1. Increased visibility
Having your business listed on Google Maps increases its visibility to potential customers when they search for services or products in your area.
2. Attracting new clients
Google Maps helps attract new customers, especially locals and those traveling and looking for places to shop, dine, relax, and more.
4. Rating improvement
Users can leave reviews and rate your business on Google Maps. Positive reviews and high ratings also help attract customers.
5. Opportunity for promotion
You can use Google Maps as a tool for advertising and marketing by posting promotions or special offers on your page.
6. Analytics
Google gives businesses access to analytics about how users interact with your business on Google Maps. You can study viewership data and other metrics to improve your promotion strategy.
All of the above actions improve the availability of information for users and attract attention to a customer-oriented and socially responsible business, which, of course, has a positive effect on its recognition, and therefore on development and scaling.
Law on artificial intelligence: rigid framework for neural networks
Recently, the European Parliament considered issues regulation of artificial intelligence. The draft law on artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act, AI Act) was adopted by an overwhelming majority, which, according to Roberta Mezoli, head of the European Parliament, should "set the global standard" for the future.
In addition, the European Parliament has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google, which is seen as a major step towards regulating AI technologies.
What is the value AI Act?
The main goal of the Artificial Intelligence Act is to create a safe environment for the use and development of artificial intelligence, which guarantees users the protection of their rights. According to parliamentarians, the conditions for this should provide certain restrictions for those AI systems that can affect the subconscious of people.
Some AI programs may be banned outright if the risk of their use is determined to be "unacceptable". With regard to “high risk” technologies, they plan to introduce significant restrictions and establish new requirements for the transparency of such systems.
The law will come into force no earlier than 2025. The final version has not yet been released, but since the draft text has been made public, it is possible to analyze what the new draft rules on the use of AI have to offer.
Restriction associated withe motion recognition
They plan to introduce a ban on the use of programs for recognition of emotions during inspections (by police, border guards, migration service, etc.). As well as AI tracking the emotional state of company employees, students, pupils (in the workplace, in educational institutions, etc.).
Developers of AI programs for emotion recognition, of course, do not like this prospect. They insist on the benefits of their software, arguing that, for example, by the expression on the driver's face, you can determine in time that he falls asleep at the wheel of a vehicle. In the same way, you can identify students, students who find it difficult to learn.
Limiting real-time biometric tracking of citizens
Experts predict the most fierce debate among legislators regarding this ban. And it is clear why: in France, for example, they are lobbying for an increase in the use of digital facial recognition tools.
Representatives of law enforcement agencies of EU member states are against a complete ban on remote biometric identification. They argue their position by the fact that the use of such technology facilitates the search of missing children, identifying criminals, preventing terrorist threats.
The problem is indeed multifaceted, so it is important that the choice of AI systems and their use is strictly regulated.
Social Tracking Restriction behavior
Scheduled introduction of restrictions on the use of social scoring of citizens in the formation of their generalized data-portrait. Now information social behavior is actively used by various institutions when deciding on: issuing mortgage loans (banks), hiring employees (employers), choosing insurance rates (insurance companies), etc.
Europeans want to protect themselves as much as possible from the bitter experience of countries with authoritarian regimes. A striking example is China, with its infamous social rating system that provides total control of individuals through the collection and processing of their personal data. For example, citizens with low rating it is difficult to find a good job, get a loan and even buy transport tickets.
Restriction of use copyrighted material
Larger neural network language models (such as GPT-4 OpenAI) are likely to be banned from collecting copyrighted data. AI research lab OpenAI has already come under the spotlight of European legislators due to intellectual property infringements.
The new law speaks of the need for marking copyright content, which must be preserved even after its modification. Tech industry lobbyists have a lot of complaints about potential innovation, so they are trying to resist the appearance of such a ban.
Limitation of social media recommendation algorithms
Modern algorithms that form the list of recommended content are often criticized by human rights activists. And there are reasons for this, since the leakage of personal data has been repeatedly recorded. Users due to interactions with certain advertising accounts.
If new rules are adopted, the referral system on social media platforms will be subject to more scrutiny. And tech companies will take more responsibility for the impact of user-generated content.
The development of AI technologies is associated with the risk of spreading disinformation, increasing the vulnerability of digital systems, social manipulation and mass surveillance. The AI Act draws attention to the need to regulate neural network tools in order to prevent possible negative consequences of using Artificial Intelligence technologies.
Charitable activities of the company
We believe that every business has a responsibility to the society in which it operates. Therefore, our company makes every effort to support charitable organizations, projects, social initiatives and does everything possible to bring our victory closer by helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Our mission is to make the world a better place, and we believe that charity is one of the key tools to achieve this goal.
Charity for us is a moral duty! Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Glyanec has been actively supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine, both with significant financial contributions and other resources.
How we help
The amount of total assistance to volunteers is 122 500 UAH
Assistance to the military from Bakhmut – 5000 UAH
Funding has also been allocated for:
trench candles – 2 000 UAH
task from the service – 65 800 UAH
donations for cars for the Armed Forces of Ukraine – 21 500 UAH
Intel Xeon processor – 4 900 UAH
drone case – 1800 UAH
drone – 5000 UAH
drone DJI Mavic 3 – 17 800 UAH
treatment of wounded soldiers – 20 000 UAH
14 radios – 20 400 UAH
tablet for the Armed Forces of Ukraine – 3200 UAH
helmet and night vision device – 41 000 UAH
thermal imager – 10 000 UAH
satellite modems for Internet connection Starlink – 40 000 UAH
In addition, during a period of constant shortage of electricity supplies, we have equipped the office with an official "Point of Indestructibility", which provides assistance to residents of the city. The item is equipped with a generator, Starlink satellite modemand batteriess. We always have the internet, electricity, heat and water for everyone who needs it.
Helping the community
We also pay special attention to our community:
we carry out environmental campaigns for cleaning green areas and landscaping;
we regularly launch charity programs for children and cooperate with local charitable organizations;
we provide active assistance in arranging the educational environment of the local school.
Webstudio Glyanets provided the KZ "Zarvanets Gymnasium" of the Yakushinets village council of Vinnitsa region:
13 computers;
Apple Mac mini;
8 monitors;
3D printer;
10 pairs of headphones;
2 tablets;
7 modern boards;
kitchen tools;
photo zone;
first aid device;
We helped set up the school to automatically switch over to generator backup to keep the restroom running and online learning when the power went out.
And also our company completely updated the computer class of this gymnasium.
Why help it is important
Charity is part of the corporate culture and values of our company! We strive to become an example for other companies. We want to show that charity is an integral part of success, and also to prove that together we are strong!
All photos and videos can be look by links:
Inclusive design
Modern web design is developed on the principles of universal inclusive design. The main idea is to ensure the availability of software products and services for all users, regardless of their experience and capabilities. Such design involves various technologies and tools that make software products and services more accessible to people with reduced capabilities. Approximately 20% of web resource users (approximately one in five people) have some kind of mental or physical impairment. And this has a direct impact on the interaction with digital products and services. We recently implemented the labeling of foods containing milk, gluten, eggs and nuts on our new food delivery websites. This information helps improve the lives of clients with food allergies or food intolerances.
However, this is only the first step. We are developing and want to make our websites accessible to all users, taking into account their special needs. We want every customer to easily find the information he/she needs and use the services without interference.
Inclusiveness for us is a moral and ethical approach to business, demonstrating our desire to provide quality assistance to all our clients. We want to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, not just a specific audience.
One of the main arguments for the implementation of inclusiveness is the legislation of the European Union. What we do will work for many years. Therefore, it is important for us to go ahead and comply with European standards right now. However, this is not the only argument.
Our team is working hard to make our websites accessible to all types of users, including people with special needs. We use technologies to help people with various visual, hearing, and motor impairments simplify their interaction with the website.
The need to create inclusive websites is logically justified: it allows increasing the accessibility of information and services for people with special needs. A website with an inclusive design is a special web resource that is convenient for people with visual, hearing, motor impairments, and the seniors.
The following special features will be available on the sites:
for people with visual impairments - the possibility of increasing the font and changing the color of the text, the use of special programs for voicing the text;
for people with a hearing impairment - videos with subtitles or other special playback modes for video and audio content;
for people with mobility impairments - keyboard shortcuts and other options that allow them to use the website without the need for a computer mouse.
Inclusive design helps increase the accessibility of information and services to all users, not just people with reduced capabilities and special needs. This can have a positive impact on the company's reputation and will help attract the customers.
In addition, an inclusive website is an expression of the Corporate Social Responsibility. It allows the company to contribute to the creation of a modern society, in which the main principle is the observance of human rights regarding equal access to necessary services.
The creation of inclusive websites is an important factor in business growth, improving the quality of company services and approaching the quality standards of the European Union.
ChatGPT and Midjourney and their benefits for business
With artificial intelligence (AI) and the work of the neural network, most of us interact every day, but we don’t even think about it.
- Google uses Artificial intelligence (AI) to improve search results, compose email texts etc.
- At Amazon, artificial intelligence manages supply chains, instructs warehouse robots, and predicts which job applicants will be effective workers.
- Meta implements algorithms that encourage users to spend more time on social networks.
- Apple supports the digital assistant Siri, etc.
The number of technological products based on the achievements of artificial intelligence is increasing. Over the past year, AI has taken a significant step forward, with machine learning developments emerging from science labs and becoming a likely source of profit for businesses.
The introduction of Artificial intelligence has become mainstream. In early August 2022, thanks to a series of drawings depicting what the future of our country could be, many Ukrainians learned about the Midjourney neural network. And in February 2023, we got access to the ChatGPT chatbot created by OpenAI.
Let's take a look at how ChatGPT and Midjourney work and what their business benefits are.
Revolutionary Chatbot ChatGPT
ChatGPT is a large language model trained on the GPT-3.5 neural network. The developer provided users free access to ChatGPT on your site. This chatbot is fundamentally different from similar developments: its answers are as close as possible to natural human responses.
Microsoft has invested several billion dollars in this project and integrated it into its Bing search engine. At the beginning of March 2023, the company introduced a major update to Windows 11 with a built-in ChatGPT chatbot. It is reported about the introduction of this technology in office programs, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
What can ChatGPT do?
The chatbot can answer questions, generate texts and dialogues, write scripts, short stories, poems, perform other speech tasks. ChatGPT can be used to automate responses to social network users, to create texts for a website, to write resumes and cover letters for vacancies, etc.
In addition, a skilled chatbot can:
- analyze financial statements;
- solve complex mathematical problems;
- create simple computer codes at the request of the user and even simple applications.
The wide functionality of the chatbot interested the business. According to some reports, ChatGPT can optimize up to 75% of routine tasks. Therefore, companies began to test how useful it can be for business tasks.
Why ChatGPT is useful for business
Here are some examples of using the range of skills of the new chatbot with artificial intelligence:
Customer Service Improvement
ChatGPT can be used to create chatbots that can generate automated responses to user questions. This will improve customer service and ensure continuous 24/7 support.
Data analysis
Chatbot is able to analyze data, allowing businesses to gain valuable insights that will help make more informed marketing decisions.
Business process optimization
Automation of routine tasks allows you to optimize business processes and reduce the number of errors associated with the human factor.
When it comes to the work of developers, such a tool helps not only automate the routine, but also free up time. Time that can be spent on creativity. Or work on other tasks, the implementation of which, thanks to the creative and critical thinking of a person, is not yet subject to AI.
Product Development
Using ChatGPT can develop products and services based on artificial intelligence. For example, create personalized recommendations for buyers, automated project management systems, etc.
Advertising campaigns
Creation of personalized advertising campaigns allows businesses to reach out to their customers with targeted offers that meet their individual preferences. And since ChatGPT can perform such tasks, it means that it can help improve the effectiveness of advertising.
Also ChatGPT can be used for naming, writing slogans, generating ideas for promotional materials based on keywords. In just a few minutes, the chatbot gives dozens of different options - you just have to choose the most successful one.
So, ChatGPT can provide the implementation of diverse automated solutions. And this means that this tool really has a powerful potential for improving the efficiency of business processes.
Neural network Midjourney
Midjourney is a neural network that can turn user-supplied text into an image. It can generate quite realistic photos of people, animals, objects and spatial objects. These images can be used for commercial purposes as well.
Advantages of the Midjourney Neural Network
High quality. Midjourney is able to create sufficiently high-quality images with high detail, corresponding to the text description. In particular, the latest version generator images, according to the developers, will be able to create high-quality images with more diverse source data. Midjourney V5 supports wider statistical and dynamic range, provides support for seamless textures, offers an extended choice of aspect ratios, etc.
Speed. Midjourney creates images very fast, which allows the user to create a large amount of photographs and drawings in a short time.
Flexibility. The Midjourney neural network can be trained on various types of data and is able to create images for everything from game development to data visualization.
Availability. Midjourney is a platform with public functionality. Its tools are free and legal to use. Note that users who have opted for a basic set of features neural networks (demo access), can create 25 images for free. Three paid tariffs (Basic, Standard and Pro) provide more opportunities for the number of image generation.
According to the commercial terms of use of the service published on the Midjourney website, a user who has chosen a paid subscription (Paid Member) receives all property and non-property intellectual property rights to the created image in accordance with Art. 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights".
Which business needs can meet Midjourney functionality
Marketing and advertising
Realistic images generated with Midjourney can be used to create promotional materials: banners, social media, e-flyers, etc. Quality marketing materials help increase the attention of potential customers to a product or brand.
Product development
The neural network helps to create the most realistic images of a product for its testing, presentation and advertising. High quality and unique image design increases the attractiveness of the product for customers, helps the company to gain a competitive advantage. All this helps to increase sales and improve brand reputation.
Educational materials
Midjourney is able to generate high-quality images for educational materials that promote topic interest and more detailed study of information.
Site creation
With this tool, you can generate high quality realistic images for websites. They provide a higher visual appeal of the Internet resource for users.
As you can see, Midjourney opens up opportunities for creating an attractive visual component of goods and services. Using images created by a neural network, of course, can positively affect the reputation of the brand and attract the target audience.
The benefits of artificial intelligence for online stores
Artificial intelligence (AI or AI from English Artificial Intelligence) is an important tool for online stores striving to maintain a competitive edge and meet customer needs. AI has several advantages that help online stores ensure a high level of efficiency and customer satisfaction.
First of all, AI allows analyzing customer behavior data and recommending products that might interest them. This helps stores offer personalized advertising campaigns that attract customers' attention and save their time.
Additionally, AI can automate processes such as responding to customer messages and processing orders. This allows stores to save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manually handling these processes.
AI can assist stores in maintaining accountability and transparency throughout the entire order lifecycle. For example, AI can be used to track deliveries and notify customers about the status of their orders.
Marketing efficiency: AI can help determine the most effective marketing channels and identify relevant offers for customers, thereby increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and boosting sales.
Thus, artificial intelligence can make a significant contribution to the development and efficiency of online stores. With AI, stores can provide better service to customers, save time and resources, and improve their processes.
What is doomscrolling and why is it dangerous
The morning of the overwhelming majority of modern people begins with reading the news on their smartphones. Throughout the day, we look at the screen of our mobile device countless times: we open news websites, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and scroll through our feeds for hours.
At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. However, according to studies, people subconsciously seek out negative news. Why do they attract us so much? Is uncontrolled scrolling harmful? How can we combat this?
Let's try to figure it out.
Why do we seek negative news?
Subconsciously, humans are inclined to search for bad news. This is due to evolutionary processes. In the past, in order to survive, people had to be particularly sensitive to dangers.
Our ancestors had to be especially attentive to indicators of life-threatening situations. Therefore, the modern human brain instinctively "looks out" for such threats. The longer we scroll through news online, the more dangers we find.
If an average person reads mundane or not-so-strange news, they might find it interesting but not emotionally react. However, something potentially threatening or alarming instantly grabs attention and stimulates the imagination. The brain records these reactions — a tendency to focus on more negative information is formed.
Moreover, all mass social phenomena instantly trend. For example, three years ago, it was impossible to avoid horrific news and discussions about COVID-19.
In such a situation, many may feel a certain pressure from society. It is perceived as if one is being forced to accept a particular opinion. People unconsciously start looking for information that confirms the correctness of their viewpoint. Yet, they only sink deeper into negativity. Thus, uncontrolled scrolling, unfortunately, only worsens the situation.
How does reading bad news affect our lives?
The internet provides us with instant access to news:
- we have the opportunity to stay informed about current events (for example, the most searched name of famous people who passed away in 2022 was Zhirinovsky);
- to use information for our own benefit;
- and we can also gain a sense of control over the situation.
But the more we worry, the more we want to control the situation and the people around us. Many believe that being well-informed is a great way to manage what’s happening.
However, in reality, according to psychologists, this only leads to greater anxiety. And our awareness cannot influence the global course of events. Probably, except in situations involving rescue. Or finding vital items (for example, the most popular search request at the end of 2022 in the "Shopping" category was generator).
What does the term "doomscrolling" mean?
Doomscrolling is the excessive and uncontrolled consumption of negative news on social media or other content-sharing platforms.
The English term doomscrolling arises from the combination of the words doom (darkness or evil) and scrolling (quickly flipping through pages online). In other words, doomscrolling is an endless "feed of alarming news."
Since February 24, 2022, almost every Ukrainian using a smartphone has encountered the phenomenon of doomscrolling. For many, it has become one of the only options to fill the void of uncertainty. By the way, the top search in Google in 2022 in Ukraine was "air raid alerts map."
Experts consider doomscrolling to be a significant problem that hinders people's ability to maintain critical thinking. It is hard to argue with this, as many would agree that at some point, any communication turns into an exchange of what has been "scrolled" throughout the day. This seems to be a protective reaction, a way to find understandable scenarios for the situation's development.
It should also be noted that each of us has different sensitivities to news with high emotional involvement. Specialists differentiate between two types of people: some can abstract from the information received (not "filter" it through themselves), while others constantly think about bad news. This negatively affects their well-being. Therefore, there is no positive effect from endlessly scrolling through news feeds: it does not reduce but only increases anxiety.
What is the danger of doomscrolling?
Essentially, any action that we cannot control automatically becomes a problem. The obsessive need to find answers, regardless of how good or bad the news is, turns into a vicious circle:
- The more time we spend scrolling through news feeds, the more threats we discover.
- The more we read about them, the more we worry.
- The more we worry, the more everything around seems dangerous.
- Eventually, we return to social media in search of information that might help us find a way out of danger. It’s no surprise that in Google search queries over the past year, the most popular figure has been Arestovych. His phrasing and soft tone of voice have indeed become a "soothing" presence for many.
Doomscrolling is a destructive phenomenon
"Measured" use of social media does not cause harm. However, intensive (unhealthy) monitoring of news can provoke feelings of helplessness and heightened anxiety:
- sleep and eating behaviors are disrupted;
- there is a desire to eat or drink away negativity;
- cognitive functions decrease;
- negative thinking can turn into aggression, and then into apathy or depressive states.
Thus, the overall quality of life deteriorates. Why? Because doomscrolling distracts us from our own thoughts and feelings. And this is dangerous for emotional health.
Studies have shown that most respondents are not fully aware of how strongly this can affect their psyche. Many tend to catastrophize the future, feeling incapable of maintaining normal productivity and carrying out routine tasks.
Therefore, doomscrolling is a completely destructive phenomenon.
How to combat the negative habit?
First, acknowledge the problem and honestly admit to yourself that it exists. After that, take steps to eradicate it. Here are a few options.
You can start by limiting the time spent reading news and browsing social media. Set a screen time limit on your smartphone, and a limit for apps. Turn off notifications in messengers and social networks. Every sound signal triggers a reaction in us, so it’s worth keeping notifications only from close people and the most important apps or Telegram channels.
Break from reading news
You can take a mandatory break from "consuming" information for any comfortable amount of time. If you stop checking the news every 5-10 minutes, the surrounding reality will not change drastically. So it is essential to find the strength to "exit the matrix": a few hours of conscious break will not destroy the world.
Time for reflection
It is important not only to receive information but also to reflect on it. The human brain needs time for this. Unfortunately, we have already gotten used to heavy, scary, and even horrific news. However, it is vital to learn to consume information in moderation. This allows you to stay informed while not hindering your ability to live and work. It is easy to drown in huge amounts of mostly negative information. We should protect ourselves from this flow at least — and we are capable of doing so.
Positive events
Another recommendation is to note pleasant household and/or everyday events in your smartphone notes or personal diary. Even minor ones. This will help create a counterbalance to negativity and promote the harmonization of your emotional state.
Positive news
You can filter your news feed, setting it to show the most positive news. By the way, in contrast to doomscrolling, joyscrolling (from the English word joy) has emerged. For instance, many people searched for interesting movie and cartoon titles about Christmas, family, and adventures before the New Year. Essentially, this is a search for positive content.
Speaking of which, the most popular search request of 2022 under the hashtag #series was "House of the Dragon." And the leader in Google searches among feature films was "Spider-Man: No Way Home."
Significant purpose
Don’t forget to remind yourself why you opened the news feed and what exactly you are looking for. While immersing yourself in the news world, we must be aware of our purpose — otherwise, we risk losing ourselves in an endless sea of information.
Constantly consuming news without reflection can lead to a significant drop in emotional well-being. People must learn to recognize what and how often they check and analyze information on their devices. The presence of this "vicious circle" of negativity can be changed. Therefore, we must learn how to deal with it, avoiding the harmful phenomenon of doomscrolling.
Work schedule on holidays
Dear customers, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We would like to inform you that from 12/31/2022 to 01/08/2023 we will work only in technical support mode.
We ask that you in advance, right now, write about all urgent tasks, if there are any.
And also replenish the balance of technical support and hosting in advance on the page https://glyanec.net/ua/payform
From 09.01. 2023 - we are working as usual.
Thank you for choosing us!
New Year's offers from Glyants! Choose your gift
We sincerely congratulate you on the Christmas and New Year holidays! Let the winter holidays bring joy and harmony. We wish family warmth, love and peace above your head!
We continue to give gifts:
- Discount for the development of an online store -23%
- Contextual advertising -23%
- SEO audit and site optimization -23%
Offers are valid until January 14, 2023
You can order from your personal manager or contact:
0 (800) 750-751 (the call is free)
[email protected]
Online chat for an online store is an ideal solution for communicating with customers
Today, the online store is one of the most popular suppliers of goods for consumers. At the same time, the level of competition among sites of this type is constantly growing, which forces business owners to constantly add new opportunities for their customers. The level of comfort of a potential buyer has become a new measure of the quality of an online store, so entrepreneurs are looking for any opportunity to improve the user experience for their sites.
Contact between buyer and seller is one of the main aspects of trade. It is interaction with a potential client that often helps turn him into a buyer. At the same time, online store customers cannot always communicate directly with the product seller, but the Glyanets website creation studio has found a way to fix this.
Online chat for an online store is a convenient tool for communication with customers. It helps to quickly answer all the buyer's questions and convince him to buy the product with reason. Such an online service will be useful for online stores of any scale. But what exactly does the Glyanets studio offer to site owners?
A ready-made solution for connecting online chats to your site
By turning to the specialists of the Glyanets site creation studio, you get the opportunity to bring interaction with your customers to a new level. We assume all obligations for connecting the service, and you receive the following benefits:
- a complete set of modern messengers for consulting site visitors;
- giving customers the opportunity to contact you in a way that is convenient for them, which significantly increases customer loyalty;
- easy access to your store's contact information: thanks to the widget, customers will see it on every page of your site.
By offering your customers the opportunity to contact you using a convenient communication channel, you automatically increase customer loyalty to your store. In addition, the ready-made solution from Glyanets will help you improve the quality of the user experience. All this is guaranteed to improve the attitude of buyers to your site, as well as increase the number of sales - so do not delay.
Order a chat widget with access to popular messengers, let buyers learn more about your products — and tomorrow the number of sales on the site will increase!
Angular is a universal framework for product development
Among all frameworks in the development market, Angular occupies a special place. This framework can rightly be called the "Swiss times" in the world of JavaScript, because its power and range of possibilities are practically limitless.
Angular has accurate NativeScript for its own applications, while creating an Ionic framework for hybrid applications. AngularJS is a cross-platform framework. Its code is absolutely clean, easy to understand and contains a very low error rate due to the precise controller and special technique of data reproduction.
The cross-platform nature of Angular makes it one of the most used frameworks in the software and web application development market. The combination of simplicity and multi-functionality has led to the great popularity of Angular. But does this framework have any disadvantages?
Disadvantages of Angular and why professionalism is important
Whichever framework you choose, each of them has its own list of advantages and disadvantages. Some of the main advantages of Angular are:
- perfect synchronization between the view and the model;
- instant demonstration of changes;
- possibility to separate viewing and data collection.
No wonder Angular is so popular. All of the listed advantages are only part of a rather long and well-founded list of Angular's achievements compared to other frameworks. As for the shortcomings of this tool, experts often note the complexity of learning Angular and its complex structure.
Disadvantages of Angular are easily leveled by professionalism and experience. This is exactly what the developers of the Glyanec website creation studio can boast about. After all, our specialists are experienced developers with a large number of cases who are able to use Angular's capabilities in full.
Summing up, it can be said that Angular is well deservedly in demand among professionals. This framework is quite demanding on the qualifications of specialists. But if you turned to the company Glyanets, you can be sure that we implement only the best solutions using Angular, as well as other popular frameworks.
If you are interested in creating a quality product, visit our main page and learn more about us, our services and the team of specialists at the Glyanec web studio.
Express JS - page building platform
Despite the fact that most JS applications are called frameworks, each individual framework has its own characteristics.
Express JS is an application launching framework that is used to create web applications and website pages. The use of Express JS significantly speeds up the process of creating sites and allows developers to expand the list of tools available to them.
Learning how Express JS works, despite the visual simplicity of this framework, takes a lot of time. The main reason for the slow adoption is that Express JS has a lot of opportunities to interact with other tools, and it's simply impossible to cover everything.
At the same time, having mastered the features of Express JS, a specialist can greatly speed up the process of creating finished products, which is what the developers of the Glyanec website development studio can boast of.
Each framework has its own advantages and disadvantages that allow it to achieve varying degrees of popularity. So what is the secret behind the popularity of Express JS?
Why Express JS became so popular
Like most other frameworks, Express JS offers professionals a wide range of tools with a minimum list of drawbacks. It was the ratio of pros and cons that allowed Express JS to become so popular among users.
When developers talk about the advantages of Express JS over others frameworks, most note that:
- it helps to halve the time of creating a web application;
- accessible even to beginners;
- it is very easy to learn and apply.
The low threshold for using the framework does not mean that you will be able to use all its features, but most of the simple features will still be available from the very beginning.
The list of advantages of Express JS is certainly weighty, but does it have any disadvantages? Of course! Most often, developers complain about the inability to manage difficult computational tasks and note API imbalances.
Express JS is a framework with great potential and a wide range of uses. At the same time, experience and cases are needed to attract the maximum capabilities of this framework. This is exactly what the developers of the Glyanec web studio can boast of.
Summing up, it should be said that Express JS is an excellent framework that can work wonders in experienced hands. As for beginner developers, they can also use Express JS, but not as effectively as professionals.
jQuery JS is a multifunctional library
JavaScript frameworks are tools used by front-end and software developers. With the help of frameworks and open libraries, experienced professionals can create any quality product. More often than others, jQuery, one of the most popular JS frameworks, helps them with this.
Using jQuery makes life easier for a web developer. It contains many built-in functions with which you can easily and quickly perform various tasks. Also, this framework allows you to significantly speed up the development process, motivating a specialist to use as little handwritten code as possible.
jQuery is in high demand among software developers and online store builders. What is the secret of his success? As with most other frameworks, the secret to jQuery's popularity lies in its versatility and individual benefits, which we'll talk about next.
Benefits of jQuery and using the library for development
Regardless of the range of capabilities of the framework, the competence of a specialist is always in the first place. No matter how easy the framework is to learn, without experience and the necessary knowledge, you are unlikely to be able to create a really high-quality product. Therefore, our team of specialists and developers is always ready to help you.
As for jQuery, this framework really has many advantages that distinguish it from others. This framework managed to achieve popularity and such frequency of use due to the following advantages:
- DOM Selection - jQuery provides selectors to get a DOM element based on various criteria: tag name, id, CSS class name, attribute name, value, nth child in the hierarchy, etc.
- DOM Manipulation - You can manipulate DOM elements using various jQuery built-in functions. For example, add or remove elements, change HTML content, change CSS class, etc.
- Special Effects - You can apply special effects to DOM elements, such as showing or hiding elements, adjusting visibility or fading, sliding effects, animations, and more.
This list of benefits is not exhaustive, but it is these features that have helped this framework achieve such popularity among developers.
If you want to use the jQuery library in your project, but do not have a sufficient command of the tool, visit the main page of our site. The Glyanec web studio team is always ready to help users!
React JS - Quality UI
JavaScript and its frameworks are often used to create applications and various interfaces. The choice of frameworks for JS is so wide that sometimes novice developers do not know which one to choose. At the same time, among all the frameworks, there is the most popular tool - and this is React JS.
React JS is a framework used to build quality user interfaces. According to many developers, one of the main advantages of this framework is its SEO friendliness. This makes it an ideal solution for creating websites and online stores.
React JS also offers a lot of opportunities for developers, but whether they can use them always depends on their competence. To create a quality online store and user interface for it, you will need the help of real professionals.
Like any tool, React JS has its advantages and disadvantages. It is about them that we will talk further.
Why do they love and why do they hate React JS?
Much of the reason for the popularity of React JS is its ease of learning. You don’t need to spend a lot of time on mastering React JS: you just need to constructively approach the study of the material. At the same time, mastering all the features of React JS is possible only through experience that still needs to be gained.
React JS has a lot of advantages over other frameworks. Among the reasons why developers choose React JS are:
- it contains a set of effective tools;
- helps improve performance;
- provides the ability to quickly test and debug.
Multiplying these benefits with SEO-friendliness, it seems that you can get literally the perfect framework for developing corporate websites and applications. Is it so? Not really.
Evaluating React JS and analyzing its shortcomings, most experts talk about the incompleteness of the technology and the need for other frameworks. Well, for the specialists of our website development studio, the use of several frameworks during development is not a problem.
Summing up the analysis of React JS, we can evaluate it as a very good development tool. But subject to a certain level of competence and experience. If your goal is to get the most out of using React JS, we recommend that you turn to real development experts and get a quality product in the shortest possible time.
Visit the main page of our website creation studio to learn more.
The Node.js framework is an ideal tool for creating network applications
Using JavaScript and frameworks to create new products is a common development technique. Frameworks significantly expand the capabilities of developers, which has a positive effect on the finished product. In addition, frameworks can significantly reduce the amount of time needed to create a new application or develop a user interface.
Node.js is a popular framework used to build web applications. Being open source and well optimized for working with large datasets, Node.js is also compatible with other frameworks and libraries, making it one of the most popular tools among developers.
Advantages and disadvantages of Node.js
Nothing is perfect in the world, and frameworks are no exception. Each tool has its advantages and disadvantages, but in the case of Node.js, the advantages are much greater.
When choosing Node.js to develop a new product, most developers are guided by the capabilities of this framework. A short list of benefits that Node.js can offer a professional is as follows:
- the possibility of increasing the scale according to the requirements;
- thread execution without blocking;
- support for processing multiple simultaneous connections.
Because Node.js is built on the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, it generates code extremely quickly, making it one of the most popular frameworks among developers. But it was not without its shortcomings.
When talking about the shortcomings of Node.js, developers most often refer to the tool library, which is gradually losing its relevance. They also talk about performance, which can decrease over time during a large number of calculations.
Here it is worth noting that the efficiency of Node.js directly depends on the competence of the specialist. When you contact us, you will not encounter any defects in the completed project.
Summarizing the Node.js review, it is safe to say that this framework will be relevant for more than one year. At the same time, in order to achieve the desired result when working with it, it is better to contact specialists. This approach will allow you to reduce development time and get a really high-quality product without any flaws.
Your online store is in the phone of every customer
We create a personal design based on the features of the company's identity, the business niche and many other important factors
Advantages of a personal app for a store:
- 24/7 selling and ordering
- Encouraging repeat purchases
- Attracting inactive clients
- Meeting the needs of the target audience
App has the following sections:
- Product catalog by category
- Product page
- Favorites
- Shopping cart
The application synchronizes with the online store database. It’s easier to work in the stock accounting system in a single database because of the following:
- Fast products data updating;
- Fast stock updating;
- Quick order transfer for its processing by online store managers.
- швидке оновлення даних по товарах;
- актуалізацію залишків (наявності) товарів;
- миттєву передачу замовлення для опрацювання менеджерами інтернет-магазину.
Our mobile application is a convenient business tool that you can order from your personal manager or via contacts:
Launch your chatbot together with Glyanec!
Do you have regular customers? Did you get tired of answering them manually?
How to automate the recruitment of employees?
How to make a reminder about the records?
We offer to create a chatbot for popular messengers that will help your business reach new heights!
Chatbot for your store:
- Products browsing
- Categories browsing
- Products search
- Chatbot ordering
Chatbot for your HR manager:
- CV reception
- Test tasks receiving
- Sending of completed test tasks
- Obtaining results
- Viewing of the application processing status
- Online appointment for the time
- Online appointment for interviews
Information chatbot:
- Information distribution for visitors
- Notification for employees
You can order the website by contacting us:
0-800-759-759 (free)
[email protected]
VERY good corporate website with up to 70% off!
As part of business support during wartime, Glyanec company has developed a ready-made corporate website, which we offer with up to 70% off - 20,000 UAH (instead of 60,000 UAH).
Colors, themes, and content can be changed for each corporate website. So, every company can use this ready-made website. All website designs will be different.
You can view a website’s demo here: Agrotech.glyanec.net.
You can order the website by contacting us:
0-800-759-759 (free)
[email protected]
Updated prices for support tariffs
From September 1, 2022, we offer the fairer price for technical support of websites.
Updated support prices:
- Basic – 950 UAH
- Required – 1 900 UAH
- Active – 3970 UAH
- Active+ – 8500 UAH
- Glyanec – 17 450 UAH
Support prices are reviewed annually. But, taking into account the pandemic and martial law, we have tried to keep from raising prices to support Ukrainian business. That’s why the prices of our services did not change from 2019. Unfortunately, in the conditions of constant inflation, such price fixation is impossible.
Now we are increasing prices because of an increase of the exchange rate by more than 30%. But the quality of our service is outpacing inflation and price growth! That's why our customers are always satisfied.
We remind you about new and effective services for you:
• Contextual advertising (all launched companies websites bring profit to our clients. Ask your project manager about cases).
• You can purchase a very effective ready-made landing page called Minimarket. Demo – https://mini-market.glyanec.net/
• Ready-made corporate website – https://agrotech.glyanec.net
• Ticket system to avoid losing customers and their requests – https://helpdeskstar.org
• SEO optimization of websites.
Together to the victory!
Glyanec company.
Creating a turnkey online store: Key features of the process and goals
Development of an online store on a turnkey basis is what most entrepreneurs come to over time. Any web resource for a company is a great opportunity to get closer to its customers and significantly expand the range of potential customers. In addition, the creation of an online store is the entry of a company or manufacturer into a completely new market, where the effectiveness of marketing solutions is a hundred times more effective than offline trading.
Creating a turnkey online store is a laborious process, the cost of which can hardly be called affordable for absolutely everyone. In fact, the price of creating a turnkey online store directly depends on your assortment, the goals you are pursuing and, of course, the competition in the niche. The choice of specialists and their expertise also affect the cost of creating an online store.
But is the development of a turnkey online store worth the time spent? And why the creation of a turnkey online store costs so much. You can learn about this and much more in this article, let's get started!
Online Store Development: Goals and Opportunities
Creating a turnkey online store is a pleasure that can hardly be called cheap and on, that is, for a number of reasons. The main reasons, among others, can safely be called the goals that you can achieve by creating an online store and the tools that become available after the launch of the web resource.
In business, as in any other competition, every little thing matters. If we talk about the creation of an online store as an element of sports, then it could be called a handicap. The development of an online store can significantly expand the circle of your potential customers and, consequently, multiply your profits.
To avoid confusion, we will tell you in detail about the goals that you can achieve by developing an online store and about the tools that will become available to you as soon as the created site starts functioning. Let's start with the tools available to online store owners. The list of such tools is as follows:
1. Sales automation
The first plus of creating a turnkey online store is, of course, sales automation. Unlike an offline store, where you need to maintain a whole staff of employees, including sellers, an online store sells automatically. By ordering the creation of an online store, you will significantly save time for your regular customers, because now they can make any purchase of your products without getting out of bed.
With all sorts of buttons and designs available, you can customize your own store as much as possible or hire a professional designer. In online marketing, as well as in sports, everything matters, because even the color of the “buy” button can play a role in the number of conversions.
By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store from the Glyanec web studio, you will not only receive a high-quality website, but also an up-to-date design, taking into account all modern trends and the wishes of customers. In addition, our company is engaged in the promotion of sites in the top search results through the development of advertising campaigns. So if you are interested in getting around your competitors and multiplying the number of your regular customers, order a set of services for creating and promoting a turnkey online store from the Glyanec website development studio.
2. Assortment management and accurate availability information
If you've ever owned an offline sales business, you're guaranteed to remember the endless inventory counts and shortages. All of them are related to the human factor, because in the heat of the working day, you can easily shift a box from a new delivery to the other end of the warehouse, and simply cannot be found in the process of inventory. In the case of an online store, this does not threaten you, because the calculation of all products is carried out by the program instead of you.
By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store, you can forever forget about what inventory is in its standard sense. When selling goods through your personal online store, you can go to your personal account at any time and make sure that there is not enough popular goods in stock. This is possible due to the automation of processes, because as soon as the buyer clicks on the “place an order” button, the program reads this and takes away one or more positions, depending on the number of products that the user wants to buy.
Thus, you can quickly, and most importantly, comfortably manage the balance of your store and forget forever what inventory is. In the future, you will also be able to establish a logistics system, thanks to which all hot goods will have stocks in stock, and suppliers will regularly bring the necessary goods in the shortest possible time.
3. Data collection and analysis of indicators
An offline store and sales in it are mainly based on the sympathy of buyers for the seller and the way he presents the goods. Enlisting the support of an experienced seller, you can significantly increase business revenue, but even the most experienced seller in the world will not be able to bring you as much as a competent analysis of statistics and key indicators annually brings to online stores.
Unlike an offline store, where the only parameter you can refer to is your seller's subjective opinion about the reaction of customers to new products and discounts, an online store offers you a sea of data. With Google Ads, you can easily track:
How many customers visited your online store
How many users completed the target action
How many users left the site after reading only one page
How much traffic went to your site compared to last month
And much more.
Thanks to such a large amount of data, site promotion specialists can easily determine which specific aspects negatively affect the amount of traffic and what needs to be done to improve results. Also, the presence of analytics gives you the opportunity to build long-term goals and soberly assess the state of the business at the current moment. All this gives you unlimited freedom in business development, because having so much data you can instantly adapt to the current market situation without waiting for the first losses.
The list of tools available to owners of online stores presented above is not exhaustive. In addition to standard tools, by ordering the creation of a turnkey online store, you can also connect dozens of various CMS plugins that can multiply the amount of data collected and provide you with a complete picture of the state of your business, its popularity and demand, as well as effective advertising campaigns and promotional offers.
We are sure that having familiarized yourself with all the possibilities offered by the creation of an online store, you will definitely want to order development, but how are online stores created?
Creation of a turnkey online store, Why it is important to turn to professionals
The process of developing an online store can be safely called multi-stage, because in order for your site to appear in search results, a lot of work needs to be done. The development of any site begins with the process of discussing ideas and creating a concept for a finished resource. At this stage, it is important to decide what goals the web resource pursues, what functions it should have and what it will offer users. This stage may be the first in the list of creating an online store, but in fact it is rather the initial preparation for this work.
The creation of an online store is divided into many stages, each of which we have already talked about in our blog. A short list of work that will need to be done by specialists in order to create a turnkey online store for your business is as follows:
Structure development
Design creation
Development of the main and secondary pages
UX/UI design
Create product or service cards
Filling the site with descriptions and necessary text materials
SEO optimization
Creation and launch of advertising campaigns
The list of tasks presented above is scaled, since each of the listed items can also be divided into sub-items. However, this list is not exhaustive, and the implementation of all the listed tasks is the end of the process of creating an online store.
When ordering the creation of an online store from a start-up company, you should take into account that the launch date of the site can be noticeably postponed. The reason for this may be the low competence of the specialists of the company you applied to or the insufficient staff of specialists involved in the project. If you do not want to wait and strive to enter the online sales market as soon as possible, contact the Glyanec web studio.
Creation of sites and online stores is the main specificity of our company. For more than 13 years of work in the field of developing Internet resources, we have not only managed to become the best in our business, but also acquired a considerable number of regular customers among the largest companies in Ukraine. You can be convinced of the highest quality and success of our developments by reading the reviews and portfolio of the Glyanec web studio.
You can order the creation of a turnkey online store in Kyiv, Vinnitsa or any other city in Ukraine by leaving a request on our website. You can also use the phone number published on the site to consult with our representative regarding questions that interest you. Also on the website of the Glyanec web studio, an online chat is available where you can ask all your questions, and our manager will answer them online.
Order the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of the Glyanec web studio, enlist the support of experienced professionals and become the leader of your niche tomorrow!
Protection against DDOS-attacks
A distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a site with a flood of Internet traffic. The more devices are used, the more overloaded the server is and the higher possibility of the site's downtime. One of the clients has addressed to the Glyanec company with such a problem. The site’s server was attacked by hackers in order to receive money service relaunching. The Glyanec company has relaunched the server, changed the IP address and hided it with the help of Cloudflare service. We also has described the basic security rules for the client. It uses reverse proxy server, also speeds up the site, which allows to prevent DDOS-attacks on the client's server.
The Glyanec company offers you to install protection of your site against DDOS-attacks for only 1,000 UAH.
You can order the service by contacting your personal manager or using the following contact info.
0-800-759-759 (free)
Your store's shipping zones!
A geographic area, or a shipping zone is a group of countries or regions to which you deliver the order. The shipping zone can be the city center, streets and local or suburban areas. A clearly constructed system of shipping zones increases conversion by 10-15%. Why? Reduced delivery cost and waiting time are the key parameters on which the customer focuses choosing a seller.
Why are shipping zones convenient?
- Flexible setting of "Shippingconditions";
- Accurate cost calculation;
- Personalized shipping conditions for customers;
- Saving time.
The Glyaneс company offers to add this useful function to your online store with and increase your sales right now.
Only until the end of July! Order the module for 3,000 UAH instead of 5,000 UAH.
You can order the service by contacting your personal manager or using the following contact info:
0-800-759-759 (free)
From July 16, 2022, the language of web resources and user interfaces will be Ukrainian!
According to Art. 27 of the Law "On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as a state language" from July 16, 2022:
All sites and pages in social networks of entities registered in Ukraine, a must have a Ukrainian language version, which must be the default language for users in Ukraine;
The Ukrainian version of the site can exist alongside other language versions, but contain not less content;
Any product with a computer program must has a Ukrainian interface, regardless of whether an electronic screen is used or the interface looks like a control panel with ordinary buttons.
Also, from July 16, the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language will be able to impose a fine ranging from UAH 3,400 UAH to 8,500 UAH if the violation is committed for the first time. A fine from 8,500 UAH to 11,900 UAH will be imposed for repeated violations.
The Glyanec company offers creation, editing and support of Ukrainian-sites in accordance with all requirements of current legislation. If you already have a site developed by us, but Ukrainian is not a default language, send a request to the e-mail address [email protected] or call 0800 750 751
SMS mailing based on geographic targeting and interests!
How to send SMS messages:
- Find a new target audience and increase sales;
- Communicate with potential customers in a more personalized way;
- Expand existing communication channels.
Send messages to customers who are in your chosen territory or attract new ones with the help of promotional mailings from the company Glyaneс, which allows:
- Find new customers among mobile network subscribers subscribed to discount services;
- Select the audience by age, gender, geolocation and many other indicators;
- Form a budget and the number of messages;
- Track the statistics of your mailings.
The cost of SMS messages depends on the communication channel and the type of business. We will calculate the cost specifically for your needs and wishes.
The Glyaneс company offers you the setting up of an effective mailing with the development of a strategy, the calculation of the mailing budget and the writing of ad texts according to all requirements.
You can order the service by contacting your personal manager or by contacting:
0-800-759-759 (free)
Customers do not pick up goods from Nova Poshta? Your SMS is not working!
If you use the SMS of the "SMS-CENTER" service, you have also received the following letter:
"Good day! On May 11, 2022, SMS-CENTER LLC was forced to suspend its work in Ukraine due to the current situation in the country. From this date it is not possible to send SMS messages to Ukrainian subscribers and accept payment from customers. We apologize for the inconvenience. "
Gloss offers an alternative solution based on the "TurboSMS" service using a module developed by our team to notify about new orders, arrivals or shipments of goods and other useful features for your business for only 1000 UAH. Everything will work tomorrow!
Don't lose your customers while your competitors are already working.
Order integration now!
We work online! Contact us!
0-800-759-759 (free)
All appeals in one ticket system. Really?
Do not miss a single request from the client!
Email, Viber - all appeals in one ticket system, do not lose money and customers. Monitor workload support in real time
Help Desk system free of charge:
Help Desk organizes a single approach for all incoming requests, tasks and work both within the company and from customers
No customer will be left without an answer provided in time!
Save the history of all appeals in the client's card for a better understanding of the whole process
Increase the productivity of your employees:
- Create templates for answering popular customer questions to take a few minutes to process.
Organize an internal knowledge base available to your operators directly in the system
Keep a history of all appeals in the client's card for a better understanding of the whole process
And more than 100 useful features for your convenience in the Help Desk.
Do you want your support service to be at the same level?
Try it for free. Leave an application on our website and we will contact you immediately and tell you how to implement a new development from the Glyanec studio in 1 day
We work online! Contact us!
0-800-759-759 (free)
Mini market and chatbot. 7500 UAH instead of 15000 UAH -50% discount!
How to start a business in war? How to be able to travel? How not to be tied to the office or the store?
The solution is: a ready-made mini-market with telegrams and Viber Bot. Mini market is the last word in web development, one-page shop. It's like a supermarket, where all the goods are in the same window. There are simply no analogues of our development. If you know the effectiveness of one-page sites, you can guess what the effectiveness of one-page stores will be.
You become the full owner of the store, get full access to the code. You buy the entire site into your property.
The bot allows you to stay in touch with customers and implement sales of your store on all possible devices. Through the bot, your customers will be able to repeat purchases without visiting the site. Orders come to the site admin. Integration with card payment systems, delivery, accounting, cash register.
We work online! Contact us! Launch in 1 day!
0-800-759-759 (free)
The perfect website for your healthcare facility? 1 month and from 30,000 UAH
We have been developing websites for medical institutions for 13 years. We start advertising. Here are the patients.
What we guarantee to do:
– premium design
– mobile version
– google optimization
– logo
– record of patients
– connection to your system
– launch of online advertising
– constant support, consultations
All this and much more "turnkey" for clinics, dentists, private practitioners, plastic surgery, diagnostics. There is also a ready-made solution for public medical institutions (a platform for free but reliable sites).
We are working and ready to start working on your site right now!
0-800-759-759 (from 9 to 18, Artem)
"Russian sites created by the Glyanec web studio will no longer work" - a statement from the company's press service
It's all about licensing and licensed products.
Glyanec web studio is engaged in the creation of Internet resources and promotion for clients.
All resources created by Glyanec are licensed products, the intangible copyright of which is owned by the studio itself. Consequently, any site created by the studio's specialists, even if it belongs to the customer, but the company has copyright on it, like any author on his work.
In the meantime, panic has risen on Russian forums.
What will happen to the company's Russian clients?
The press service of the web studio Glyanec also answered this question:
“The company worked on the Russian market until 2014. After this country became an aggressor in relation to the territorial integrity of Ukraine, the Glyanets web studio made an independent decision to refuse cooperation with the Russian side, in particular, with its IT segment. It wasn't mainstream back then.
Against the backdrop of the events taking place in Ukraine, Glyanec, as the copyright holder, revokes all licenses for the use of web resources ever created for clients from the Russian Federation. About 400 sites in Russia stopped working. They are completely blocked. Since 2014, we have stopped supporting sites from Russia, but now this is not enough. We have completely blocked such sites. Unblocking is possible only after the complete liberation of Ukraine, after the payment of reparations to the victims and after the adoption of relevant laws.“
Commentary from the legal department of the company:
“The actions of the web studio Glyanec in this situation are fully consistent with the law.
The law prohibits economic activity with the aggressor country. The company operates in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. Clients from Russia needed to worry about the situation in Ukraine.”
SEO promotion of a medical-related corporate website: How to attract customers to the medical center website using SEO
The medical field is a niche to which the Google search engine has a special relationship. More recently, the entire search engine was loaded with sites with tips and prescriptions of medicines from users who have neither medical education nor any understanding of what they advise. At the same time, the use of RRS helped sites with such information to stay in the top of the search results, while the sites of medical centers with materials from certified specialists were idle somewhere in the back of the search results.
The coronavirus pandemic has become a precedent event, and of course the owners of sites with tips on "improving immunity with folk remedies" could not help but take advantage of it. Having received millions of complaints about the incompetence of information from users, Google decided to take serious measures and make control over the reliability of information in the medical field a priority goal. Thus, most of the sites with tips and recipes have sunk into oblivion, but what to do with the resources on which professionals work?
More recently, many experts have said that SEO is only part of the story. Against the background of the success and effectiveness of the PPC, the search engine promotion looked inconspicuous and more like a waste of time, exactly until the cost of the PPC exceeded the expected profit.
Because of the effectiveness of the PPC, absolutely everyone began to use such advertising. As we know– the higher the demand, the higher the price, so it is not surprising that now the cost of a click in the RRS can easily exceed the profit that you will receive under the most favorable circumstances. But what about SEO.
In order to get rid of incompetent articles and forums, Google decided to use SEO as the main source of reliable data and focus all ranking factors on SEO. Thus, now the relevance of the information provided by you, its reliability and effectiveness have become the main help for success in search results, but this does not mean that it has become easier for medical sites to enter the top of search results.
Having ordered the creation of a turnkey medical center website from specialists, you will get a high-quality website, but what next? How to promote a medical-related website and what is definitely worth considering before spending a fortune on marketing campaigns? That's what we'll tell you in this article, let's get started!
Creation and promotion of a medical-related website: E.A.T. as the main reference point for web resources
Creating a turnkey corporate website is an excellent solution that can allow you to introduce more potential customers to your services. Creating such a website will take a lot of time, but considering the benefits that a corporate website can bring to a medical center– all the costs and risks associated with website development are more than justified.
Against the background of the popularity of digitalization, there are many studios on the market that are engaged in creating turnkey websites. It is quite difficult to assess the quality of their work objectively, given the peculiarities of the niche. So the only universal method of choosing a website creation studio is the rating and the number of websites created.
Turning to leaders in any niche, you always get the best. Regardless of whether we are talking about a website manufacturer or a website creation studio, leaders have to go a long way to get around their competitors. In order to outshine others, it is necessary to work harder, better and faster – that is why choosing leaders in the field of website creation, you can be sure that the development of a corporate website for your organization will take place at the highest level.
Glyanec website creation studio is the leader of this niche in Ukraine. We have been creating corporate websites and turnkey online stores for 13 years and during this time we managed to beat all our competitors. Thanks to the professionalism of each individual specialist of our team, we were able to offer our clients the most successful promotion strategies and created websites for them that helped them break out into the top of the search results. You can judge our success by visiting our portfolio or a tab with customer reviews.
At the moment, the Glyanec website creation studio cooperates with the largest networks and companies in Ukraine. Despite our leadership in the niche – we do not plan to stop there, our team is improving its skills day by day to offer our customers even more technologically advanced and effective sites, as well as to develop even more effective marketing campaigns for them, so by contacting us you can be sure of your success.
Glyanec website creation studio is engaged not only in the development of turnkey corporate websites, but also creates online stores. You can order the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of the Glyanec web studio using the information on our website or simply by calling our office, where the manager will acquaint you with all the details of our services and tell you in detail what work plan will need to be done to develop an online store.
If you need a turnkey corporate website– you can also contact our manager to get detailed answers to your questions. In addition, there is an online chat on our website, in which our representatives can also tell you about all our services. So if you want to create a website for a medical center and are not ready to put up with half measures from beginner studios, contact the leader! Order a turnkey website creation from the Gloss website creation studio, and start promoting your center tomorrow!
Returning to the promotion of the medical center's website, it is necessary to mention one of the most important ranking factors for resources in this area, namely, from E.A.T.
E.A.T is an abbreviation that stands for "authority, expertise, reliability”, it is on these parameters that the Google search engine currently places the greatest emphasis when promoting any sites related to medical topics in one way or another. But how to deal with E.A.T.?
Medical referral sites refer to YMYL "Your Money or Your Life" type resources. The essence of this algorithm is that the information presented on the network should not harm the health of users, which is why all sites where unverified information is used have left the search results with the advent of this algorithm.
YMYL sites - the consequences of the algorithm's actions for the site of the medical center
As we have already mentioned, the main task of this algorithm is to filter out unreliable data related to the beauty, medicine or law industries. In order for your site not to fall under the action of this algorithm, it is necessary that the information posted on its pages be reliable and created exclusively by a specialist in the field in which your site operates.
Google has the right to submit a request to you regarding this or that content on your site. In this case, the main goal of the company will be to obtain documents that the author of the text on your site has a medical education, if your site is somehow related to medicine. Not being able to provide such documents, you risk starting to lose ground, since from the point of view of the search engine, the information you provide will be unreliable.
The value of information in the Google search engine is becoming more and more important every year. If earlier you could thoughtlessly publish texts on the pages of your website, now even one page with unreliable data can put an end to your corporate resource, but is E.A.T. really all that should be taken into account when creating a corporate website related to medical topics. Of course not!
YMYL is a site segmentation factor aimed at analyzing the presented data. Its main task is to minimize the risks to the health and financial condition of the search engine user. So if your site relates to medicine, finance or law, we recommend that you carefully monitor the authenticity of the published content.
Despite the importance of YMYL, this is far from the only factor that can affect the success of your Internet resource.
In addition to credibility, reliability and expertise, the information on your site should also be optimized, as well as the site itself. You can enlist the support of a doctor of sciences in the field of medicine, but if amateurs were involved in the development of your Internet resource– you will never be able to achieve the desired results in terms of traffic and the number of new customers. In order for your expectations to be met, you need the help of a specialist in the field of corporate website development and the Gloss web studio is ready to provide it to you.
Glyanec Web Studio is a leader in the development of corporate websites and online stores. In addition to the previously listed resources, we are also engaged in the creation of landing pages, news portals – and during our work in these areas, we were able to succeed in them.
If you plan to launch a landing page for your corporate website in order to attract as many users as possible, you can order its development from specialists of the Glyanec web studio. Our team will conduct a detailed niche analysis to provide your potential customers with as much information as possible and attract them to your corporate website. In addition, Gloss web studio is also engaged in the promotion of Internet resources – so if you plan to order the creation of an online store or a corporate web resource– we can also attract your potential customers to it.
Glyanec Web Studio is a full-cycle studio, because we provide a full list of services related to the development, creation, design and promotion of websites. By placing an order for the development and promotion of a turnkey website on our website, you are guaranteed to receive an Internet resource prepared for all relevant ranking factors. In addition, our marketers can provide you with effective marketing campaigns aimed at attracting customers to specific services of your company, or to your resource as a whole. Thus, becoming a client of the Glyanec web studio, you get a full range of services necessary for successful access to the Internet and attracting new customers to your business.
To learn more details about the services of the Gloss web studio and order the development of a turnkey corporate website, you can use the contact information on our website.
What is important to consider when creating a corporate website for a medical center
Having figured out how important the expertise of the content published on the medical center's website is, it's time to talk about simpler things as part of website promotion.
The fact that more ranking factors are used for medical-related sites does not change the fact that your site should be fully optimized for search engine promotion. Simply put, EAT and YMYL are add-ons, but without an intuitive structure, linking and attractive design, your site is unlikely to be able to achieve the results you expect from it. So what should you pay attention to when developing a corporate medical website? The list of site segments that you should pay special attention to is as follows:
1. Structure
The first thing that begins the creation of a turnkey website is the development of an intuitive structure. At this stage, it is important to take into account all the features of the niche, in this case we are talking about medicine.
In order for the clients of the medical center to find all the necessary information, make sure that the most important pages with information are located at a click away for users who have visited the main page of the site. Creating a corporate website in the medical field, an intuitive structure plays an important role, because if a client cannot get answers to all his questions, the probability that he will contact you will decrease.
It is not necessary to use professional terminology in the structure, undoubtedly, the use of medical terminology on the website of the medical center looks like a good idea, because this way you can point out your professionalism to the user. However, most users may not understand what exactly is meant by this or that term. Thus, by creating a corporate website for a medical center and using the appropriate terminology, you can confuse a potential client and scare him away.
2. Design
Unlike creating a turnkey online store, in the case of a corporate website of a medical center, excessive creativity can do harm. Do not forget that medicine is a serious direction, and trying to attract the attention of the client with the help of a colorful design, you thereby risk distracting him from his resource and services. To prevent this, contact specialists in the field of web design and enlist their support to create the appearance of the website of the medical center.
By ordering the creation of a corporate website from the Gloss web studio, you can get a concise and at the same time attractive design. Our specialists will develop a design for your website taking into account all trends in web design, while our design will be unique and attractive from the client's point of view. Visit the Gloss web studio portfolio to personally evaluate the work of our designers and make sure of their highest quality.
3. Optimization and promotion
Structure and design are the main components of any corporate website, but you will not be able to attract customers to your center without optimizing the resource and marketing campaigns.
Corporate website optimization is a process during which our studio specialists will analyze all images and text materials on your website and make sure that they do not have a negative impact on the effectiveness of promotion.
By ordering the creation of a corporate website for a medical center from the Gloss web studio, you will get a high-quality website, but optimization of its content is possible only after you post all the content you think is necessary. After you post expert articles and all photo and video materials on the resource, our specialists will be able to speed up the loading of the site, reduce the load on the pages and help the resource work as efficiently as possible.
Also, the specialists of the Gloss web studio can create for you a number of marketing campaigns that will help you attract potential customers of your medical center and bring you profit. To learn more about marketing campaigns from the Gloss website creation studio, visit the corresponding tab on the website.
We have only briefly told you about the main components of the corporate website in 2022, but this is enough for you to be able to imagine the scale of the work that needs to be done. Of course, it will not work to create a structure, design and optimize alone without having enough knowledge.
In order to launch an effective corporate website and attract as many potential customers to it as possible, you will need to enlist the support of specialists and the Gloss web studio is ready to help you!
All you need to become a happy owner of a corporate website is to submit a request for its development using the contact information on our website. After that, our representative will contact you to discuss the project and all its subtleties. As soon as the website project is ready, we will immediately launch it into development, which will allow you to get a high-quality corporate website in the shortest possible time.
To learn more about the services provided by the Gloss website creation studio, you can visit the relevant pages on our website. There you can also find reviews of cooperation with us and our portfolio, which already contains more than 1,500 Internet resources developed by us.
Don't waste your time! Order the development of a corporate website in the medical direction from the specialists of the Glyanec web studio and get the first customers tomorrow!
Online store in 2022: how to attract customers and what does optimization have to do with it
The development of an online store is a step that entrepreneurs are increasingly coming to. Creating an offline business at a time when humanity is on the verge of launching the first meta universe no longer seems appropriate to anyone. In addition, entrepreneurs are attracted by the constant development of the Internet, as well as a variety of opportunities to advertise products. Offline business is simply not able to offer entrepreneurs more, while the creation of a turnkey online store opens up a huge number of opportunities for businessmen.
Creating an online store is a long, time-consuming and extremely complex process. Only a team can cope with the development of an entire website, because it is simply impossible to have a sufficient level of knowledge in all aspects important for an online store. Fortunately, there are enough specialists in the web studio market, but if you want exceptional quality, you need leaders.
Gloss website creation studio has been developing turnkey online stores for 13 years. Our team consists of highly qualified specialists, who have hundreds of web resources in various niches behind them. Our web studio creates websites, develops online stores, designs and launches corporate websites and landing pages. We offer our clients a full range of services.
By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of the Gloss web studio, you will receive a competent and intuitive structure, a high-quality design made in accordance with all the trends in the world of web design at the moment, as well as the opportunity to order the promotion of your online store through various marketing channels. We at Gloss are always focused on results, and therefore we offer our clients only effective marketing strategies and relevant advertising campaigns. You can find out more details about our services on the relevant pages of the Glyanec website.
But why does an online store need advertising strategies and campaigns? The thing is that the consciousness of a turnkey online store is only half the way. After the online store is developed and launched, the promotion stage begins, which will last for the entire time that you will use the site.
Promotion of an online store is necessary first of all in order to attract customers. The fact is that your potential customers simply do not know about your existence, and in order to change this, you need to introduce them to your store and products. Marketing campaigns are used to attract potential buyers.
It should be said that the promotion of an online store is necessary not only to attract potential buyers. And the promotion process itself does not consist only of the publication of advertising. In order for marketing campaigns to bring the desired results, it is important to comply with all the rules and requirements of the search engine, and it's not easy to do this. In order to launch an effective advertising campaign, you will need an optimized website. But what does optimization look like and what is it for? We will talk about this in the next block.
Why optimize the website of an online store and what will it give you?
Search engines are a very complex mechanism, with hundreds of parameters and nuances that can get in the way of your success. In order for your online store to make a profit, it is very important that customers come not only because of advertising, but also by finding your site in search results.
Website optimization allows the resource to appear more often in search results. We can say that optimization is a cheat sheet that will help your site pass the search engine exam. The optimization process itself is multifaceted, because every single element of the site can be improved, but it's worth remembering that optimization is also quite a long process. In order to achieve optimal results and optimize your website, you will definitely need a team of specialists. They will be able to optimize the structure, media files and code of your site in such a way that search engines can easily analyze all the data presented on the site. In addition, optimization is also necessary for text content. It is thanks to the content that search algorithms can understand how relevant your site is to the user's search query, so this moment should also not be overlooked.
Finally, SEO optimization of your online store can significantly affect the effectiveness of advertising. The fact is that search engines do not evaluate Internet resources as separate parts of one whole. From the point of view of search robots, text content, each individual page and even a picture on the page of your site is one whole, and therefore making a mistake when optimizing one page can reduce the effectiveness of the promotion of the whole site.
You can avoid such mistakes by contacting professionals in their field and just the same they work in our web studio. By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store in Vinnitsa, you will receive not only a high-quality design and structure of the site, but also effective optimization. Our SEO specialists have been engaged in search engine promotion and website optimization for a long time, and in our company's portfolio you can find hundreds of resources that we have helped to achieve success. So if you want to get the most out of your advertising campaigns, enlist the help of experts, and if you are just planning to create an online store, order development from the leaders in the field of website creation, Gloss web studio. In order to order a turnkey website, you just need to leave a request on the website or contact our manager at the phone number listed on the website.
But what is so difficult about SEO optimization? In fact, the optimization process, like the development of an online store, has many elements. Every part of your website can be optimized and affect the success of your business, so you can't resort to half measures here. Optimization of the website of the online store will allow you to:
1. Improve the site's position in the search results
As we have already mentioned, search algorithms, like search robots, perceive your site as one whole organism. The easier it is for robots to scan each page of the site and the better the pages are optimized for search queries– the better the evaluation of search robots will be and the more relevant your site will be in relation to user search queries.
By scanning the pages of an online store, search robots index them. After the indexing process is completed, the online store gets into the catalog of the search engine, and it is from there that it appears on the screens of your potential buyers. The better the optimization and the more relevant your site is, the closer it is to the top of the search results, and the more often users see it on their screens. Moreover, optimization also affects traffic, and it, in turn, can help your site to reach the top of search results.
Search engine optimization is closely related to the relevance of pages and the information posted on them. So by doing everything right and optimizing your site, you can noticeably improve its results.
2. Expand the number of requests for your online store
When optimizing a website, SEO specialists use the so-called semantic core. The semantic core itself is a list of user search queries related to a product or a group of products from the entire catalog. Among such queries there are both low–frequency ones that are not popular, and high-frequency ones that are often used by users to search for specific products presented in your store. The correct use of such words on the site pages can significantly increase its relevance from the point of view of the search engine, which means that users will see your site on their screens more often and, accordingly, traffic on the site will constantly grow.
In many ways, the effectiveness of optimization depends on the quality of the semantic core. At first glance, it seems that collecting the most popular search queries related to a certain product is easier than ever, but as always happens - not everything is as good as it seems.
The average size of the semantic core for an online store is several hundred thousand search queries. All of them should be structured relative to the products they relate to. In addition, there should not be so-called negative keywords among the keywords that can bring inappropriate traffic to your site.
3. Attracting and retaining users
After seeing your site in the search results and visiting it, the user has already done half the way to placing an order, then everything depends on the quality of your design and the intuitiveness of the site. The intuitiveness of the site structure also plays an important role in optimizing the resource and its effectiveness in the future. The simpler the site is, the more users can cope with it.
If some of the pages or buttons on your site are not clickable or difficult to access for a number of users, you risk losing some customers. When launching an online store, at first you need to fight for customers with all your might, and therefore you should think about the power of specialists in the field of website optimization.
The list of positive aspects that can provide you with optimization is more than enough. But how to get everything described earlier?
As we have already said, the optimization of an online store is a process that can be divided into segments. The optimization schedule for each individual segment of the site would take forever, and therefore we will focus on aspects that are especially important for effective optimization.
What is necessary for effective SEO optimization of an online store in 2022
The importance and necessity of SEO optimization, you could already evaluate starting from the previous blocks. It's time to figure out what is needed for such optimization.
There are many different tools in SEO optimization, and the effectiveness of each one directly depends on a specific niche, the direction of products, the goals of an advertising campaign and other aspects. In order not to analyze each case separately, we decided to reduce all the necessary tools and processes to a mandatory minimum, without which SEO optimization will be ineffective or even impossible. A short list of tasks facing an SEO optimizer when optimizing an online store looks like this:
1. Organization of the site structure
The intuitiveness and simplicity of the structure is a secret that matters not only when promoting, but also when indexing and further using the site. The easier it is to navigate the site– the easier it will be for your customers to find the necessary product, and consequently their loyalty to your resource will become higher. Proper organization of the online store structure will also help search robots to index your site faster. The speed of indexing depends on when you will be able to launch the first advertising campaign and your site will be in the search results, and therefore the sooner it happens, the better.
It is necessary to think about the correctness of the organization of the structure of the online store even during the development of the online store. In the process of creating an online store, you have the opportunity to change the structure of pages and the site as a whole, without wasting extra time on it. By contacting specialists in the field of website creation, you will be able to get a high-quality, organized website structure without spending personal time on its planning, because the specialists of the Gloss web studio will do it for you.
You can order the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of the Gloss web studio using the contact information on our website.
After the structure of the online store is organized and optimized, the speed of indexing of new pages of the site will noticeably increase. The entry threshold for your site's customers will also increase, because the simpler it is– the more users will be able to use it, thus, the analysis of the organization of the site structure and its further optimization is the necessary base that is needed for effective promotion.
2. Semantics and keywords for an online store
We have already mentioned that keywords are used to optimize site pages and text content. As we said earlier, keywords are the search queries of users who use one or another popularity to search for your products. The use of such words allows you to increase the relevance of your online store in relation to the customer's search query, which increases the chances of getting into the search results.
In order to optimize the online store and launch an advertising campaign, specialists need a high-quality semantic core. In the semantic core, all the key queries of your online store are segmented depending on popularity, demand, product category and the products themselves. Such segmentation also takes a lot of time, but in the end, the success of promoting your online store may depend on its correctness.
By entrusting the creation of a semantic core to a specialist in the field of SEO promotion, you repeatedly reduce the risk of error. The fact is that an ordinary user who does not have the necessary experience will not be able to cope with clustering keywords, not to mention searching for them and creating a semantic core.
The semantic core itself will be used for all marketing campaigns. Keywords are necessary both for the effective operation of the advertising RRS and for SEO promotion. Thus, we can say that the correct semantic core is the second after the intuitive structure of the site, which is necessary for successful SEO promotion.
3. Image Optimization
An online store, to put it simply, is a page filled with text and images. We have already talked about how important it is that these pages are located in the right places, about how important it is to use the right words in the texts on these pages, we also said, but what about the images?
Like an offline store, online stores rely on users' love for everything bright and catchy. The better and more detailed the photos of your products are, the higher the probability that the customer will buy them, but sometimes entrepreneurs cross the border in terms of image quality and do not resort to optimizing them.
The website of an online store is a page on which both text and media content is located. Unlike text content, which does not “weigh” anything, images can critically affect the loading speed of your site's pages, which in the future will lead to low promotion efficiency, but how it is interconnected.
Any axiom of the system has its own algorithms by which it determines the quality of the website and the need for its further promotion. The more convenient and faster your site is, the more often the search engine publishes it in search results, while your competitors with slow sites are ignored.
In order to determine which sites need to be published more often, search engines use ranking factors that represent quite specific requirements for sites. One of the factors influencing the ranking of sites in the Google search engine is the loading speed of these very sites.
Too "heavy”, but at the same time high-quality images on the pages of an online store slow down the loading of its pages, while creating problems for both the user and the site owner. Too long loading of pages can negatively affect the ranking of your site, which in the end will interfere with the increase in traffic on the site. In order to avoid such consequences, but at the same time use images with high detail, the specialist will need to optimize the files you have for fast page loading.
There are several methods to increase the loading speed of website pages, but we have already described them in more detail in our blog. So if you are interested in how to cope with this problem - check out other articles in our blog, there you will find answers to all your questions.
We figured out the structure of the site, optimized its images and developed an effective semantic core, and that's it? Unfortunately, or fortunately - no!
The fact is that SEO optimization is multifaceted, has many strategies and approaches. This allows a variety of sites to break into the top of the search results, so without the appropriate experience you will not be able to cope with site optimization, but is it so significant?
Summing up: The need for SEO optimization in 2022 for online stores
SEO optimization is one of the most popular methods of promotion at the moment. Previously, the place of SEO was occupied by PPC, or pay-per-click advertising. The effectiveness of such advertising was noticeably higher than that of SEO and it worked by self-starting, but due to the popularity of the PPC, the cost per click on this advertisement increased very much, making it impractical at the same time.
Against this background, SEO looks almost free, but somehow not so. There are dozens of different directions in SEO, each of which is able to bring traffic to your site. In order to decide on a list of pages for optimization or an SEO promotion strategy, you will need the help of experts.
If we talk about the overall effectiveness and the need for SEO optimization and promotion in 2022 for online stores, then we can seriously state that SEO is mandatory. It is SEO that can help you establish stable traffic growth, and working together with marketing campaigns in other channels, SEO can lead your business to success.
If you are interested in a constant flow of customers and a growing number of conversions - think about SEO optimization and start search engine promotion as soon as possible. If you are just thinking about starting a business on the Internet and want to increase your chances of success - order the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of the Gloss web studio. To learn more about our services, as well as to get acquainted with our portfolio and reviews, you can use the relevant pages of our website.
Start a successful business on the Internet with the support of leaders, order the development of an online store from the specialists of the Glyanec web studio and beat your competitors in two clicks!
Creating a turnkey online store: Why Drupal is the best solution
The development of an online store is a great idea for business, which opens up huge spaces of opportunities for promotion and investment. Unlike launching an offline store, an online store does not require instant investments. When creating an online store website, you do not need to immediately purchase a huge amount of goods – instead, you can use dropshipping. In addition, creating a turnkey online store is cheaper than renting and registering a point of sale, and if you decide to buy a room for your store, creating a website will cost you several times cheaper.
The coronavirus pandemic has been terrorizing the entire planet for several years. Every year, the markets of all continents are shaken by crises. The reason for the crises is that most enterprises cannot work without workers, while quarantine restrictions prohibit people from contacting each other.
The last quarantine showed that the Ukrainian market is very dependent on offline trading, most of the points of sale were closed due to quarantine restrictions, and entrepreneurs who own them lost hundreds of thousands only in the first month of restrictions.
By ordering the creation of an online store, you can stop thinking about quarantines and focus on how to increase revenue from your business. You will be able to sell your products without any problems by resorting to the help of delivery services. In addition, the online store allows you to significantly expand the number of potential customers, since you can sell your products not only throughout Ukraine, but also around the world.
Having decided to create a turnkey online store, you will need to take many more steps to launch your own website. The process of developing an online store is extremely complex and confusing, and therefore it is better to entrust it to professionals. By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store in Vinnitsa from the specialists of the Gloss web studio, you will be able to get a high-quality online store in the shortest possible time. The best professionals of Ukraine work in our team of specialists, this has allowed us to become the best website creation studio in Ukraine, but we do not plan to stop there.
Our clients are the largest companies and entrepreneurs of Ukraine. You can make sure of the competence of our specialists both by reading the list of partners who have trusted us for many years - and by getting acquainted with our works by visiting the portfolio tab.
Gloss web Studio has been creating websites exclusively on Drupal CMS for many years. We agree with most experts and believe that Drupal is the best platform for an online store. But what is so special about it and why do Drupal online stores achieve the greatest results? We will tell you about this later.
Drupal features and why this particular CMS is the best
CMS Drupal is in great demand, it is used in a variety of industries. Drupal creates not only online stores, but also government websites in many advanced countries of the world. It is thanks to the security and reliability of Drupal that it is chosen as a base for sites of key importance for entire states.
Drupal is an open source platform that millions of users around the world are working on. Thanks to the open source, anyone can get access to the original Drupal, improve aspects that in his opinion need improvement – and send the results of his work to the main office. If Drupal management considers the changes necessary and reliable– they will be released in the next version of the CMS.
Due to the fact that everyone can modify Drupal, the system is developing at a tremendous speed and has long been ahead of its competitors, but what can it offer during the creation of a turnkey online store?
Creating the Gloss web studio, we were looking for a CMS that can provide our clients with a sufficient level of security and security, but at the same time it will be perfectly promoted on the Internet and will not conflict with adaptive design. We were able to find all these qualities in Drupal.
Among the many advantages of Drupal there are those that are worth paying special attention to. Their list is as follows:
1. Excellent indexing
Among the many CMS there are those that have certain problems with indexing. Indexing is the process of analyzing the efforts of an online store by search robots, after which the site appears in the search results and users can visit it.
Unlike its competitors, Drupal has no problems with indexing. All pages created for the Drupal-based online store are perfectly indexed, and the process itself does not require much time. Thanks to Drupal optimization and its capabilities, developers have the opportunity to create a turnkey online store taking into account all the features of a contextual search engine, so choosing Drupal is already half the victory.
2. Security
Earlier we mentioned that anyone can use the open source Drupal. This opportunity was left by the company to expand the staff of freelance employees in the face of all Internet users, and this idea proved itself perfectly.
As we mentioned, anyone can use the Drupal source code. To upgrade the platform and make it better. After the upgrade is completed, the user can send their developments to the Drupal main office. Where a decision will be made regarding their expediency and usefulness from the point of view of other users. This system works not only with Drupal's own improvements, but also with its security.
Thanks to the opportunity to experiment with different hacking methods regarding Drupal, Drupal has an excellent opportunity to search for system weaknesses. The use of open source and access to it by everyone allowed the company to improve Drupal and make it the most secure CMS at the moment.
By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store based on Drupal, you can be sure of the safety of your users' data, even in the event of a cyber attack directed at your site. Thanks to clever algorithms and tested protection systems, Drupal will not allow the data of your customers to float into the network, which can definitely be considered a huge plus of this CMS.
Most web studios offer the creation of a turnkey online store on different platforms and from that it can be concluded that they are not familiar with any of the platforms they offer thoroughly. We have been creating turnkey online stores in Vinnitsa based on Drupal for 13 years, and we know this system by heart. Thanks to this, we can guarantee our customers stable operation of the site, virtually unlimited possibilities for registration and, of course, protection of all personal data of users of the online store created on the basis of Drupal.
3. Huge selection of modules
In addition to protecting Drupal, open source also gave everyone access to the creation of so-called modules. A module is the work of a user or a group of users aimed at expanding the original functionality or simplifying certain processes.
The presence of a large number of various modules on Drupal makes it the most flexible CMS of all available on the market at the moment. Thanks to the presence of modules, developers can improve the site and add features to your resource that may not be on sites running other CMS.
Ordering the creation of a turnkey online store based on Drupal, you choose almost unlimited possibilities and guarantees of the uniqueness of your site. Thanks to thousands of modules, as well as vast experience, our developers are able to create a turnkey online store for you with the best characteristics for promotion. Gloss web studio has been creating websites in Vinnitsa for 13 years, and during this time we have developed more than one and a half thousand web resources. By cooperating with us, you choose an unprecedented quality and a team of specialists who are the best in the field of website development in Ukraine. All this gives you the opportunity not only to successfully enter the market, but also to bypass your competitors and climb to the top of the search results in the first months of the site launch.
If you are ready to start your business today, order the creation of a turnkey online store on our website, and take your first step towards success.
4. Multilingualism
Drupal is the first CMS in which convenient multilingualism is organized. By convenient, we assume the ability to change the language with one button without any problems for both the user and the developer.
This feature allows you to launch not a monolingual, but a multilingual website at once. Thanks to this, you can promote your websites both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad. By constantly expanding your customer base, you can attract new investors and buyers from abroad who are ready to purchase your product. Such an opportunity combined with user convenience has a positive effect on both their loyalty and their desire to purchase your products.
5. Implemented adaptive design
Despite the fact that all platforms competing with Drupal also offer the use of adaptive design – it is in Drupal that this feature is implemented best. By developing an online store for you, our specialists can create an adaptive design that will allow customers to conveniently visit your online store using both a PC and a smartphone.
Turning to statistics, it should be noted that the lion's share of sales around the world these days occurs with the help of a smartphone. Users do not want to waste time turning on their PC, instead they purchase goods on their way to work or while walking, in order to provide them with this opportunity, we provide our customers with services for creating adaptive design based on the Mobile First principle.
Mobile First is the creation of a turnkey online store, during which everything changes by itself. Instead of the usual creation of a custom-made website for a PC, and the subsequent adaptation of a web resource for mobile devices, an online store is first developed for mobile devices, and only after that it adapts to a PC.
Using this principle, we can provide your customers with maximum comfort when surfing on the site. Also, the use of Mobile First has a positive effect on the evaluation of the site by search robots, which ultimately brings you even closer to the desired goal.
Thus, by ordering the creation of a turnkey online store from the Gloss web studio, you can get a high-quality online store originally from Vinnitsa, prepared for high-quality promotion. Gloss is a studio from Vinnitsa with a full cycle, which allows our clients not only to order the creation of a turnkey online store from our specialists, but also to use our services in the field of website optimization and promotion. Thus, by ordering the development of an online store from the Gloss web studio, you get an excellent opportunity to get a fully ready website, and several advertising campaigns that will help you not only acquire the first customers, but also bypass the nearest competitors in the shortest possible time. Creating an online store in Gloss is a great start for your business and a great help to become a market leader.
Despite the fact that the list of advantages turned out to be not too short – this is not a complete list of them. Unlike the advantages of other CMS, Drupal is constantly evolving, which allows entrepreneurs to expand their spheres of influence and modernize their sites in accordance with current realities.
Having figured out what advantages Drupal has, when creating an online store, it is worth taking a look at what it is capable of in promotion.
Drupal: Promotion of an online store in 2022
Creating a turnkey online store is only half of the victory. In order for your site to attract users and your company's revenue to grow, it is important to ensure a constant flow of traffic to the site. You can do this with one of the types of promotion.
Promotion on the Internet is an issue that worries many entrepreneurs. Its variety and cost can vary greatly depending on which particular niche you plan to sell your products or services in, as well as on the number of competitors, its geographical location and influence on the Internet at the moment.
More recently, the most effective method of promoting the website of an online store was considered to be RRS advertising. Such advertising was supposed to attract customers immediately after its launch, but the entrepreneur had to pay for each click on it. The cost of the RRS, as well as any other promotion, varied depending on the competition in the niche, as well as the features of the advertising campaign itself.
The RRS could offer the entrepreneur traffic immediately after the launch, but this is one of those rare cases when the popularity of the promotion method played a cruel joke on him. Due to the use of RRS in absolutely all niches of increasing competition, the cost of such advertising began to grow rapidly. In the end, the launch of such advertising began to cost more than the estimated profit after its launch, and therefore most online stores and companies abandoned the RRS in favor of SEO and other promotion channels, but what about Drupal?
As we said earlier, Drupal has all the necessary characteristics for effective promotion, and in this field it confidently bypasses its competitors. Among the features of the promotion of the online store on Drupal should be highlighted:
Convenient content editing and access to any page of the site.
Clear and intuitive interface.
Drupal compliance with all current requirements presented by search engines.
Effective search engine promotion, thanks to the ability to conveniently configure linking for users and search engines.
As well as the previous one, this list is far from complete, but even the listed features, it seems to us, are enough to make a choice in favor of Drupal.
Drupal – the best CMS for an online store: Summing up
Drupal is a CMS used in a variety of fields. Government websites are created on the basis of CMS, and thanks to the flexibility of this CMS, successful corporate websites and online stores can be created on its basis.
By contacting specialists in creating online stores and corporate websites using Drupal, you will get a high-quality website that can quickly bring you new customers, but where to look for such specialists?
Gloss web studio has been creating online stores in Vinnitsa for 13 years and during this time we have managed to achieve a lot. Thanks to hard work and a team of the best specialists, we managed to beat all our competitors and become the best in the field of creating online stores and corporate websites in Ukraine. The leading companies of the country work with us, and the lion's share of market leaders in various niches are our regular customers.
By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store from the Gloss web studio, you are guaranteed to get a high-quality website that can lead your business to success. Our team employs only the best, which allows us to give guarantees and maintain sites even after the development is completed.
The designers of the Gloss web studio will provide you with designs of an online store of European level, equal or similar, which you will not find on the Internet. The design will be made taking into account all current trends in the field of web design, but it will be unique. Our optimizers and marketers will help your site become better in terms of search robots and algorithms, which will allow your resource to quickly climb the ladder of search results. Finally, our developers will make sure that your customers can find the tabs they need in seconds, and each page of your online store will benefit both the user and your business.
If you are focused on results and are not ready to waste your time working with amateurs - contact the leaders! Order the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of the Gloss web studio and launch your business tomorrow!
Development of an online store for SEO in 2022: Features of promotion in competitive niches
“You urgently need to create an online store!” - this is what most specialists say to their customers when evaluating the efficiency and profitability of a business.
A turnkey online store allows you to attract thousands of customers from all over the world and even those who have nothing to do with trade are familiar with this fact. Every day thousands of users log into the browser from a laptop, phone or tablet and choose gifts, household goods, clothing and dozens of other product categories. Creating an online store has become so commonplace that it will not surprise anyone anymore, which means that in order to attract customers, you will need to do more than your competitors did.
The issue of attracting customers in 2022 has become even more important, against the backdrop of ever-growing competition and the change of course by Google, most entrepreneurs simply do not understand how to get around competitors in popular niches? In this article we will try to answer this question and along the way we will tell you what it is like to create a turnkey online store in 2022.
Creating an online store: Why a website is the only way to stay on the market
When starting a business, every entrepreneur first of all assesses risks, creates a business plan, analyzes competitors, calculates the budget and only after that opens his own business. This sequence of actions has worked for many years, but given the rapid changes in the market and in the world as a whole, such an approach is unlikely to be effective.
On the Internet now you can find hundreds of thousands of online stores selling a variety of products. By visiting the catalog of one of these stores, we can buy parts for cars, or clothes for your pet – without leaving home. It is comfort and accessibility that attract users to online stores so much, and it is these parameters that should be emphasized when planning to order the development of an online store.
The year 2022 brings a lot of changes for online commerce. If previously only online stores with a large customer base and a long history of formation could be particularly profitable– now the most flexible and ready-to-change websites are taking over the leadership in the market. It is flexibility and the ability to make changes that are your main trump card in the competition in the market.
Offline trading is taking a back seat more and more every year. It is inconvenient for users to go to the store, even if it is located right next to their home. Users are not ready to be distracted from their household chores and spend time shopping, and therefore, more and more often, instead of fashion boutiques, users visit high-quality online stores and their applications. Such a choice of users gives you the opportunity to quickly acquire a large number of customers, but this will require a lot of work.
If you are still considering whether to give preference to creating an online store instead of opening an offline point, then the statistics of the last two years will help you make the right decision.
Due to quarantine restrictions and permanent trade bans, more than 35% of all offline stores did not open after the lockdown. No one knows at what point the situation with quarantine restrictions may recur, but by giving preference to creating a turnkey online store, you will be able to secure your business.
The decision has been made, you have decided to order the development of an online store – but how to cope with the competition? How to launch your own online store and beat the competition in 2022? Search engine optimization can help you with this, and that's what we'll talk about next.
Development of an online store in 2022: how to make a website a leader using SEO
A turnkey online store is a great solution for starting your business. By ordering the creation of an online store from the Glyanec web studio in Vinnitsa, you can get an optimized, and most importantly, an effective website that will allow you to attract customers. For 13 years of work, our team has created more than 1000 Internet resources and has become the best in Ukraine, so by contacting us you can not worry about the quality of your web resource.
Glyanec website creation studio provides a full range of services related to the development, design and promotion of online stores. The websites and online stores created by us occupy the first places in the search results, but that's not all.
By ordering the creation of a website from the specialists of the Glyanec web studio, you can get not only a website, but also an application for your business. With our app, your customers will be able to buy products with just a few clicks. Are you ready to order a turnkey online store from us? Then visit the page, the services of creating an online store, in order to get acquainted with all the details or call our office. You can find all the necessary contacts for placing an order in the "contacts" tab.
Returning to SEO, it is worth noting that quite recently many marketing specialists have been talking about the inefficiency of this method of promotion. Against the background of the popularity of RRS advertising, the effectiveness of SEO was indeed lower, but with the popularization of the creation of online stores and corporate websites, the cost of RRS called into question the effectiveness of such advertising.
The situation was also affected by Google's decision. In official statements, representatives of the corporation have repeatedly said that content will soon become the main source of traffic on websites. Page optimization, the introduction of linking between sections of sites and other SEO tools will determine who will become the market leader, and therefore it is worth dealing with SEO right now.
But how to use SEO for promotion? How to get traffic to the site and how to weed out disinterested users? More details about this in the next block.
SEO for an online store in 2022: How to get traffic and what to consider when promoting
By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of our studio in Vinnytsia, you will receive a ready-made website, fully optimized in accordance with all the current requirements of search engines. Our experts will analyze each individual page of the site and make sure that the structure of your online store is as intuitive as possible. But what exactly does an SEO specialist need to do to get good results. What aspects are important in the SEO promotion of an online store and where does the traffic on the site come from?
How to increase online store sales: Traffic and where it comes from
Website traffic is the number of users who have visited your Internet resource. For an online store, this indicator is one of the most important, since it determines how many of your potential customers visited your resource and got acquainted with your offers.
The total number of site visitors is traffic, but, as always, there are nuances. The fact is that traffic can be either targeted and consist of users interested in buying, or not targeted – that is, users who visited your online store were not interested in buying goods.
Often, inappropriate traffic is the result of errors when promoting a site. Using RRS advertising, entrepreneurs often use not only the most logical search queries and user interests, but also negative words.
Negative words are words or phrases that fit several product categories at once. So, using the word “spring" as a key – you can get both users interested in updating the suspension of their car, and those who are interested in springs and other elements of the handmade.
PPC is a pay-per-click ad. Using negative keywords when promoting with the help of RRS, you will not only have to pay for targeted traffic, but also for users who visited your site without the purpose of making a purchase. Thus, an error in RRS advertising can lead to unnecessary and absolutely fruitless spending.
Unlike PPC, SEO does not require you to pay for each click. Instead, for search engine promotion, you need to understand what your customers are interested in and use this knowledge to attract potential buyers.
The traffic flow to the site carried out with the help of SEO consists of several components. Each of the components has its own impact on both the amount of traffic and its quality. To better understand why it is so important to contact professionals to create an online store and why you may need professional marketers from our web studio - we will look at each of the components of SEO traffic separately.
Semantic analysis and semantic core
The first thing that SEO promotion of an online store begins with is the creation of a semantic core. Semantics is essentially a list of search queries entered by users to search for your products. Correctly selected and grouped search queries are called keywords, and their list is called the semantic core.
The semantic core is widely used in all marketing channels. High-quality semantics can not only ensure your success in SEO, but also help make PPC advertising more effective. By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store from our specialists in Vinnitsa, you are guaranteed to receive a high-quality semantic core that can increase the flow of customers to your site.
Semantic analysis is a process during which specialists need to find the search queries that are suitable for your products. If it seems to you that this is a simple process - often the number of keywords in the semantics of an online store is several thousand.
Specialists analyze every request related to the products of your group. Thanks to this, they can exclude negative words in the semantic core. Thus, the probability of the appearance of inappropriate traffic is noticeably reduced, but only experienced specialists can cope with this process.
Developing a page for an online store, the specialists of the Gloss web studio strive to make it not only informative, but also intuitive. It is necessary that the user who visited your site for the first time could immediately understand which button is responsible for what and how to get the desired result, whether it is a button or delivery design.
Too complex design or the presence of buttons that the user does not understand can turn him away from purchasing goods in your online store. But if you take care of the competence of developers and resort to the services of specialists in the field of online store development– you will be able to get pages with high-quality design and intuitive elements.
Search robots and page indexing
After the experts have assembled the semantic core of the site, the developers have created pages, and your online store is ready – it's time for indexing.
Indexing is a process during which search robots scan and analyze website pages. Not only the speed of indexing, but also its results depend on how well your pages are optimized from the point of view of SEO. After all the pages of the site are indexed, your online store will get into the catalog of the search engine. It is from there that in the future the site will appear in the search results of a potential buyer.
At this stage, the importance of all the previously described steps turns into a result. The better the SEO optimization of your site– the higher your site will be in the search results, and the more often it will appear on the screens of potential customers. It will not be possible to achieve optimal results on your own, since appropriate knowledge and experience are needed for high-quality SEO optimization.
By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store in Vinnitsa from the specialists of the Gloss web studio, you will be able to get a high-quality online store ready for indexing and SEO promotion. Our experts will make sure that all the buttons on your site are located in the right places and work as the user expects them to. In addition, the presence of https instead of the outdated and unsecured http will allow your site to move better. Https is an encryption protocol that allows you to protect your customers' data from potential leakage. The presence of this protocol makes it clear to search robots that your site is completely safe and ready to receive users on its pages. By ensuring the encryption of all data, you can improve the evaluation of the site from the point of view of search robots. In the future, this may significantly affect the effectiveness of the promotion.
Creating a turnkey online store: Why it's worth working with the best
When planning to order the creation of an online store in Vinnitsa, you should think about the competence of the specialists you are contacting. As we mentioned earlier, every little thing during the development of an online store has its own significance and impact on the size and effectiveness of advertising budgets and their final effectiveness. By contacting the best in the field of creating online stores, you can not only save money on reworking the store in the future, but also get a high-quality Internet resource today.
If you are planning to launch your own online store and want to get your first customers as soon as possible, order the creation of a website from us. Gloss Web Studio is a leader in the development of websites and online stores in Ukraine.
By contacting us, customers receive:
- A qualitatively developed web resource
- Unique website design
- A personal manager who keeps in touch with them throughout the development
- An application for an online store that allows customers to make a purchase in two clicks
- An online store that won't have to be redone in a few months
For 13 years, our web studio has been creating corporate websites and turnkey online stores. The leading retail chains of Ukraine work with us, most of which have become the best during our cooperation.
So if you are not ready to wait a few years and spend the budget to redesign the site for the current realities - order its creation from us. The specialists of the Gloss web studio will do their best and develop a turnkey online store for you, fully ready not only for the current realities of competition, but also for effective promotion.
Visit the online store creation page to learn more about our services. Use the online chat on the pages of our web resource to get answers to your questions.
Order the development of a turnkey online store from the leaders in the field of website creation and start your profitable business tomorrow!
Creating an online store: Blog as a promotion tool
The development of an online store is an idea that is increasingly being visited by entrepreneurs and not for nothing. This business format is extremely attractive because you can cut the expense graph as much as possible while significantly expanding the prospects of the income graph. The development of an online store opens up huge opportunities for everyone who plans to do it, but do not forget that this is a complex process.
Creating a turnkey online store is a service that you can order from the Glyanec web studio. By contacting us, you are guaranteed to receive a high-quality resource developed by the hands of the best specialists in Ukraine. Among our partners are leading companies of Ukraine and neighboring countries. By ordering the creation of an online store from the Glyanec web studio, you can not only get an online store, but also its optimization. Glyanec Web Studio is a full-cycle studio, so working with us you can launch your Internet resource already optimized and prepared for all ranking factors of your chosen search engine. In addition, Gloss web studio also creates marketing campaigns that will help you attract the first customers immediately after the creation and launch of the site itself. Thus, by contacting us, you will be able to enter the market as soon as possible and start selling your products to customers.
Promotion of an online store is an important stage in the life of a business. By ordering the development of an online store, you can get a high-quality website, but no matter how high-quality it is, you cannot do without a good marketing campaign. Your customers should quickly and easily find your site in search results, and this can only be achieved by using all marketing channels.
One of the methods of promoting an online store in search results is SEO. SEO can help you attract customers thanks to the relevance of your online store's page, but you have to work hard to achieve such a result. Unlike a corporate website, where the placement of optimized information on the pages looks more than usual – in the case of an online store, the placement of optimized texts becomes more difficult. The thing is that you simply cannot add texts in the right amount, the right volumes, even if you take them all the product cards of your store.
The only way to fill an online store with optimized content without creating any inconvenience for customers is to develop an online store blog, and that's what we'll talk about next.
Blog is a universal tool for promotion in 2022
The initial task of the Internet was a library. According to the idea of the creators, the Internet was supposed to become the largest library, where hundreds of thousands of sources of knowledge are collected. Nowadays, the Internet is used for shopping, ordering food, processing documents and, of course, for gaining knowledge. There is a lot of interesting knowledge on the Internet that can be useful to you and this list does not end with the sciences.
When planning the purchase of an expensive smartphone, each user tries to learn as much as possible about it. Such knowledge allows him to assess the situation much more coolly and decide whether the smartphone he has chosen is worth his money or not. But to make such a decision, information is needed and it would be convenient if it were directly on the store's website, where the user has already looked for a phone for himself.
Creating a blog for an online store is a strategy that is often used by online stores of various sizes. This strategy is great regardless of what you are selling, because you can find relevant information for each product.
When ordering the creation of a turnkey online store, it is desirable for you to already know what information will be in your blog, and what data you will fill your blog with. But what is a blog and does an online store need it? In this article you will be able to find out what kind of content should be filled with the blog of an online store? What to pay attention to when creating a blog for a store, as well as how effective such a strategy is. The answers to these and other questions are already waiting for you in the next block.
Why is a blog so effective for online stores
As we said earlier, a blog is a repository of information that can be interesting and useful for users. When planning an expensive purchase, the user strives to learn as much about the product as possible and it will be very convenient if not only the product itself is present in your online store, but also a detailed review of it. This amount of information can greatly affect the user's loyalty to your online store and, of course, help him decide whether to buy something from you or not.
When ordering the development of an online store, it should be remembered that this is a rather long process and it has its end. By the end of the development, you should already have material for a blog, because this is the only way you can promote using search engine optimization immediately after development.
Creating a blog takes a lot of effort and money, but is it worth it? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand what a blog can give to an online store. The answer to this question is as follows:
1. Attendance and behavioral factors
Many users search for information on the Internet daily. The presence of the necessary information in your blog for the user can not only cheer him up, but also attract him to your Internet resource. Thus, the more accurate and the more effective the information you provide– the more likely it is that the user will pay attention to it.
Do not forget about the relevance of the information itself. Relevance is the ratio of the information you provide to the user's search query. The more accurately you get into the client's pain, and the more effective the information you provide– the higher your site will be in the search results. This is exactly how search engine optimization works.
2. Constant flow of potential customers
As we said earlier, users are constantly looking for answers to their questions on the Internet. The world of technology often changes, as does fashion. By constantly updating the information in your blog and making it more relevant to users' search queries, you can thereby attract even more audience to yourself. Attendance is an extremely important indicator for an online store, but much more important is the fact that the more users visit your online store– the more potential customers you will have. Thus, by constantly updating the information in your blog and intelligently optimizing it for users' search queries, you can constantly answer questions from potential customers, increase their loyalty and trust in your online store, and eventually motivate them to make a purchase from you.
3. Increasing the number of external links
External links are also a tool for promoting an online store. The more links about your online store on the Internet, the more effectively it is promoted. With the latest updates from Google, the effectiveness of link building has been noticeably reduced, and yet it is able to bring your online store to results.
Users are constantly sharing interesting information for them. If the texts and media files posted on your site manage to interest them– there is a chance that your external link mass will increase and there will be much more visitors. The thing is that even by forwarding your links and publishing them on their social networks, customers increase the likelihood of new traffic coming, and this is extremely important for a successful online store.
4. Linking between pages
Linking is one of the methods to simplify navigation on the website of an online store and a corporate website. When ordering the development of an online store, you should think over the structure of your site in advance so that it is intuitive. This way, you will be able to avoid confusion on the part of users and buyers will be able to find the products they need faster.
Despite all the intuitiveness of the structure, the online store is expanding over time. It is becoming more and more difficult to navigate between its pages, and here linking can come to your aid. With the help of linking, you can attach links to thematic pages directly to the words in the text. So, if the user finds something interesting for himself, he will be able to click on the word and go to the page he needs.
By creating content for a blog, you attract users. Having found the answer to his question, the user is loyal to your site, which means that if the text mentioned a product that he was interested in or is still interested in, he can go to the page with this product in one click and learn more about it. This feature significantly simplifies the process of finding a customer on your online store's website and significantly affects their loyalty. In addition, linking has a great effect on the speed of page indexing, because during indexing, robots take into account all links that lead from a particular page to other pages of your site. This is how they find out what is on your site and where it is located.
This list of blog advantages is hardly complete, because in fact, creating a blog has a huge number of advantages. We decided to focus on the most important advantages of this idea so that you can decide for yourself whether you need a blog or not.
Having made the decision to create a blog, you need to understand what exactly should be published on it. We will discuss how to blog an online store and what fundamental aspects should be taken into account during the creation of a turnkey online store in the next block.
How to create an effective blog for an online store
A blog is a great tool for promoting your website, but in many ways its effectiveness depends on its quality. High-quality blogs are able to raise online stores from the 5th page of the search results to the first, but for such a result it is necessary to approach the process of creating the blog itself very carefully.
Do not forget that a high-quality blog will not lead your online store to success without a high-quality Internet resource. If the quality of your online store leaves much to be desired, then you probably won't be able to achieve the desired results. When planning to launch your own online store, you should resort to the help of specialists, because this is the only way you can avoid possible mistakes during development. All you need to do to order the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of the Gloss web studio is to leave a request for development by contacting our specialists. You can contact the representatives of the Gloss web studio using the phone number or email specified in the contacts. Order the development of an online store from the leaders of this niche in Ukraine, get the best online resource and beat your competitors in the shortest possible time.
If you already have an online store, then before you start developing a blog– you should contact specialists for an audit of the site. Site audit is a process during which experts examine every millimeter of your Internet resource in search of errors or inaccuracies. Only by correcting all the errors on the site, whether it's extra characters in the code or a huge number of redirects– you will be able to achieve maximum efficiency from promotion.
As soon as all the errors are corrected, you can start creating a blog, but what should be considered before filling it. It is natural that for a blog where users will search for information, the most important criterion is the quality of this very information. Creating a blog is an extremely meticulous process, but by paying attention to the fundamental principles of creating content for a blog, you can achieve success. As for these fundamental factors that are worth considering– their list looks like this:
1. Competitor analysis and use of the information received
Competitor analysis is one of the most important elements of any stage of launching an online store. It should be remembered that your competitors, who have been on the market for a long time, most likely resorted to the help of specialists in order to analyze the market and get reliable data on demand and information that interests customers. You do not need to conduct research separately, because you can borrow the experience gained by mistakes from your competitors - only by analyzing them. By contacting specialists whose jurisdiction and list of services includes the analysis of other web resources, you will be able to get all the experience of your competitors, while not investing your money in mistakes and failures.
When planning to launch a blog for an online store, contact specialists for an analysis of the content of your competitors. This way you will be able to get a picture of effective and interesting topics for customers and you will not have to publish data blindly. Moreover, this approach can provide you with initial results, because if it worked for a similar online store, it will most likely work for you.
2. Use of different format content
A blog is not necessarily a text. You can expand the boundaries of formats in your blog using audio and video files, as well as changing the style of narration, so this or that style may suit this or that group of your target audience, which means the percentage of interested will be higher.
In addition, not all users are ready to read a multi-page article – by enlisting the support of an announcer or by shooting this article in the form of a script on video, you can provide interested users with more convenience, which will definitely affect their loyalty to your site.
By experimenting with different formats, you can find one that will perfectly match the theme of your site. You can also use the data obtained after analyzing competitors, which will significantly speed up the process of finding a suitable format.
3. Analysis of user behavior
It should be remembered that all articles in your blog should not only promote your site, but also be useful to the user. It is for useful information that users come to your blog and how much information has helped them - in many ways can affect the effectiveness of the blog itself.
Search robots are able to track the activity of visitors to your site on its pages, based on the data obtained, these robots draw conclusions about the effectiveness of your content. Also, do not forget about E.A.T. – one of the most important requirements for content at the moment.
All the content you publish must be expert and correspond to reality. Against the background of the fact that now it is content that is becoming the main engine of sites in search results – this moment should be given special attention.
By launching the development of a blog for an online store, you can significantly affect the speed and effectiveness of website promotion. Search engine promotion using a blog can not only raise your site higher, but also increase the effectiveness of other marketing campaigns. At the same time, the blog predisposes users to your site and your company as a whole, so this is a great opportunity to expand the target audience and achieve greater customer loyalty. If you have been thinking about what to add to your online store to increase its promotion success - look towards the development of a blog.
Well, if you are just planning to order the creation of an online store, contact the Glyanec web studio. Our experts will make every effort to create a great online resource for you. To learn more about the services of the Glyanec web studio and get answers to your questions, you can use the information from the contacts tab or directly contact our representative via online chat. You can find an online chat with our representative on any page of the site in the lower right corner.
Order the creation of a website from professionals, and start a successful business together with the Glyanec website creation studio.
Google Analytics: How does the most popular tool in the Internet space work?
Everyone who has ever wanted or still wants to create their own website has heard about Google Analytics. Planning to develop an online store, or launching a news portal, you will definitely hear about Google Analytics, but what is it?
Google Analytics is one of the most important tools for owners of Internet resources. It is analytics from Google that allows you to track the performance of your store and the success of marketing campaigns. Google Analytics can help you find errors that are present on the site, or analyze the data by changing the vector of development. This tool is extremely important for any Internet resource, but despite this, not many people know about the principles of its operation.
In this article we will tell you how Google Analytics can help you create an online store of your dreams and how with the help of Google analytics you can make your business even more promising, we will also answer in detail the most popular questions related to Google Analytics and of course share our experience. Read this article to the end, because in it we will highlight all the points related to the preparation of the online store for competition in the niche, the details of the development and the moments that are worth paying special attention to.
What is the Google Analytics tool for?
The first question that we will not include in the general list, because it is fundamental is “Why Google analytics is needed". The answer to this question lies in the very name of the tool, in this case it is analytics. Google has provided its users with a free opportunity to receive data on the success of their sites, track attendance and regulate certain processes related to the online store. When planning to launch an online store or ordering the creation of a turnkey online store, you will somehow have to get to know Google Analytics better, because this tool will help you find answers to all questions related to your Internet resource.
The main task of Google Analytics is to collect data from all pages of your site and segment them. The tool itself collects traffic and conversion data in order to show you the available figures on various charts in the future. With the help of these charts, you can make important decisions that can fundamentally change your business and make it more productive or, on the contrary, unprofitable. But how to influence Google Analytics indicators?
In order to initially get a good start, you need to think about who will develop an online store. It is impossible to cope with the creation of a high-quality online store alone, because for development you will need knowledge from many fields. By contacting specialists, you will be able to order a turnkey online store and at the same time not worry about the development process. The team of the Gloss web studio has been creating turnkey online stores and corporate websites for 13 years. During this time, we have managed to create more than a thousand online stores and websites for our customers. Among our regular customers are the leading companies of Ukraine. At the same time, Gloss web studio is a leader in the creation of online stores and other web resources in Ukraine. By contacting us, you are guaranteed to get a high-quality turnkey online store, but let's go back to Google Analytics.
How does Google Analytics work? What is the principle of its operation based on? How reliable is the data provided by Google Analytics? The answers to all these questions are waiting for you in the next block.
How Google Analytics works and what is needed to use it
The development of an online store is a long segmented process that requires certain knowledge and experience. After the development is completed, it's time for optimization and finally for the promotion itself. But how to evaluate the quality of an online store? How to track the success of marketing campaigns and how to assess what is happening with your site? That's what Google Analytics is for.
As we mentioned earlier, Google Analytics collects data, but how can it see what even the site owner himself does not see? The answer is extremely simple, Google Analytics works with the site code. In order to answer the most frequent questions related to Google Analytics, we decided to create a separate article, the information of which will be interesting for many. As for the most popular questions and answers to them, their list is as follows:
1. How Google Analytics works and how it manages to collect data
The first thing users usually ask is how Google Analytics works and how it collects data. As we mentioned earlier, everything is very simple - Google Analytics is a specific code that is embedded in your site. Due to the fact that the Google Analytics code is located in the code of your site, it opens access to all the data that your site exchanges with the search engine, which allows you to not only see the schedule of visits in the future, but even specific numbers of users who have visited your site. At the same time, Google Analytics is able to read user actions and classify them as a conversion indicator. Conversion in the case of an online store is any action that is considered useful, for example, placing an order or subscribing to a free newsletter is a conversion. The conversion is calculated using the ratio of the number of useful actions performed with the total number of visitors for a certain period of time, which later results in quite exhaustive indicators.
Focusing on the data received from Google Analytics, a specialist can not only conclude how successfully marketing campaigns work– but also create a new promotion strategy. Such access to data allows any online store to become successful, but misuse of available information can ruin your business.
2. How does Google Analytics count the number of users
As we mentioned earlier, Google Analytics is a kind of code that is embedded in the code of your online store. In the process of developing an online store, specialists create a website code in which you can embed the Google Analytics code in advance. With this piece of code, Google Analytics is able to read the data sent by the search engine, which means the probability of error is minimal. At the same time, there are 2 types of users in Google Analytics at once, namely:
Users are just people who have visited your online store. This indicator does not take into account whether this user was previously on your site or not, this is the total number of visitors to your online store for the amount of time you selected.
New users - contrary to the name, this indicator is not able to accurately count the number of new users on your site. The thing is that Google Analytics works with cookies that are stored on the user's device. If a user uses the Internet from only one device and does not clear cookies, Google Analytics will not decide that this is a new user. At the same time, if a potential buyer has never been to your site, Google Analytics will track him and mark him in the statistics.
Also, the statistics of ”new users" include those who use different devices to visit your site, and those who periodically clean cookies. Clearing cookies makes it impossible to read the user's attendance card, and therefore Google Analytics may make a mistake in this indicator.
3. How Google Analytics learns the user's gender
If you have ordered the creation of a turnkey online store and plan to sell women's clothing, then you will definitely need this function. In Google Analytics, you can not only find out if a user was on your site and how many users visited your site in total, but even what gender they were. To do this, Google Analytics has several ways at once, but we will focus on the most effective ones, namely, the Android advertising identifier and the IDFA advertising identifier for iOS.
Both identifiers work on the same principle, namely, they read user data using a smartphone and applications. Very often in mobile games you need to specify your gender and age, so this data quite legally gets into the search engine site first, and then, subject to the start of tracking this information– into your Google analytics. Thus, if your potential client visits games or applications and his gender and age are specified– your Google analytics will know this data as soon as the user visits this or that application. This opens up limitless opportunities for marketing, because having such knowledge with the help of the free Google Analytics tool, you can bypass all your competitors and become a niche leader, you only need to use the available data and capabilities correctly.
4. How does Google Analytics determine where traffic came from
Despite the fact that there are not so many variations on the Google Analytics page where traffic could come from, Google Analytics is still able to distinguish between different traffic sources on your online store's website. To do this, Google Analytics uses HTTP_REFERER. This referrer tells you where the traffic is coming from. It contains the email address of the source, which Google Analytics is able to attribute to a particular type of traffic source. For example, if a user went to your online store page from Instagram, then this information will be in the email address, and Google Analytics will recognize it and attribute the resulting transition to social sources.
By tracking the number of clicks from different sources, you can build a marketing strategy. Analyzing the indicators of transitions, specialists are able to predict which source needs to invest more funds to increase the available result. However, do not forget about the other sources, even if they are not too effective. In this case, each source can be effective, the main thing is to create a suitable marketing campaign that fully meets the needs and expectations of your potential customers.
5. How Google Analytics calculates the bounce rate
In this case, in order to accurately calculate the indicators, Google has adopted a strict calculation algorithm, where a failure is considered a session during which the user visited only one page of your site and then left.
In order for the refusal to turn into a session, the user needs to perform any action on the page of your site, while leaving the page he originally got to. The bounce rate does not affect the ranking of the site at the moment, but at the same time this indicator can tell you about errors on the pages of the site. In order to understand which pages have errors, it is only necessary to track the dynamics of changes in the bounce rate and find the page that is left most often. After auditing a page or the entire site, you will be able to see the full picture and correct errors that encourage users to leave your site.
6. How Google Analytics tracks events
In order to understand how Google Analytics works, it is necessary to understand what an event is in the understanding of this tool. For Google Analytics, an event is any action that you track. By launching your online store and using Google Analytics, you can set certain goals and track indicators. For example, you can track the number of completed forms or the number of bookmarks of certain products. This data can help your specialist collect a complete picture of user interaction with the site and mark the most popular functions or actions. If you track bookmarks in your personal account– then with the help of such data, you will be able to understand which products are of the greatest interest from potential buyers. In order to configure the event indicator, you need to specify the event category, the type of interaction and specify which group the event belongs to. Having figured out how to set up Google Analytics events or by contacting specialists, you will be able to expand your statistics, which can positively affect the quality of your marketing campaigns.
So the list of the most popular questions related to the principle of Google Analytics has come to an end. Looking at this list, it becomes clear why Google Analytics is one of the most popular tools for web analytics, but it is far from the only one. Each SEO specialist has his own set of tools for tracking indicators, which is why it is important to find a good specialist in this niche.
Despite the importance of analytics, you will not be able to achieve results with a broken site, and therefore, before you start tracking data using Google analytics, it is important to make sure that your site is ready to accept users. Turning to novice web studios, you are at great risk, because savings during the development of an online store can result in huge waste at the stage of website optimization and promotion. To avoid such a situation, you can order the creation of a turnkey online store from professionals, which will allow you to reduce the risk of errors on the site to zero.
In order to order the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of the Gloss web studio, you only need to use the information in the "contacts" tab. There you will find all the necessary information to contact our representatives. If you have any questions related to the services of the Gloss web studio– you can always get an exhaustive answer to them using an online chat posted on all pages of our site.
Start your business with the best – order the creation of an online store from the specialists of the Gloss web studio and start conquering the search results - tomorrow!
Online Store Development: Why users leave you with nothing
Trading on the Internet is one of the most popular niches in business, and there is quite a logical explanation for this. Thanks to the development of technology, the sale of goods via the Internet has become much easier than offline and, moreover, more profitable. By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store, you can get a website and get rid of the need to pay for the rent of a full-scale store.
You no longer need to keep a huge staff of consultants, there is no need to check how much your representatives know the assortment of the store. All you need after the online store has been developed and launched is two people, one of whom will monitor the accounting, and the second will advise customers by phone. Such a decrease in the number of employees multiplied by the lack of need to rent premises for offline trading is an excellent help in order to create an online store.
Despite how profitable it is to develop an online store - not all entrepreneurs get profit from their resources. There are a number of reasons associated with this, which we will consider in this article. In this article we will tell you about the 10 most popular reasons why customers leave you without shopping and throw baskets. After reading this article, you will be able to find out for what reasons your customers most often leave your site and how to deal with it. We will also look at the basic aspects of creating a successful online store in the current realities. This will allow you to prioritize more effectively during the development of an online store and, as a result, will allow you to increase the chances of your project's success.
Turnkey online store development – how business starts
Any business has several stages of development. The duration of each stage, as well as its financial profitability, largely depends on the decisions you make. The first most important decision among those that relate to the opening of your own online store is its development. Having ordered the creation of a turnkey online store, you make the first decision on which your further success will depend, and therefore it is better to prepare for this properly. In order to avoid mistakes and problems with the online store, the best solution would be to order the creation of a turnkey online store from well-known and leading professionals. Working with such specialists as the Gloss web studio team, you are guaranteed to get a high-quality online store or corporate website.
Do not forget that the quality of the developed online store directly affects both its success and the cost of its promotion. If you turned to a start-up company and at the same time your site contains certain errors, whether it's the download speed, or the lack of an intuitive structure - this will definitely result in consequences. In order to cope with the consequences of the mistakes of inexperienced developers, you will have to contact a specialist who will be able to audit the site and tell you exactly where to look for the reasons for low performance and high cost of marketing campaigns. After the expert assessment is received, you will need to contact the specialists whose jurisdiction includes correcting the errors you have, and only then your online store will be able to show its maximum result.
Needless to say, in a niche where hundreds of new online stores are created every day, procrastination even on a day can already be critical. If you do not want to wait and do not plan to spend extra money on finalizing the online store– the best solution is to contact professionals right away. Contact the representatives of the Gloss web studio using the phone number on the website and the information in the contacts tab, and order the development of an online store from the leaders of this niche. To get acquainted with the results of our team's work, as well as to see the list of those companies that cooperate with us on an ongoing basis, you can visit the corresponding tabs in the site menu.
Checklist: 5 reasons why customers leave your online store with nothing
The development of a turnkey online store has already been completed, you have optimized the site and launched a marketing campaign, time has passed – but there are no buyers, why is that? In fact, there are millions of reasons why your customers may not buy products in your store, but we don't like abstraction. In order to answer this question, we collected data on indicators from various Internet resources, and also consulted with experts to come to the conclusion that there are only 5 most popular reasons why customers do not buy anything on the site. After reviewing the list of these reasons, you will not only be able to create a successful online store from scratch, but also help your existing online store cope with difficulties and find its customers.
To achieve the desired result, you should think about what is wrong with your site. To simplify your task, we have created a checklist of the 5 most common reasons why the buyer left with nothing. The list of mandatory reasons for familiarization for any entrepreneur engaged in trade is as follows:
1. Annoying consultants or an irritating factor
We all know how annoying consultants can sometimes be in offline stores. Every user understands that this is just a job for a person, but when you plan to make an expensive purchase, and at the moment of your thoughts someone interferes with your personal space - it becomes at least uncomfortable. Overly intrusive behavior of consultants often leads to the fact that users simply no longer enter this store without urgent need, which of course negatively affects the company's income.
Despite the fact that online stores have stepped far ahead – they also have such annoying consultants, but they are usually disguised as online assistants. There are online stores of various sizes on the Internet – and not every one of them is able to afford hiring an employee who will be able to respond to messages 24/7. That is why online stores most often resort to the help of bots and certain scripts that allow you to create the illusion of live communication.
When the window with the help chat is not large and does not prevent a potential buyer from choosing a product, everything goes fine, but as soon as such a window stretches to half the screen or does not allow you to make a purchase, or exit the page - without closing the tab - it starts to be incredibly annoying.
In order to avoid losing customers, you should use online assistants wisely, this function should not force the user to resort to your help. Most users who visit the catalog of products for smartphones already know what they need to buy. In this case, the annoying help of an "online consultant" can only upset the user's plans and deprive your online store of an addition to the income line.
2. Lack of trust and loyalty to the store
More recently, in order to succeed in the Internet business, it was enough to simply order the creation of an online store on a turnkey basis. Since then, a lot has changed and, in particular, competition has changed in absolutely all niches of online commerce.
Now, when creating an online store, you need to think through a strategy to attract customers and provide them with maximum comfort, but that's not all. First of all, it is important that you can convince the client of your reliability. Selling affordable goods, you most likely will not be burdened with such an urgent need, which cannot be said about the niche of household appliances or electronics. The current cost of electronics forces users to look for more affordable offers and most often the most interesting prices for appliances and electronics are just in new online stores. At the same time, it is worth remembering that your client has no guarantees, and therefore it is worth showing him in every possible way not only your competence, but also effectiveness. By publishing information about yourself and the store's team on the site, taking reviews and holding all sorts of events, you can show your potential client that you are a real person and you have no reason to be afraid to show yourself or provide some data about yourself. Always remember that your client is not a search algorithm, your client is a living person for whom it is important to be sure that he will not be deceived.
3. Difficulties during checkout and related problems
Placing an order online is a simple action that any child can handle now. This statement is true, but do not forget that now children are literally "born” with a smartphone in hand. This means that now the development of new technologies among the younger generation is several dozen times higher than that of the older one, and this should not be forgotten.
By placing a dozen different forms and pop-up ads on your site, you can scare an inexperienced user, which will only harm your sales. If your goal is to increase profits– you should forget about complex forms and simplify the ordering process as much as possible. One of the best solutions to simplify the ordering process is to use the “buy in one click" button. By placing such a button in your online store, you will not only be able to simplify the task for your customers, but also open up new opportunities for additional sales. The thing is that by clicking on this button, the user needs to enter his phone number, by which the manager of your online store will contact him. Using certain knowledge and skills, your manager can double the total amount of the buyer's check - only by advising related products. Thus, by abandoning complex forms and taking a step towards simplification, you can not only avoid negative consequences, but also convert them into revenue.
4. Negative experience with the online store
By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store from specialists, you are guaranteed not to assume anything negative. Hence the question arises, how can your online store cause anger or apathy if all it has is goods and information?
In fact, in order to cause irritation and negative user experience, you do not need to do anything personally, because the system can do everything for you. Have you probably come across forms in online stores that, because of one missing field, delete everything that was previously entered and force you to go through the whole process anew? This is what most often annoys potential buyers.
When developing an online store, you need to always remember that there are also people on the other side of the World Wide Web and they tend to experience human feelings. If you plan to create an online store and make it successful - try to reduce to zero all the factors that can give your customer a negative experience. Thus, you will not only avoid rejection from the consumer, but also probably acquire a new regular customer.
5. Upsets and work on them
The emotional state greatly affects whether the user wants to buy something. As a rule, if a potential buyer is in a great mood, then the chance that he will buy something is extremely high, but if he is upset about something, then any little thing can force him to close your online store and continue doing his business.
Your online store can also contribute to this and we will tell you - using the example of a promo code. When a user places an order, and the store uses or issues promo codes, most often there is a line “enter a promo code” in the order form. This line is static in the sense that it is often used as a template – and very unnecessarily.
70% of online stores never explain how to get a promo code, while they give users the opportunity to enter it or think about why they don't have it yet? In a certain situation, such thoughts can lead a potential buyer to upset, which naturally will affect his desire to buy further. Of course, if a user decides that he needs to buy something on your online store's website– he will place an order, but the probability that he will add at least one more product to the basket is negligible.
In order to avoid such a situation, you should think about different templates for making a purchase. This will allow you to avoid frustration on the part of users who do not own promo codes. Another great solution would be an offer for regular customers who have their own personal account - to store the promo codes received in it. Thus, by choosing a product, the user will be able to decide whether to use the existing promo code or not, at the same time as a potential buyer visiting your online store for the first time will not be upset that he does not have any promo codes.
Summing up this checklist, it should be noted that most of its items are not critical. At the same time, it is amazing how much things that many do not even notice can affect the desire and ability to buy. Following the tips available in the listed items, you will be able to get rid of the most popular reasons for low sales, which will most likely help you achieve your goal.
Despite the fact that this list is incomplete, it contains the main majority of problems that cause the buyer to refuse to purchase. At the same time, there are much more global problems, because of which users refuse to purchase goods. These include outdated design, annoying pop-up forms, lack of intuitive navigation and many other aspects of creating an online store. In order to reduce the chances of such problems to zero, you will need specialists in their field with many years of experience, such as the Gloss web studio.
The Gloss web studio team has been developing online stores and creating corporate websites for 13 years. By ordering the development of an online store from us, you will get advice from a specialist and a whole team that will develop your dream online store for you in the shortest possible time. In addition to website development, our specialists can also help you with its optimization and promotion – which will significantly reduce the amount of time needed to create and launch a successful business on the Internet.
Gloss Web Studio is a full-cycle studio that allows us to provide all services related to web development. We have been working in this niche for 13 years and during this time we were able not only to acquire partners around the world, but also to become leaders in this segment in Ukraine.
If you are interested in opening your own online store and are planning to order the creation of an online store or a turnkey corporate website – but have not yet decided on a team, contact us. Our specialists will not only give you a detailed briefing, but will develop an online store of your dreams taking into account all current requirements, ranking factors and the search engines themselves. By contacting us, you are guaranteed to receive a high-quality web resource that can compete with your competitors - from the first day of its launch.
In order to learn more about the services of the Glyanec web studio, you can use the site menu. You can also contact our representatives by phone or via online chat. Our managers will answer all your questions related to the services of the Glyanec web studio and help you make the right choice.
If you still haven't decided to order the creation of an online store – check out our portfolio and make sure that our goal is quality. If you are ready to place an order for the development of a turnkey online store - contact our representatives by the phone number indicated on the main page of the site and in the contacts tab and order the website of your dreams today!
Increasing the buyer's receipt: The “Buy in one click” function
An online store is a website that hosts hundreds of products with a convenient opportunity to buy everything that the user needs. The online store bypasses the offline solutions familiar to many on all fronts, because it not only offers a more valuable user experience and a convenient purchase process, but also significantly more choice. The catalog of an online store may contain thousands of products, this is not an acceptable luxury for a standard offline store.
Creating a turnkey online store is a service that has been popular since its inception. By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store, an entrepreneur can get a ready-made website that is already ready to go out and attract potential customers. By ordering the development of an online store from professionals, you can reduce the risk of making mistakes that may be made during the creation of an online store, and by contacting the leaders in this niche - and completely eliminate the possibility of errors.
The development of an online store is a long process that can be divided into stages and systematically move towards the goal. You can create an online store with your own hands – but in this case you will need a huge amount of time and knowledge associated with several specifics at once. If you want to create an online store and launch a business related to online trading in a certain niche– you should think about saving time. By ordering the creation of an online store from the specialists of the Gloss web studio, you can get your online resource in the shortest possible time. Gloss Web Studio has been a leader in the niche of online store development and corporate website creation for 13 years. To get acquainted with the examples of Internet resources that were created by our specialists, you can use the appropriate tab in the site menu.
After the development of the online store has been completed, the long-awaited moment of sales begins. Despite the fact that your online store can be of high quality and optimized, this cannot guarantee success. In order to make a profit and increase it, while doing sales on the Internet - you have to constantly improve your website. One of the techniques to increase the average customer's check, and hence the average profit of the created online store, is the “buy in one click" function.
In this article, we will tell you in detail about what the “buy in one click" button is for. After reading this article, you will not only be able to emphasize some ideas for yourself, but also get a real opportunity to create a successful turnkey online store with the support of our specialists. Find out why you need the “buy in one click" button and make your online business even more profitable.
The "Buy in one click" function – how one button can change everything
In recent years, competition among online stores has reached its apogee. The reason why there are several hundred more online stores every day is because of quarantine restrictions that have affected all entrepreneurs on the planet. Due to the restrictions, not only the purchasing power of customers decreased, but also there were bans on trading in whole groups of goods – which of course affected the business as a whole. Despite this, entrepreneurs who have paid due attention to the process of developing an online store, its design and planning its development - still managed to succeed and are achieving it right now. But how to do it?
We live in a time when the customer can no longer be surprised by a large catalog of products. By ordering the creation of an online store, you have only taken the first step. After developing an online store, you will be waiting for the process of its optimization and finally promotion – but how can these processes be accelerated. In order to speed up the creation of a turnkey online store and its optimization, you should contact a full-cycle web studio, such as Gloss web studio. Our company provides a full range of services. We can create an online store in accordance with your ideas, expectations and requirements, optimize it and launch its promotion using one or several marketing campaigns at once. Our specialists can create advertising that will definitely expand the horizons of your customer base and allow you to attract more potential customers. But what is the secret of attracting customers, if marketing is discarded?
The main secret of attracting customers in 2021-2022 is convenience and comfort. While there are more and more online stores in different niches every day– the only way for many companies to bypass their competitors is to provide their customers with more comfort and opportunities. One of these features is the “buy in one click" button.
The one-click buy button is an extremely simple tool that will allow you to increase the number of sales in the online store. The button itself can be designed in accordance with the design of your online store, because the most important thing in this case is not the design, but the content.
The only function of this button is the ability to buy one item without the need to go to the cart and place an order. Your potential client can simply click on the button and indicate his number - wait for a call from the manager, to whom he will be able to call the post office on the phone to which he needs to deliver the parcel. Some sites are also able to interact with data from Google.
Google constantly collects data that you enter on various sites. In the future, this allows the search engine to save you time on entering data that you have already entered earlier. You can simply click on the dialog box that appears with the suggested address, phone number and even card number - and order a purchase. This opportunity opens up new horizons both for online stores and for users directly. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of the “buy in one click" button?"Let's figure it out!
Advantages and disadvantages of the “buy in one click” function
The “buy in one click" button is quite a popular solution. Do not forget that when ordering the creation of a turnkey online store, many entrepreneurs try to adapt as many successful solutions as possible for their project. However, not every online store needs such a button.
The functionality of the “buy in one click" button is extremely limited. Under certain circumstances, its presence may lead to a regression in the aspect of profitability of your online store and then we will tell you why this may happen. In order to decide whether you need the “buy in one click” function on the site, it is initially worth considering its advantages and disadvantages. If we talk about the advantages, then their list looks like this:
1. Saving potential customers' time
Nowadays, the pace of life is accelerating every year and it is important for each user that his time is not wasted. The amount of time it takes to place an order on your website directly affects the customer's attitude to your store. Thus, the less time a user needs to buy your product– the higher their loyalty, and the more likely they are to continue using your services.
Of course, the “buy in one click" button is not a panacea for saving user time. In order to provide your client with maximum comfort - at the stage of creating a turnkey online store, you need to focus on the quality of the user interface and the intuitiveness of the site itself. The easier it is for your client to find the product– the less time it will take, the higher the chance of conversion. However, do not forget about the page loading speed.
In order to create a fast online store with an intuitive structure and a clear interface, you need to have solid experience not only in design, but also in the field of website creation. If your goal is a successful online store – in this case, the ideal solution would be to order the creation of an online store from professionals. By contacting the Gloss website creation studio, you are guaranteed to receive a high-quality turnkey online store, which will be developed taking into account all existing ranking factors. In the future, this will have a positive impact not only on the amount of traffic on your site, but also on the effectiveness and cost of marketing campaigns.
You can achieve such results by contacting professionals in their field, specialists of the Gloss web studio. Learn more about all the services of the Gloss website creation studio and order the ones you need - you can use the site menu.
2. Convenience for users of all age categories
Internet trading fundamentally corresponds to ordinary offline trading. There is also demand, supply, and target audience in online commerce. The only difference is that by opening an offline store, you are limited in the size of your customer base, the place where your store is located. Creating an online store completely removes this restriction, because now you can sell goods all over the country using the services of postal companies. At the same time, the list of age categories with which you can work and offer your products is also expanding.
Standard order processing and payment on the website are almost impossible tasks for most representatives of the older generation. It is the complexity of ordering that often stops representatives of the older generation before buying on the Internet and forces them, as before, to go to an offline store. By giving your customers the opportunity to purchase goods in one click– you can significantly expand your customer base.
By adding the “buy in one click" button, you will give representatives of any age category the opportunity to freely use the features and catalog of your store, while minimally burdening them with entering the card number and other data. All that your buyer will need to do after choosing the product is to enter his phone number, which your representative will call him later. By enabling potential customers to get rid of the need to enter credit card numbers and simplifying the ordering process as much as possible, you can not only significantly expand your target audience, but also acquire regular customers who will be comfortable working with you.
3. The human factor
The Internet is an effective and multifaceted tool, but even it is not able to replace live communication for users. Using the “order in one click" button, your potential buyer will talk to your representative, which opens up a whole bunch of opportunities for your business. Using the services of specialists in the field of management and sales, you will be able to increase the amount in the user's final receipt by 1.5-2 times only on one phone call. Such an opportunity can significantly affect both the income of your business and its success.
Despite the beauty of such a function as "buy in one click”, it has a number of disadvantages. Compared to the advantages, they are not critical and yet they have a place to be. If we talk about the disadvantages of the “buy in one click" function, then they should include:
1. The appearance of the risk associated with the human factor
After the customer clicks on the buy button in one click, he enters his phone number. If he made a mistake while entering the phone number– your representative will not be able to contact him, which is why the order will not take place.
2. Limited purchase
The effectiveness of the “buy in one click" function is beyond doubt, but unfortunately it is able to work with only one product. Its original meaning is not to send the user to the shopping cart, because he needs only one product. However, unfortunately, it will not work out to use this function when buying several products.
3. The burden on your company's managers
By creating a turnkey online store, you will somehow come to the conclusion that you need a minimum staff. When a user makes a purchase through a product catalog, the manager is not involved in this process in any way, because everything happens on the Internet page. At the same time, the appearance of the “buy in one click” function can significantly increase the load on your managers. In addition, it is important that your managers are professionals in their field, because the final cost of the buyer's receipt depends on them in this case.
Summing up, we can say with all confidence that the “buy in one click" function can definitely help your online store become even more profitable. This feature can increase the number of sales and increase the comfort for your users, but at the same time you need to have a sufficient staff of managers who know their business.
In order to succeed selling goods on the Internet, it is important to observe three components, namely:
- The creation of your online store should be handled by professionals.
- The promotion of your online store should be handled by specialists.
- Sales of goods using the “buy in one click” function should be handled by experienced managers.
- Observing these points, you can significantly increase the probability of success and create a truly successful online store.
If you plan to order the creation of a turnkey online store, contact leading specialists. This way you can increase the prospects of your future business and reduce the risk of making mistakes during development. By ordering the creation of a turnkey online store from the specialists of the Gloss web studio, you are guaranteed to receive a high-quality Internet resource ready for competition and victories.
To order the creation of a turnkey online store, its optimization and promotion, you can use the information in the contacts tab. You can also contact our representatives by phone or via online chat. Representatives of the Gloss web studio will answer all your questions and help with solving any difficulties associated with the development of an online store.
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