Sushi bar Yama food delivery site

We developed a food delivery site for the YAMA sushi bar. On the website you can familiarize yourself with the assortment of dishes in the Menu. Each city has a different set of dishes and categories.
The website also provides information: about promotions, delivery payment terms, contacts.
A convenient system for processing orders and notifications by city has been developed for managers.
Additional functions: separation of information on the site by city, bonus program, integration with internal programs of the institution.
The website also provides information: about promotions, delivery payment terms, contacts.
A convenient system for processing orders and notifications by city has been developed for managers.
Additional functions: separation of information on the site by city, bonus program, integration with internal programs of the institution.

What did we do?
Spent time

Home page

Tools and Technology
which we used to work on the site

Internal pages